
The life of a reincarnate is always good MHA

Warning, use of translator. He was trapped indefinitely in the void. After finally reincarnating, he discovered how real life is not a fiction.

Danonethick · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 3: some deaths

According to my information, this would be the place where a group of bandits meet. Perfect location for me gets to forehead my skills.

In front of a crumbling building, I put my mask in the style Obito of the 3°war.

Putting my hand on the door, I see that it is locked. But I simply manipulate it to open, and entered the place.

"What you... *Agh*" the first to notice tried to say something. But I only touched the wall, and several thorns appear where it pierces several locations of his body.

"Has something happened?" Another voice appears. And a man walks slowly to the place, but see nothing.


Looking up. He only sees me falling with a thorn in my right hand, which goes through his left eye is out the other side of his head.

I took his body, put it on the wall, so to speak, and continued throughout the building while killing anyone in front of me.




I am finally on the top floor. I must say that the way here was extremely bloody, without any pity. I even crushed some bodies using the wall like a snake.

*Toc* *Toc* I simply knock on the door as if it were a visit. " You can come in" I hear a slightly tired voice. Putting my hand on the door, I handle it to make several thorns from the inside and throw in different directions.

"I'm coming in..." I talk as I pass through the big hole in the door. I've used her material to make the thorns.

Oh, in until it's not ugly, some Chinese-style decorations, along with a mafioso touch. What draws my attention is the man sitting at a large round table with his body covered in thorns made of wood.

Walking up to him, I noticed that he opens his eyes a little and looks at me. When I got to his side, I put my hand in his chair and manipulated it so that he would be trapped with various ribbons all over his body.

"You could tell me places like this ?" When he goes to say something, I raise my hand and some green balls appear, where I throw in one of her wounds and she recovers.

"If you delay, you will die of lack of blood..." I speak in a playful tone. But for the man that was almost a shock, as he gave me several names that I just wrote down with a notebook that I took out of my jacket.

Ah, yes, I'm dressed almost exactly like the Obito da 3°guerra, since it's a great outfit to hide its appearance... Finishing up, he looks at me with hope, and I feel like laughing, a bald man with tattoos. Looking at me like that is pretty disgusting.

I simply retrieve it and left the scene leaving it stuck. Outside, I light a lighter, where I slowly throw it, making a big explosion. What did I do? I manipulated some inflatable gases into the air into the building.


I don't like to keep explaining because I lose the will to write.

So please be patient as I will explain everything calmly.