
Chapter 22: Chaos

Genesis: .... you know mavis when I heard you said to come visit you I thought that meant I needed to go to your guild not you come to me.

Sitting down in a meditative position Genesis was having to hold himself back from snapping since he could feel two eyes staring at him making him a but uncomfortable.

Mavis: That is true, but I have a few request I like to ask of you.

Genesis: And what may those request be?

Mavis: Well first one is the fact on if you are willing to be her brother.

Genesis: PFHHHHHH!

Mavis had decided to just wait for genesis to stop overreacting to her question and get a straight answer since it seemed like a simple question to her. All she is wanting is for her daughter, its complicated, to have a family figure in her life while she grows up to be a mage.

Mavis: Are you done yet?

Genesis: Well sorry for reacting like that since you had basically had just asked if I could be apart of your family!?

Mavis: Well that wasn't really what I was going for but hey if you wish to I could do that!

Genesis: .... F*** me.

Mavis: Language.

Sighing softly Genesis looked towards mavis to see that she was being serious again meaning that she is wanting him to be a brother figure to Wendy, but genesis knew that with this comes that fact he will at one point have to deal with the Father side of the family and we all know how that goes.

Mavis: Oh don't worry about Zeref and August, they already know of her and actually agree with what I want.

Genesis: Wait they know about me!?

That had made Genesis wish that he can die again knowing that his life is fated to die if he doesn't accept this since two MAJOR powerhouses know of his existence which sucks very badly.

Mavis: Oh yes they know of you, do you think I wouldn't visit what can be considered my son and husband?

Genesis: .... oh my god you guys are married.

Mavis: Yep, Turns out there are more gods out there and one had came to him one day and just sealed the killing part of his curse!

Genesis just stared at Mavis seeing the excited look appear on her face before he sighed knowing that this is going to be apart of his life now, though he is now cursing the god who had caused this chaos.

*With Solomon*

Solomon: Achoo!

In the void where Solomon and Genesis had first met Solomon was reincarnating souls when all of a sudden he had sneezed causing him to be confused before a small smile appeared on his face realizing on why he had sneezed.

Solomon: Ah it seems Genesis found out about the little thing I did, well hope he enjoys it since I did like those mages.

Honestly sealing certain parts of the curse was quite easy for him to do but he couldn't fully seal away the curse since it would be interfering with the "plot" too much so he could only do that. But when he did seal most of the curse away he just teleported mavis and august to zeref, told them everything they should know, and left on his merry way.

Solomon: Well anyways time to get back to my job!

*Back to Genesis*

Genesis: So basically your little family is want me, a celestial spirit, to be a brother figure for wendy?

Mavis: Yes that is correct.

Genesis: Is there any other request you wish to ask of me?

Mavis: Well now that you mention it, Zeref is wanting you to keep an eye on Natsu, Irene is wanting you to keep her updated on her daughter, August is also wanting for you to-

Genesis: I didn't mean that literally, and since when did that dragon know of me!

Mavis: Since Zeref had told her when I told them about you.

Genesis: ....

Closing his eyes Genesis decided to do the right thing and think about everything that was revealed to him, so first off he basically needs to say F*** you to what he knows. Second off it seems Zeref and Mavis are in a relationship somehow and that Mavis knows of August, and now it seems Irene is also wanting to hop on the Crazy train by wanting to know more about her daughter.

Genesis: .... Is there anything else I need to know before I answer your question.

Mavis: Hmm..... Nope I think that's it.

Nodding his head Genesis had decided to just answer this question briefly before he goes and try out a little experiment that had popped up in his head ever since this has happened.

Genesis: After hearing everything that has been requested of me, even if I am mostly being forced unless I wish to die, I am willing to accept these request.

Mavis: Great now then let me go tell the others and- Wait where are you going?

Genesis: Nowhere just going to see how much does it take to get a celestial spirit drunk!

Watching as Genesis- or is it her son now since she did kinda adopt him?- walks towards the town of magnolia for some reason, mavis had decided to just shrug her shoulders while she looks towards the house her daughter is in before she looks towards the wolf who had just watched all of this happen.

Mavis: I can trust you to protect her while I am gone right?

Seeing lobo nod his head Mavis got up before walking behind a tree in order to teleport towards her husband and tell her the news, honestly she is a bit excited since her family is growing even if she is dead and that she does have another person to talk to.

Mavis: I wonder if genesis is going to celebrate?

*Time skip*

Genesis: Why can't I get drunk.....

Sitting down in a bar a small cloud formed from genesis depression was raining down on him causing people to look at him in confusion before they shrugged it off as his magic reacting to his emotions.

Bartender: Sorry sir but that was the strongest thing we have here.

Genesis: I see....

Standing up Genesis had decided to just leave the pouch of money he had on him before slowly walking out of the bar and towards where wendy is so that he can wallow in his sadness until wendy wakes up.

Genesis: Though on a bright note the alcohol industry does know how to make tasty beer!

That was one of the good things that did come out of his little experiment to try and get drunk, turns out their is alcohol magic which allows one to do whatever they so wish with alcohol so many just use it to create interesting flavors like Cinnamon beer.

???: Yeah I can agree with you on that note!

Turning his head Genesis froze when he saw another powerhouse looking at him with a big smile on his face, of course its not because of the fact of how strong he is its more so of the fact of the amount of chaos that is happening behind the man.

Genesis: .... does that usually happen?

Seeing at what Genesis was pointing at a sheepish smile formed on the man's face while he rubbed the back of his head seeing the aout of chaos he had caused by just walking into magnolia.

???: Yeah sorry about that, usually they know ahead of time that I am coming but I did arrive a bit earlier then expected.

Genesis: I see, and you are?

???: Gildarts.

Nodding his head knowing that he is talking to the ace of fairy tail genesis was about to turn around and walk back to wendy when he felt a metal hand on his shoulder causing him to freeze and wonder why gildarts was stopping him.

Genesis: Is there a reason why your stopping me?

Gildarts: Nothing, just wondering on what is a celestial spirit doing out here?

Genesis: ... would you accept the answer that I wanted to try out the beer.

Gildarts: That depends on whether the fact on if you are-

Wendy: Um genesis who is this?

Turning his head Genesis saw that wendy was in front of him with Lobo sitting right behind her causing him to look towards the sky to see that it was morning.

Genesis: Huh guess I was in there longer then I expected.

Gildarts: What the?

Gildarts will admit he didn't expect a kid to be here and to be the master of the celestial spirit in front of him, he could sense the small bit of magic flowing from wendy to the spirit and the wolf behind her but there was also the fact her magic was somewhat similar to Natsu's magic meaning she is also a dragon slayer.

Wendy: Am I interrupting something?

Genesis: Nope In fact my dear little sister I had found a Fairy tail mage who is willing to take us to the guild!

Wendy: Really!

Turning her head towards Gildarts who was sweating now realizing the situation genesis put him in, he quickly sent a glare towards genesis who just grinned in response before turning his head back to wendy who was looking at him with stars in her eyes.

Gildarts: Yeah that's right! Your older brother had told me you were wanting to join and I don't see why you can't.

Wendy: Really!

Gildarts: Yep!

Seeing the excited look Gildarts will admit it is a bit refreshing to see a scene like this and he does thank Genesis a bit but he is keeping that in the dark to never see the light again.

Genesis: Well Mr. Gildarts won't you take us to the guild?

Gildarts: S-Sure lets go!

Laughing at the tic mark appearing on Gildarts face while wendy is excited to go potentially join the guild she was wanting to, genesis had just decided that today may just be one of those days where a "small" amount of chaos happens and that everything will work out in the end.

Genesis: I mean its not as if more chaos will happen while I am here.... right?

Alight first off sorry for taking a bit longer then usual to upload a chapter, something happened and I needed to get it done, and second off I know with what is happening with Mavis and Zeref NOT true but this is a au and as such kinda allows me to do this.

WiseKrowcreators' thoughts