
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
61 Chs

Chapter 38: Wallace

Now it was time to find a berry mixer at the Pokemon Coordination contest arena as he wanted to create Pokeblocks for himself and for selling them. After reaching the contest arena he looked around for a bit and eventually found a vacant berry mixer at the corner of the arena where people weren't paying too much attention. He immediately made his way towards the berry mixer and brought out the berries he purchased before coming here but he wanted to try a different mathod now to create a Pokeblock which was to add Beedrill honey in the Pokeblocks and see what will be the result.

While he was doing this unbeknownst to him a figure was keenly watching him and intrigued with his movements and the fact he was now making Pokeblocks this figure also came closer to Kaede and decided to watch him make Pokeblock.

In fact, when Kaede put the raw materials into the Berry mixer, the boy was attracted by his new Pokéblock recipe."It's interesting to add Beedrill honey to it. I hope he can make it successfully. i remember i once tried it but the resulting Pokeblocks were not something im proud of." said the boy watching Kaede concentrate on the berry mixer.

When the first Pokéblock came out of the exit slot, Kaede and the beautiful boy on the side showed an expression of surprise.

The middle grade Pokéblock manufactured by Kaede once had a very smooth and shiny appearance. Now, after adding Wild Beedrill honey, these middle grade Pokéblocks have changed in appearence they have become crystalline as if they were gems, this was very similar to the gem Pokeblocks he had made back in the Team Rocket Headquaters.

"Oh my God, it's so beautiful, it's just a work of art." Before kaede could appreciate his new Pokéblock, the beautiful boy couldn't help but blurt it out.

As soon as the beautiful boy uttered, Kaede, who was focused on the Pokéblock in front of him, was startled. He quickly collected the newly created Pokéblock and put it in the space bag.

Afterwards, Kaede also immediately turned around to look at the uninvited guest behind him.

When he saw the unexpected guest, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly. He did not expect that the uninvited guest who appeared in front of him now would actually be Wallace.Who is Wallace? Kaede, who was a fan of Pokemon, naturally knows that this persom is the future champion of Hoenn Region and is also a master Coordinator.

"Hello, my name is Wallace, I'm really sorry for startling you, are you also a coordinating Trainer?" Seeing Kaede's response, Wallace, who has a good etiquette, knew that he was wrong and quickly apologized.

After seeing the Pokéblock made by Kaede, Wallace is now very interested in him, and he also admires his ability to make such good level of Pokéblock.

"It's okay, I'm just a trainer, I'm not coordinating trainer, also please dont startle me like this otherwise i would have messed up the Pokeblocks"." After seeing the uninvited guest was Wallace, he sighed in relief and replied. He knows that Wallace is a very kind hearted person who happens to be filthy rich too so him being greedy for his Pokeblocks was not something to be affraid of.

Knowing this Kaede returned back to making Pokeblocks ignoring Wallace but this time he didn't add Beedrill honey and made the Pokeblocks the old fashioned way, in half an hour he was done making 300 middle grade Pokeblocks. Seeing him finish making Pokeblocks so efficiently Wallace couldn't help but say.

"Oh my God, you haven't failed once, and every time the Pokéblock manufactured is of middle grade quality, this is simply amazing." Watching Kaede easily make middle grade Pokéblocks time and time again, Wallace was in shock.

As a rookie Pokeblock maker, Wallace knows how difficult it is to make Pokéblock.

"Awesome, really amazing. May I ask what your name is, please tell me." After Kaede stopped making Pokéblock, Wallace walked over and asked with a smile.Kaede naturally knows what Wallace is thinking about now. As a Pokemon Coordinator Wallace knows that eating middle grade Pokeblock and high grade Pokeblock which Wallace was sure Kaede could make, and eating these Pokeblock would make the Pokemon more beautiful and strong.

"My name is Sato Kaede, do you need me to do anything for you? I'm in a hurry, because I will have to take the only one bus from Viridian to Saffron City today." Seeing Wallace wanted to talk to him, After he saw that there were still two of them nearby, he leaned forward and chose to speak directly and softly. He had to leave for Saffron city as only from there he could board a flight to Hoenn region.

"Then I'll be straightforward, Mr. Sato, I would like to ask you to help me make some Pokéblock similar to the Pokéblock you made for the first time. It doesn't need to be a lot. Three-four hundred pieces are enough. Of course, I will pay, 3,000,000 Alliance coins, do you think it's okay?" Seeing Sato Kaede's behavior, Wallace's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood, and quickly smiled softly.

To be honest, Wallace also hates to go around in circles, but because he is used to dealing with powerful people, he has also learned a set of symbolic ways of dealing. Now Kaede's simple and direct way of talking is just right for his appetite.

"Forget the money, I want other things. My Gloom lacks the Sun Stone so that she may evolve into a Bellosome. If you can give me this evolution stone now, I will help you make the Pokéblock according to your requirements." Seeing Wallace put out a terrifying number, Sato Kaede's heart suddenly tightened, after a little thought, he decided to forgo the money and get the stuff he requires to sucessfully clear his task.

To be continued.....