
The Beginning

People are often indifferent. That's what I always said to myself because after they take advantage of you, they will start to torment you. The only difference between the hero and the villain is who is telling the story. I was the victim but they never seem to hear my pleas. I was once a happy kid before they did great injustice to my family. They ruined me but they won't even take responsibility for it.


He begged while a man dressed in all black was staring at him mercilessly.

"Now isn't this interesting?"

"When you did this to us, we also begged till our throats went dry yet you didn't even stop."

The man said as he smirked at the glimpse of a blooded guy helplessly tied up on a chair.

"HENDRIX STOP THIS! YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND!" He yelled and it seemed that Hendrix, the man dressed in black was not pleased.

"You have no right to call me by that name and no, I'm still perfectly sane." Hendrix said coldly as he picked up a hammer throwing it straight at the man.

"ARGGGH!!" The man yelled in pain as his head was now bleeding due to being hit by a hammer.

"Ahhh...Your little screams are satisfying." Hendrix said as he was walking closer to the guy who he tied up. He yanked his hair as he bent down to his level.

"L-LET GO OF ME! WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU?!" He said while struggling to get out of Hendrix's grip.

"Oh? you did nothing to me.. However, you did betray my father. Your own flesh and blood...Right uncle?" Hendrix said while picking up his gun from the table near him.

"NO! NO YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG! I DIDN'T DO IT!" The man pleaded and struggled using up all of the energy that is left in his body. Yet that didn't change Hendrix's mind. He was determined to get his revenge one way or another.

His patience was already running out and his so called uncle was not pleasing him anymore.


The loud sound echoed through the walls as a body was left there lifeless.

Yes he did it. Hendrix killed his own uncle one more name crossed out on his list. He smiled triumphantly with the thought that he was near to accomplish his one and only goal. To get revenge.

My name is Hendrix Ezekiel Carson, the only son of Henry and Erica Carson. I grew up with kind and loving parents but now, I am now an orphan because selfish men decided that the money that they had wasn't enough so, they decided to plot against my father. Their greed for money and more riches ruined a child's life, a family.

I was determined to make them pay back from the crime they committed. I know that my ways are wrong but, relying on the authorities are no help because they are also corrupt.

I'm only giving them the taste of their own medicine.

Am I really at fault?