
The Library of the Soul

In a universe where reality merges with fantasy, Kael's life transforms upon discovering an ancestral legacy within the pages of ancient tomes. Accompanied by an eclectic group of companions and an enigmatic young woman, he ventures into a labyrinth of supernatural secrets and dangers. Every page of this fantastic epic takes readers on an emotional journey filled with unexpected discoveries, dramatic twists, and a vast ocean of knowledge in a world brimming with enigmas, where magic and destiny intertwine in a captivating dance between the known and the supernatural.

TLOTSoul · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 7 - Night Deception

Two figures burst into the forest, challenging the beasts with an unmatched display of power and skill. Kael, blind but attuned to the essence of living beings, sensed the presence of these newcomers. His mind quivered at the roar of fury and the heat of the magic that accompanied them.

The first to emerge, a barbarian in his purest form, epitomized rage in its rawest state—an Initiate of Fury. His musculature bore scars from countless battles, and his gaze radiated unbridled intensity. When he entered his Initial Fury, he became a whirlwind of power and destruction, and with each step, the earth trembled beneath his feet.

By his side, a Fire Elementalist exuded an aura of ancestral magic merging with the strength of nature itself. He held fire in his hands, an unquenchable blaze laden with the promise of destruction. As an Elemental Initiate, his fire spells were the prelude to a storm of flames showing no mercy.

With a roar that echoed in the hearts of all present, the barbarian channeled his fury into Devastating Blows. His fists became unstoppable rams that shattered the beasts with each impact, and the creatures' bodies twisted and crumbled, their natural resilience futile against the unleashed force of this unrelenting warrior.

Kael heard the thunder of his punches and the crunching of beasts' bones, warning Elías in a tense voice, "Be careful with the barbarian! He's in a state of extreme fury. We shouldn't get in his way, but his rage doesn't differentiate between friends and foes. Don't make sudden movements near him, or he might attack without a second thought. Stay alert and safe, Elías."

The Fire Elementalist, on the other hand, invoked Unique Elemental Control, filling the air with sparks and smoke as his magic reached its climax. He cast a spell that turned his hand into a flaming torch and, with a majestic gesture, created a torrent of fire that enveloped the beasts in a deadly fiery dance. The glow of the flames illuminated the night, and the infernal heat permeated the forest.

Kael felt the searing heat of their magic and the smell of burnt air, urgently advising Elías, "Elías, stay away from the Fire Elementalist! His magic is lethal and shows no mercy. If you get too close, you might be engulfed in his flames. Stay out of his reach and avoid his magic."

The two strangers, a mage and a warrior whose origins remained a mystery, displayed a mastery that elevated them far above novices.

Elías's eyes widened at the display of power and skill by the two strangers. They seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, just as the beasts had cornered them. With impressive strength and magic, they faced the creatures with a finesse that placed them far above novices. Fire and fury were their weapons, and the beasts their victims. Elías couldn't believe what he was witnessing.

Injured and exhausted, he clung to Kael, hoping it was all over. He weakly said, "Kael, I think we're saved. Those two have come to help us; they've finished off all the beasts. Maybe we can ask for their help, or at least let them take us with them."

Blind and in pain, Kael didn't share Elías's optimism. He knew the situation was much graver than it seemed. His acute hearing and knowledge of the beasts allowed him to detect the looming danger.

He responded gravely, "Elías, we're not saved. We're in the middle of a forest infested with beasts that have invaded the town and its surroundings. Those two are powerful, but they're not invincible. And I'm unsure if they've come to help us or if they have other motives. We have to flee from here, as soon as possible."

Elías, surprised by Kael's response, asked incredulously, "What do you mean? How do you know there's more danger?"

With urgency in his voice, Kael explained, "I've heard the beasts' howls, the pack's call. More are coming, many more. And they're not the same ones we've faced. They are larger, stronger, fiercer. And they won't let anyone escape, not even those two. We can't stay here; we have to escape. Find an exit, a safe route. I'll follow you; I trust you."

As he spoke, Kael struggled to stand. He pulled Elías, who was still stunned by Kael's revelation, urging him to rise and lead the way. There was no time to waste. The beasts were approaching, and the two strangers couldn't stop them all. They had to find a way out of the forest and reach the town, where they might be safe. Or at least, that's what they hoped for.

Suddenly, a woman's voice echoed among the trees, approaching them. It was a clear and serene voice that seemed familiar to Elías.

"Elías, don't stop! Kael is right; you have to leave here as soon as possible! The beasts are coming, and those two won't be able to hold them off for long! Come with us; we'll take you to a safe place!"

Elías turned toward the voice and saw a young woman approaching them with an imposing presence, escorted by two men of formidable appearance. The mysterious woman wore a cloak covering her face, but Elías didn't need to see her features to recognize her; her voice resonated in his memory like a distant yet unmistakable echo.

Filled with joy and relief, Elías said to Kael, "Kael, it's Allison! She's come to help us! She's our salvation!"

However, Kael didn't share the same enthusiasm. Something about that voice seemed off, as if it were a forced imitation. He had a gut feeling that something was amiss and decided to act. He grabbed Elías by the arm, stopping him before he could move toward the young woman.

"Wait! That's not Allison; that's not her voice! It's a trap; someone is deceiving us!"

Elías stood stunned, looking at Kael in disbelief. "What are you saying, Kael? How can you doubt her? She's your fiancée, the woman you love!"

"No, Elías, she's not," Kael said firmly, shaking his head. "I love her, and that's why I know that voice doesn't belong to her. It's too perfect, too artificial. It lacks the tone, the accent, or the emotion that characterize Allison. It's a voice created by some kind of magic or technology to deceive me."

Elías blinked, confused by Kael's certainty. He looked at the approaching young woman, trying to discern the truth in her eyes. The woman removed the cloak covering her face, and Elías could see her clearly. She was beautiful, with eyes the color of the sky and hair as dark as midnight. But there was no sweetness in her expression; it was cold and calculating.

His mind jumped back in time, remembering the day at the mansion when he met the young woman who introduced herself as Kael's fiancée. A knot of understanding formed in his stomach. He had been deceived, just like Kael.

The woman approached Kael with a smile, but he stepped back, maintaining his protective stance in front of Elías. The woman removed something attached to her neck, revealing a strange glowing amulet. She quickly stashed it in her pocket, as if not wanting anyone else to see it.

"Forgive the deception," she said softly, but there was no hint of remorse in her eyes. "But it was necessary. We had to ensure you followed us without resistance."

"Who are you? What do you want from us?" Kael asked, his voice hoarse, feeling a mix of anger and confusion. "Why did you pretend to be Allison? What are your intentions?"

The moonlight filtered through the forest branches, casting unsettling shadows. The woman's face lit up with an enigmatic smile that didn't disclose her true intentions.

"My name doesn't matter now," she replied firmly. "What matters is that we're in danger. My goal is to ensure we're safe and out of this mountain before the beasts completely surround us. There's no time for detailed explanations now."

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed in the forest, followed by the sound of heavy paws hitting the ground. The beasts were close, too close to escape.

"There's no time to waste," she said determinedly. "Follow me closely and do exactly as I say."

The woman's voice drilled into their minds, a desperate warning of reality. They couldn't trust her, but they also couldn't stay there. Kael felt a knot in his stomach as he made a decision. He would trust his instinct, telling him she was their only hope.

"Alright," said Kael, with a tone of defiance and courage. "We'll follow you, but if you betray us, I swear I'll kill you."

The woman nodded gravely, knowing Kael wasn't joking. Without wasting time, they darted into the forest, fleeing from the roar of the approaching beasts. The two men who had been with the woman also nodded, ready to defend their new allies with their lives if needed.