
School Yard Spar

As time continued to pass, Sasuke celebrated the first of his two birthdays with Naruto at the famous ramen shop Ichiraku. They challenged each other to a pointless eat off, as Sasuke couldn't finish his fourth bowl as Naruto was downing his eighth in record time. Sasuke woke up the next day to village panic as someone had painted over the hokage monument "Ichiraku ramen battle 28-4 better luck next time teme" which coincidently was the same score Sasuke lost in the ramen battle last night. Soon Sasukes other birthday rolled around as he celebrated his life and birth as Reo Suzuki quietly and alone. Remembering all the good moments he had together with his mother and twin sisters. As both birthdays were long in the past and the calendar kept flipping forward so did Sasukes' days of training.

Sasuke sat on the pier on the lake, his legs hanging over the side dangling his feet in the water, as he pondered a particularly hard jutsu to get down. "I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong?" Sasuke pondered out loud to himself. He started to think back to his time on earth when he was learning how oxygen interacted with fire, how it can feed the flame. "Maybe the flame isn't fed enough, maybe I need to wait a second before I breath out" Sasuke continued to ponder. Sasuke stood up 'enough pondering more action' he thought as he brought his hands together and started to channel chakra to his lungs. His hands blurred with speed as he started doing the hand signs. Snake, ram, monkey, boar, horse and tiger as he finished the last hand sign he took a deep breath bringing his hands to his mouth creating a funnel for the flame to escape to. Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu he yelled as a fire traveled out his mouth and through the funnel his hands created forming into a fireball that extended halfway across the lake. The heat of the fire sizzled the lake as the twenty foot fireball continued to scorch the top of the water. As if life couldn't get any better Sasuke noticed in his open left hand corner of his eye sight that a notification bar was jiggling, as his experience bar became completely empty again. 'Open notifications' he said in his mind, as he began reading the congratulatory message at reaching level six and gaining an additional five stat points. While we was in the notification tab he took a look at the amount of chakra that Katon jutsu used. He finished reading the combat log as he muttered to himself "So it takes twenty chakra points out of my total of a one hundred and ten."

The next morning Sasuke got out of bed, cooked himself breakfast and got himself ready to go to the ninja academy. He enjoyed the cold morning of fall as he felt the chilly breeze blow past him as he entered into the academy and headed to his classroom. As Sasuke got into his normal seat and took out his almost completed Sealing for Dummies part one book, he noticed on the chalkboard that after lunch the class was going to start to practice sparring. The class lecture kept going as Sasuke payed little attention to what was being said, he kept focusing on drawing the explosive tag seal using a normal pencil on normal paper. He didn't like wasting expensive seal paper and ink on practicing a seal he still didn't believe he could complete successfully. This is how he learned to draw the seal until he really did try to create it to completion. Slowly the morning disappeared and the afternoon took its place. "Time for lunch."Iruka sensei said loudly so some of the class that was sleeping would get a chance to wake up and eat before the sparring began next period. Sasuke grabbed his scroll and headed out the door with Naruto to find a spot in the shade to eat. As they both sat down Sasuke unrolled the scroll and unsealed his piping hot lunch and a bowl of boiling water he sealed last night.

Sasuke handed the bowl of boiling water to Naruto as he grabbed it while he was taking the plastic off of his instant ramen meal. Sasuke started eating his own lunch looking at all the possible victims that were going to be facing him in the spar. Naruto opened the lid of his instant ramen and poured the boing water in the cup and as he closed the lid he asked Sasuke "hey who do you want to spar against and who do you not want to go up against." Sasuke took a few minutes considering the possibilities of different opponents he would face. As Sasuke started to speak Naruto was just pulling back the lid of his ramen seeing if it was ready yet, "I think if I had to face someone it would be Shikamaru Nara, he would likely surrender so no one would be able to see what level skill my taijutsu is yet." Sasuke finished explaining, Naruto deciding that the ramen was ready, begun drinking the soup as he shoveled noodles into his mouth with his chopsticks. "Who I wouldn't want to fight would probably be you" Sasuke said to a wide eyed Naruto as Sasuke finished his explanation "Yeah, you fight like an unpredictable monkey that only likes to brawl in the streets, it's no fun at all." Sasuke finished, as Naruto had to turn his face away as ramen was spraying out of his mouth. "Hey!" Naruto explained "I just don't have anyone to teach me anything so I just go to what's natural" Naruto said. "Oh so you're comfortable as monkey street brawler then?" Sasuke asked Naruto.

"Gather up kids" Iruka sensei and Mizuki were standing near a well-worn out patch of grass. "Ok kids, do you see this?" Iruka pointed to a thirty foot circle of ground up soil surrounded by an outline of white chalk. "This is where we will be doing the sparring" continued Iruka "As I call two names you both enter the circle on opposite sides, bow to each other and prepare to spar on my signal. This is a taijutsu only, no chakra allowed, no killing movies if you know any and you must stop on my say. Understand?" Iruka sensei said as he finished with the rules, "Yes Iruka sensi" the class said together. "Naruto Uzumaki you are up first and you will be fighting Kiba Inuzuka. Both of you please get up in the ring." Iruka states as Naruto stands up Sasuke slaps his back "go get him you unpredictable monkey." Naruto scratches the back of his head as he starts getting up towards to ring. As both contenders are about to walk in the ring Kiba sets his pup just outside of the boundaries of the ring, "watch me kick his ass Akamaru" Kiba growls through his throat and turns around and continues into the ring hearing his pup barking and rooting him on. As Naruto and Kiba both face each other inside the sparring ring they both begun to bow to each other. As they each straighten from the bow they get into their fighting stances. Iruka eyes them both carefully "remember you must stop on my say so, and fight!"

As the word fight escapes from Iruka's lips, Kiba instantly drops his fighting stance and crouches low to the ground as Naruto recklessly runs directly at the crouched Kiba. Naruto starts to pick up speed getting closer to Kiba soon he's only a few feet away, as Kiba sees this as the perfect distance, while crouched he takes a handful of dirt from the ground and flings it at Naruto's eyes. Naruto skids to a halt as he reactively brings both his hands to cover and protect his eyes from the dirt, leaving the rest of his body open and undefended. Kiba springs forward with a somersault carrying his moment as he lands right in front of a blind Naruto and launches his cocked fist directly into Naruto's stomach. "Oof" you hear from Naruto as he is slides back, his feet skidding against the ground trying to stay inside the ring. Kiba presses his advantage and chases after the weakened Naruto. Naruto finally able to open his eyes sees Kibas fist only inches from his face as the powerful punch slams into his cheek staggering Naruto back inches away from the white chalk. Kiba greedily sees that he is one punch from victory 'even if Naruto blocks the punch I'll still force him over the line and win' Kiba thinks to himself. Kiba continues pressing his attack and cocks his fist back for the last punch, as his punch is launched and aimed for Narutos left shoulder. Naruto latches onto Kiba's outstretched arm and turns around so his back is facing Kiba. 'He got him' Sasuke says to himself, as Kibas arm is now over Naruto's shoulder, Naruto still latched on to Kibas arm and uses Kibas own momentum to throw him over his shoulder and on to the ground right outside the ring. As Kiba hits the ground the class can hear his bones rattle. "End" Iruka says making sure both parties know that the fight is done. "Good job Naruto, way to turn defeat into victory. Kiba don't be in such a rush you had him on the ropes from the start until you became greedy." Said Iruka giving both boys as much advice as possible.