
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · สมัยใหม่
89 Chs

Chapter 85: I reject

Chapter 85: I reject

"This sweet and sour fish is good, crispy and delicious. It's one of my signature dishes. You can try it."

Chu Mo's ability to speak could not allow Li Tingting to refuse, and nodded lightly to the maid beside him.

The latter immediately changed the dish that was a little farther away from the two of them, and when the maid used common cutlery to share some for each of the two, Chu Mo looked at each other expectantly.

Someone shared a meal with him that took nearly three hours to make, which was the first experience for Chu Mo.

You know, since Chu Mo learned to cook with his own chef, no one has tasted his own crafts except last time he cooked dinner for her and her shared roommate Zhao Shuangshuang at the house of Chu Wen, an old classmate. .

Moreover, in Chu Wen's shared house, because of the serious lack of ingredients, Chu Mo just cooked a few simple home-cooked dishes at random, and there was no chance to display some of his good cooking skills.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the girl named Li Tingting in front of her was the first person to taste the cooking skills after her studies.

Chu Mo has been studying with his own chef for nearly half a month. He feels that his cooking skills have improved rapidly. Compared with the previous blind thinking, he has to improve a grade. However, this is only his own judgment. No one has given any affirmation. s answer.

As for the chef's review...

And since the last time I invited the chef to lunch, the other party was sweating profusely, and Chu Mo didn't invite him to dinner again after he only had two dishes in total.

Likewise, he has never heard a single comment about his cooking skills from his mouth.

Therefore, Chu Mo is really looking forward to Li Tingting's evaluation.

The girl with a small mole on her right eye in front of her naturally picked up a small piece of crispy sweet and sour fish and placed it in her small mouth gracefully. While tasting it gently, the crispy taste filled her mouth. .

It's more delicate and delicious than what the school cafeteria chef made, but it seems to be a little less than what I tasted in a star-rated hotel last time. Specifically, what Li Tingting can't eat, but the taste is indeed slightly worse.

So, how should I answer myself?

Looking at the expectant look on the young man's face in front of him, Li Tingting, who wanted to blurt out "incomparably delicious", suddenly remembered the image of the young man busy and focused in the kitchen.

This top rich and young man worth at least 10 billion can sink his heart and stay in the kitchen for a few hours. He should really like cooking. Anyone who works hard should not be let down by a flattery.

Therefore, after contemplating for a moment, she did not choose Li Tingting, who was deliberately ingratiating, because she wanted to ask the other party, and said seriously:

"The taste is very good, if the full score is ten, I can give eight points, as for the missing two points...

There is no problem with the crispness, but the overall taste always feels that something is missing. I don't know what is missing, but there is really no feeling that can make people feel happy. "

Hearing this, Chu Mo's expression, who was still full of anticipation, immediately became much more serious. He picked up a piece of sweet and sour fish with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, then closed his eyes and tasted it attentively.

However, no matter how careful Chu Mo's taste was, he didn't find the slightest problem.

Isn't the sweet and sour fish all about being crispy and delicious? I have done this myself, is there anything else I have forgotten?

But thinking about it carefully, Chu Mo frowned slightly.

As the so-called fan of the authorities, I can't tell what's wrong with myself, but Chu Mo believes that Li Tingting will not fool herself at will. Since she only gives herself eight points, it must be something she didn't do well.

This time, without the maid's hands, Chu Mo directly took a large piece and put it in his mouth again to taste, the crispy and sweet taste was still there.

After a while, Chu Mo, who suddenly turned his head, said to the maid beside him:

"Call the chef."

The maid who respectfully agreed immediately walked out of the restaurant. After a while, the chef with a tall chef hat on his head walked in with a cautious face. Chu Mo waved to him and said at the same time:

"Master Li, try this sweet and sour fish and see how it tastes."

Hearing this, the chubby chef who immediately strode over to the side took the tableware handed by the maid. After carefully clipping a piece, he tasted it carefully. After a while, the slightly frowning chef said in doubt:

"The taste is very positive, and the crispness is moderate. Mr. Chu finds it unappetizing?"

Seeing that the chef did not find anything unusual, Chu Mo waved his hand and said at the same time:

"It's nothing, Master Li, you've worked hard."

When the chef retired, Chu Mo put a piece of sweet and sour fish in his mouth again, and when Chu Mo was tasting it seriously, Li Tingting, who was beside him, finally said:

"I ate sweet and sour fish in Tingyu Pavilion last time. Compared with crispy, Tingyu Pavilion seems to taste more mellow. If you have a chance, Mr. Chu, you can go to Tingyu Pavilion and taste it yourself."

Hearing this, Chu Mo, who nodded lightly, was no longer struggling, but ordered to the maid beside him:

"In the evening, invite the chef of Tingyu Pavilion, and name the chef who can do this sweet and sour fish."

The housekeeper Danny went to work on the contract, while the maid Qin Zixuan went to the Bafang International Hotel to discuss the acquisition of Shiyuan Entertainment with Zhan Bingxue.

Next to him is the original sixth-level maid, who was also upgraded to the seventh-level maid in the morning.

This top maid, whose annual salary is now 1.8 million, immediately bent over and respectfully agreed:

"Yes, Mr. Chu."

Nodding lightly, Chu Mo, who was not entangled, suddenly set his eyes on Li Tingting in front of him, and raised his eyebrows at the same time:

"If you have something to say, you can speak now."

Hearing this, Li Tingting, who gently put down the tableware and chopsticks in her hands, wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue. After a moment of silence, the girl with a mole on the corner of her eyes suddenly shook her head and said:

"there is none left."

"Oh? Didn't you come to convince me to sign the contract?"

"It was indeed like this." Li Tingting, whose clear eyes were full of calm, sighed with emotion:

"When I was sent out of the villa by the maid before, I still felt that I was being despised. I always felt that Senior Chu didn't take this cooperation seriously at all, so I felt a little uneasy in my heart, and then I was full of blood and wanted to ask for an explanation, but...

Just at the door of the kitchen, I saw Senior Chu busy in the kitchen for several hours in a row. In order to cut the shredded potatoes more evenly, he could practice over and over again. In order to make the sweet and sour fish in front of him more perfect, he would ask for advice humbly.

Therefore, I think that Senior Chu is not the kind of rich second-generation who will play tricks on others at will. Senior Chu should have his own considerations in everything he does. Since Senior has made a decision, at this time, even if I say it, I will not It will change the senior's mind. "

Chu Mo carefully looked at the profile of the girl in front of him. For a moment, after nodding lightly, he said solemnly:

"Miss Li, the decision I made will not be changed easily, but I can make an exception for you once, let's make a deal, what do you think?"

"I reject!"

Opening his mouth, Chu Mo, who was still about to say something, immediately became speechless. Looking at Li Tingting, who was speaking righteously in front of him, after a while, Chu Mo could only helplessly smile and say:

"I just want you to help me evaluate my cooking skills, why is it so embarrassing?"

Hearing this, the girl whose face was full of frost immediately widened her eyes.

Then a pretty face instantly turned red.


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