
Vol. 13 - Chapter 8: The Duty of a Brother

Part 1 – High School

Katsumi walks slowly as she begins to disintegrate, she reaches Shion and touches her wound, she slowly begins to cure Shion injury sealing it completely, Shion regains consciousness and looks at Katsumi, and Katsumi begins to cry and says:

"Thank Goodness, I thought you died my stupid kouhai."

Shion with a shocking expression as she sees Katsumi disappearing, she begins to ask:

"Senpai, what is happening to you? Why are you disappearing?"

"I used the Celestial Mode, a mode that permits me enters in a face where I can use manna from my surroundings as a weapon, and this is forbidden technique that only the Zodiac Roots and the Elite roots are permitted to use. I learned it from my Master and he told me the consequences, it appears I over did it, now I am going to become manna."

Shion begins to cry and hugs Katsumi saying; "No senpai, please don't leave me."

"It´s okay, I had a wonderful time, I am sorry I was not useful, please live on…" Katsumi says as she sheds tears, Shion begins to scream; "NOOOOOO"

"Are you done with your theater, worthless sister?" A man with slim muscular body, white skin and orange hair with a red tuft and red eyes. He is wearing a black suit, with an unbuttoned white shirt in up to his chest. Katsumi turns around and with a surprised expression, she says:

"Raions-Niisama, why are you here?"

"I came here to save you, that is my duty." Raions takes out a talisman and throws it to Katsumi, the talisman disappears in her body and manna begins to return to her body, suddenly, Katsumi is back to normal. Shion hugs Katsumi with joy, Katsumi looks at Raions and says:

"Thank you, Niisama"

"Don´t thank me, it was an order from my uncle that is all. Now then for that woman over there…" Raions looks at Olivia, Olivia tries to get away crawling with fear, and Raions disappears and appears in front of her steeping on her back.

"Now you will be captured and interrogated by Yggdrasil" Raions begins to gather manna in his palm, at that moment, a portal appears and absorbs her. Olivia disappears from Raions sight;-TCH- Raions begins to leave as he says:

"It looks like I need to take care of Darius now, so long worthless sister."

Raions disappears leaving Katsumi and Shion healing themselves as they prepare for the next battle.

Part 2 – In a certain building near the River

A portal opens from the ceiling, Olivia falls to the ground, she breathes heavily a she tries to recover from her previous battle.

"Mother, it appears you have failed." Olivia enters in a state of shock as she looks up. Aleister walks forward along with Marjorie and Alexandria. Olivia moves backward as she begins to beg:

"No son, I'm sorry, but give me a moment and I promise you that I will kill Katsumi."

Aleister makes a sinister smile as he replies; "Don't worry mother, Katsumi is no longer a target. My father has other plans for her, but it appears that you are no longer useful for us."

"NO, NO, PLEASE SON, I AM YOUR MOTHER, PLEASE" Olivia begs for mercy, Aleister begins to charge manna in his hand and he says:

"Thank you mother, for everything you have done until now, I bit you farewell now."

"NNNNNOOOO, GGYYYYAAHHH" Olivia screams, outside of the building a purple light shines bright as a young boy stands outside; he has red hair and glasses as he smiles:

"I finally found you, Aleister"

Part 3 – In an Abandon Storehouse

Valerie runs and arrives to the location, and it is an empty storage house. Valerie looks and begins to tremble, she takes a deep breath and opens the door, the space is empty and there is no one around. Valerie walks slowly without making a sound, suddenly; she hears a voice calling her:


Valerie looks up, sees Alberto standing in the second floor, Valerie looks surprised, and says:

"Why are you hear, Alberto Gonzalez?"

"I wanted to see you, and now that you are here, let's have some fun."

Valerie puts her guard up as she looks at Alberto lifting his arms to the sky. He begins to laugh and continues to speak:

"Valerie, become my girl and I promise you that I will let her go"

He turns on a light revealing a chained up Tatiana; Valerie looks with shock and runs to help her screaming:


"HAHAHA" Alberto laughs as he begins to walk down the stairs, Valerie takes the chain off Tatiana and carries her, and Tatiana begins to regain conscious and begins to speak in a low tone:

"V-V-Valerie, you must get away from me…"

"What did you…" –PPUUUMM- Tatiana punches Valerie causing her to fly away, Valerie grabs her arm as she looks at Tatiana saying:

"Tatiana, what happened to you?"

Tatiana opens her eyes revealing a yellow color with fangs, Alberto walks to her side and begins to say:

"I am sorry to say this, but Tatiana is now a vampire that works for me, and she is as well."

Without any sound, Ramona appears behind Valerie and grabs her tightly; Valerie struggles as she says:

"Ramona, Tatiana, don't do this…"

"Stupid woman, they are dead now, as well as your lover Alejandro." Alberto says to Valerie, Valerie enters in a state of shock and replies:


Alberto smiles and throws something wrap towards Valerie, -SNAP- He snaps his fingers and Tatiana begins to unwrap the object. Valerie looks at it with shock as Tatiana reveals Alejandro's arm.

Valerie begins to throw up out of shock, she begins to cry saying; "NO, NO ALEJANDRO!"

"Silly woman, he is dead along with your friends, and now I am going to make you mine."Alberto once again snaps his fingers, Ramona forces Valerie to the ground.-PPUUMM- Alberto licks his lips and begins to walk forward towards Valerie

"I am going to enjoy this…" Valerie tries free herself kicking in air saying:

"NO STAY AWAY NOOO" Tatiana holds her legs as she says; "I'm sorry" Valerie struggles trying to free herself, Alberto puts himself on top of Valerie as he says:

"Very well, don't you know how long I wanted to have you…"

He begins to touch Valerie's legs, moving it up and lifting her skirt. "Oh they are red huh, so sexy…" Alberto unbuttons her shirt revealing her red bra, Valerie begins to cry as she begins to remember her trauma that she suffer 8 years ago with the soldiers. Alberto licks Valerie's tears as he comments:

"Now then, let me hear you scream."

Alberto begins to touch her stomach and moving down; Valerie begins to say:

"No please, stop, no…"

"HAHAHA I LOVE YOU, I WILL MAKE YOU MINE RIGHT NOW!"Alberto to make his way to Valerie as she screams:



"VVVVVAAALLLEEERRIIIIEEE" Uriel breaks the wall and with great speed punches Alberto in the face causing him to fly away.-PPPPUUUMM- Uriel uses wind and blows away the two vampire girls.

He grabs Valerie and jumps to the second floor. As Valerie opens her eyes she sees that her brother is carrying her in his arms. Valerie begins to cry and hugs Uriel tightly saying:


Uriel smiles and replies; I'm glad you're safe, I'm sorry about taking so long but we will talk later, right now I must take care of him."

Uriel puts Valerie down, Alberto stands up and with a furious expression begins to talk with a sarcastic tone:


Alberto snaps his fingers, at that moment, the two girls along with two other vampires arrive next to Alberto. Valerie looks at Uriel's eyes and notices he has red pupils with inverted triangle in them. Valerie begins to think:

"Uriel, your eyes and your manna are different, did something happened to you?"

"Valerie stay here, I am going to finish this quickly." Uriel with great speed disappears from everyone's sight. -PPPPUUUMMM- Uriel punches one of the vampires sending him to the wall; Uriel kicks the other one sending him flying to the other wall. The girls try to attack him but Uriel response grabbing their heads and throw them to the walls over the opposite sides.


Alberto looks with fear as the moon illuminates Uriel's red eyes; Uriel begins to walk slowly towards Alberto as he says:

"You touched my sister; I will never forgive you, now I will kill you."

"Just try it, you bastard." Alberto takes out a gun and shoots Uriel. –PIU, PIU- "UUURRRIIIEELL" Valerie screams with fear, Uriel begins to laugh:

"You think that's going to kill me."

Uriel releases manna intimidating Alberto, Uriel charges grabs Alberto's face and slams it to the floor. –PPPUUMMM- Alberto begins to bleed; Valerie looks at Uriel preoccupied and begins to run to his direction. Uriel begins to punch multiple times as he laugh maniacally. Uriel continues to punch him saying:

"You like that, I hope you are enjoying you meal."

"NO, STOP, STOP!" Alberto begs for mercy, Uriel takes out his sword and point at Alberto, Uriel smiles and says; "DIE", he is about to stab Alberto when suddenly Valerie hugs him from behind crying:

"STOP URIEL, THAT´´S WNOUGH, YOU ARE NOT A MURDERER!" Uriel comes back to his senses and notices the vampire charging at them, he quickly grabs Valerie and escape from their attacks. Uriel breathes heavily as he says:

"I´m sorry, I did know what I was doing."

"Oh, you did know, you know why, because you are a monster, because of you, war broke out, and people are dying. Because you interfered with Darius´ plans everybody has to pay." Alberto stands up bleeding from his face and with his eye closed and purple colored. He points at Uriel shouting; "THIS IS YOUR FAULT, HORSEMAN OF WAR!"

Valerie looks at Uriel with a shocking expression, suddenly the girls charge towards Uriel, Uriel takes out his sword and orders Valerie; "Close your eyes and ears, I don´t want you to get caught"

Valerie does what Uriel tells her, Uriel points his sword at the vampires and chants; "Fiesta de Guerra" (War Party) At that moment, the girls stop charging, the male vampires turn around and grab Alberto. "What´s going on? What did you do?"

The girls hugs Valerie as they return to their senses, "Valerie, thank you for being a great friend, but it appears this is the end for us." Valerie hugs them as she cries, Tatiana smiles and comments; "We are sorry for grabbing you like that, but don't worry, we are going to rest in peace, We love you, always remember that we are BFF´s." Ramona and Tatiana lose their consciousness and begin to walk towards Alberto.

"What´s going on? Why are they charging at me?"

"I made them remember who they were, and now they are going to feed on you, this is your punishment for, making deals with Darius and now you will join your father to the afterlife. Goodbye!"

Uriel grabs Valerie´s hand and together they begin to leave the storage house, the vampires begin to attack Alberto, and slowly kill him as he screams; "NNNNOOO, AAAHHHH" Uriel takes his sword and swings to the air chanting:

"Viento cortante" (Wind cutter)


The storage house crumbles completely; he carries Valerie and jumps to the next building. In the rooftop, Uriel hugs Valerie and begins to cry:

"I´m sorry, I should've stayed with you, but I was so stupid, and now Johanna and Alejandro died because of me… I´m so sorry."

Valerie feels calm and hugs Uriel back replying; "Big brother, it´s not your fault, you actually saved me from getting violated by that horrible man. I thank you."

Uriel steps back and wipes his tears, Valerie smiles at him and says; " I´m glad you returned, welcome back."

"It´s good to be back!" Uriel replies with a smiles, "Now then" –PPPUUMM- Valerie punches Uriel and scorns him:

"Why did you kiss Chloe Diamont, now everyone believes that you are dating her. Why didn´t you contact our mother more often, do you know how worry she was? And why are your eyes like that?"

Uriel with a frightened tone begins to explain; "The thing with Chloe was an accident, and I was imprisoned remember, give me a break, I fought many people during my journey."

Uriel changes his expression and begins to speak; "Listen Valerie, I´m sorry to keep this a secret but I am El Charro Negro or my true identity is…"

"The Horseman of War, don´t worry, Daniel and I have known for a long time. Don't worry, we still think of you as the coolest older brother there is." Uriel looks at Valerie with shock and asks; "How did you know?"

"It´s a long story, but we still love you okay. We know that you have a pure heart and that you are not evil, but I think you are outdated with your outfit." Valerie causes Uriel to chuckle, -CCCRRAAASSSHHH- Suddenly, an explosion occurs at the ministry causing Uriel and Valerie to look, Uriel changes his expression and says:

"Valerie, it´s time to save the Ministry of San Juan, I am going to end this war."

Valerie smiles and replies; "I know you will, Big Brother"