
The Level of A True God

A normal guy dies and gets the chance to be reborn. He takes that chance and takes off on a journey to take gods spot. P.S. Cover not mine (Dropped)

ZephyrVII · แอคชั่น
1 Chs


My friend once told me,

'Death must be a beautiful journey... Because no one has yet to come back'

He died the next day so I never got to ask him... Can we go back once we die? Or is that doorway we went through to get there already closed? It's wierd how when your on the verge of death, you just now think of all these things. That's right, im dying. It was pouring and I was driving on a mountain. Next thing I notice I'm here, at the bottom of a cliff. The railings at the top of the cliff were facing outwards as if someone drove through them... oh wait, I did. Whatever, everything hurts to much for me to care anymore. My visions going black. I guess this is it for me.


Did you know you die twice? The first is when you stop breathing and the second is when your name is never mentioned again.

Here I am watching as life goes by. Years and years. Watching people live their lives from when they were born to their dying breath. I've been a ghost for a millennia now. I watched as I died for the second time, and watched as my grave became a grave for someone else. I even watched as everything went completely black for the second time. Wait... the first time it happened was when I was dying. Am I dying again?

As I was thinking to myself a room with a statue in it appears in front of me.

"Wha-" I started but was cut off

"Do you wish to be reborn?" The statue asked

As I was about to ask a question it cut me off again by asking the same question. I just stared at it while my thoughts were running wild, but the one thought that drowned the rest out was. 'There's nothing to lose'. So not thinking much about it I accepted.

"Yes" I said looking at the statue.

The statue looked back at me for a couple of seconds before talking again.

""There are moments of impossibility in life, moments that once made will echo out forever even if no one is there to witness them. Every moment in history is but a cascading chain of coincidences that when looked back upon with the perspective of time would make sense. It is easier to believe a man had clawed his way out of obscurity and changed the world through sheer determination, than to believe the socioeconomic factors had largely formed the man and that those around him made many of those achievements possible." He paused and then looked out a window that seemed to appear out of nowhere, showing earth. "That is why there are hero's and villains, however your world is losing hero's and villains as time goes on and instead are getting a lot of neutral people. I've spoken to my brother aka god about this but he believes that if we don't do something your world will die."

"Does he really?" I asked

"No, he's just a bastard that enjoys watching people die."

"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked again

"Take his place" He simply stated

I stood there completely shocked at what was going on and before I could say anything he started speaking again.

"I will give you a little gift as thanks to help you out."

"I don't even know how to take his spot" I said

"The rules of the gods states that you must kill one to take ones title, in other words you gain his spot once you kill him." He said back

"Kill a god? And why would you give me a gift if I haven't even done anything yet? Why can't you just take his spot" I asked in a hurried voice

"Gods are no different from humans, just a lot stronger. I decided now was a better time than any other to give you a gift because I won't be there to see you succeed in taking his spot, if you succeed at all. Bringing you here already has him after my head. I can't take his spot myself because I've reached my limit and cannot get any stronger than I am now."

I stood there to shocked to move. And then a big boom came form far away.

"Now go before he sees you" He said pushing me into a big portal that appeared underneath me.

And with that, my journey begins.