
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
61 Chs

Chapter 2: Path to Power

With a trace of nervousness, Sato Kaede came to the front of the run-down shop and looked at the old man sitting on a chair behind the counter.

The dilapidated shop is located on the edge of the southern suburbs of Pewter City, which is the least economically prosperous area of ​​Southern Region. There are also sparsely opened several shops nearby.

But at present, with the exception of the shop in front of Sato Kaede, the rest of them all have a large note at the door that says " Shops for sale".

The apartment that Sato Kaede currently rents is nearby. After a year of living here, he had noticed the situation of this small shop with his careful observation.

In fact, since Sato Kaede came a year ago, the appearance of this place has remained the same as it is today. Of course, since it was originally the least prosperous area in the economy, it is natural that people not willing to come over and take over these closed stores.

However, Sato Kaede found that every time at a certain day, a group of people will come here one after another, and then they will come to this dilapidated store to buy things. Through the clothes on these people, it was not that difficult to see that most of these people are very poor people like him.

Finally, after some detective work done by Sato Kaede, the true face of this shabby shop was revealed to him. In fact, this shabby shop is a contact point for the Kanto dark organization Team Rocket. Those who came to this shabby shop had all come to take the Team Rocket Rookie test, and today is that specific day.

"Think carefully! You know, after entering, it will be difficult to leave again." Perceiving Sato Kaede's arrival, the old man slightly opened his eyes and looked at him, then said in a rather hoarse voice.

"Please tell me the address, Sir, I have nothing and no one, and I am not afraid of losing anything." Facing the old man's question, Sato Kaede replied in a very calm tone.

Sato Kaede understands his current identity very well. Because he is dirt poor with no backing, he has no way of becoming a Trainer. Alliance wont accept some commoner without any money.

Therefore, if he wants to become a Trainer and also wants to obtain resources to make his Trainer journey smoother, he must carefully choose some powerful illegal organizations.

From the current point of view, the best choice for Sato Kaede is undoubtedly Kanto's Team Rocket. From comics, games and animations, it is not difficult to see that Team Rocket is definitely the strongest dark organization in each region, especially Team Rocket in Kanto Region.Its strength and huge resources are impossible to compare with the dark forces in other regions.

For Sato Kaede who is a poor person that wants to become a powerful Trainer, joining Team Rocket is undoubtedly a very good choice.

In his impression, Giovanni is undoubtedly a very qualified Boss. Whether it is personality, charm or cunning, Giovanni is way above the Bosses of other dark organizations in other regions, and spares no effort in the cultivation of talents.

The old man hearing this opened his sleepy eyes, and then took out a tablet-like instrument from a hidden corner. After a little bit of tweaking on it, a copy of the information appeared on the screen. In the upper left corner of this information, Sato Kaede's picture was shown.

"He he he ~~, it seems that you have indeed reached the point of desperation, take it, you are a little late so you have to reach there as soon as possible, do you see the marks on the tree infront? Follow these marks, It will bring you to the facility." After a brief glance at the information on the screen, the old man smiled immediately, then took a small object from his body and threw it to Sato Kaede. After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Sato Kaede looked at what the old man handed over and found that it was just a plain Black stone, but it was glittering and translucent. After a little thought, he pointed the stone at the nearby lit street lamp.

illuminated by the light,a scarlet R letter appears in the Black stone. Obviously, this stone is something similar to a token. Without it, probably nothing will happen even if he reach the facility.

Afterwards, Sato Kaede also followed the direction pointed by the old man's finger and found the tree he pointed at. He came to the tree, and after looking around the tree carefully, he finally found something on the tree. A small arrow mark was found in the unremarkable place.

Immediately afterwards, Sato Kaede walked in the direction indicated by the little arrow, and came to a big stone, and this stone also had this peculiar arrow pointing to a new direction which he followed.

Along the way, Sato Kaede followed the chain of arrows, and finally came to a hut in a small forest outside the city.

At this time, the sun was about to set, the moon in the sky was gradually revealed, and a burly man in a hunting suit was slowly closing the door of the hut in the forest.

However, as soon as Sato Kaede appeared, the burly man closing the door stopped and immediately turned his head to look at Sato Kaede who suddenly came out of the woods.

In the next second, "CAW caw~" a crow crowed. I don't know when, a group of Murkrow had appeared in the small woods around the hut in the forest, and, like the burly man, looked at Sato Kaede with Malice.

Fortunately, Sato Kaede, who had went through fair share of trouble in his previous life, still has the psychological quality. Facing the burly man and the Murkrow group only a trace of tension appeared on his face, he was not at all panicked. He immediately raised the Black stone in air.

Although the light is very dim, the eyesight of the burly man seems to be very good. As soon as Sato Kaede raised the Black stone in his hand, he had already noticed. After which he waved his hand slightly, the Murkrow group in the vicinity disappeared suddenly.

"Go in, lucky Little Brat, if you are ten seconds late, even if you have a token, you would have died,count yourself lucky." The burly man said coldly to Sato Kaede, and then opened the door again.

The door was opened, but it was dark inside, like a black hole that swallowed everything. After Sato Kaede handed the token to the burly man in front of the door, he walked into a dark with his usual stoic face , And as soon as he entered, the burly man at the door immediately closed the door.

In the next second, Sato Kaede noticed that the planks under his feet had disappeared strangely, and he had fallen into the deep darkness.

In the process of falling, Sato Kaede also quickly lost consciousness.

When Sato Kaede opened his eyes again, he had already arrived in a bright Grand Plaza. At this time, he was lying on the floor of the square, and he was surrounded by people that were either just woken aur were still out cold on the ground.

When some of them saw him waking up, they only glanced briefly, and then became indifferent, turning their eyes to the podium above the Grand Plaza.

"Is this the place where Team Rocket accepts Rookie? they did a clean job kidnapping us I don't even know the way back. I can only obediently accept Team Rocket's order now." Sato Kaede frowned thinking of what happened in the hut and now about his current circumstances.

Time passed very slowly, and during this period of time, Sato Kaede also counted the number of people in the square, no more, no less, exactly 100 people, but the square is very large, and the 100 people are very sparsely distributed on it.

Sato Kaede also tried converse with others, but found that the people were on their guard and not being chatty. they simply ignored his approach. After several attempts to no avail, he also reluctantly leaned on the wall and continued to be quiet. Waiting.

About an hour later, the people from Team Rocket finally arrived. Suddenly, a door oppened in the Grand Plaza that was almost sealed except for a vent.

Afterwards, some Team Rocket members wearing Team Rocket uniforms quickly walked out of the gate. They rudely dragged some people on the edge of the square, and then arranged them in a very orderly manner in the square for 4 lines, after which they encircled the Rookies.

they also brought out there Pokemon and joined them in the encirclement of Rookie.

After the Team Rocket members completed the encirclement, a person wearing a Team Rocket Elite uniform slowly appeared on the square platform.

This is a middle-aged man with burly figure. There are several hideous scars on his face. His eyes as sharp as eagles. His Aura is extremely powerful. You know he is a ruthless character.

When everyone in the Grand Plaza saw him appearing and observing, whether it was a Team Rocket soldier or a Rookie like Sato Kaede, they couldn't help but shiver the moment his eyes would pass over them. The atmosphere in the Grand Plaza suddenly became silent. The people did not even dared to breathe too loud.

"Welcome everyone. My name is Tommy. I am the instructor of your group of recruits. Okay, I hope you will all listen to me. I wont repeat myself again. Bring it up." The middle-aged man named Tommy said in a loud voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he clapped his hands. In the next second, several Team Rocket members quickly pushed out a few large crates and then placed them on the open space in front of the podium. The crates was neatly arranged on the top. A large number of red and white Poké Balls are neatly arranged in them.

"I won't talk any more nonsense. You have seen it. This is the initial benefit that our Team Rocket gave you Rookies.Go, choose one of them, but remember, you cannot release the Pokémon inside. And once you choose, you can't replace it." Tommy spoke again.

As soon as Tommy finished speaking, he continued to look at the actions of the Rookies below with indifference.

Under the gaze of Tommy and the surrounding Team Rocket staff, the Rookies were a little hesitant, but each and everyone's faces showed excitement.

After the first few people boldly stepped forward to choose a Pokéball, the rest of them went crazy, and they fought desperately to choose first, hoping to get the best by taking the lead.

Sato Kaede, who was at the back of Rookie's team, was also a little motivated to fight, but after seeing that the front was already crowded he stood in place with interest, patiently waiting for the others to finish their choices.

When the few Team Rocket members brought up these small carts with Poké Balls, Sato Kaede had already discovered that the number of Poké Balls neatly arranged on each mold base was no less than 60.

At present, there are a total of 5 mold bases in front of the square podium. Each person can only choose one Poké Ball and cannot release the Pokémon inside so he didnt need to rush.

About a few minutes later, almost all Rookies have selected their favorite Pokémon. At this time, Sato Kaede and several Rookies who were patiently waiting for others to finish their selection like him, also slowly stepped forward to choose their Own Starter Pokemon.

Sato Kaede stepped forward and saw the crates and a wry smile appeared on his face. In fact, this time Team Rocket provided only 6 Pokémon for the Rookies, and 4 of them are Pokémon that are very common in the Pokémon habitat near Pewter City.

The 6 types of Pokémon are: Rattata, Spearow, Geodude,Zubat, Koffing, and Ekans.

But in terms of battle strength, among these six Pokémon, Ekans is undoubtedly the strongest, followed by Koffing and Spearow.

Judging from the current situation most of the people chose Ekans and Koffing, followed by Spearow and Geodude, while Rattata and Zubat are few.

To be continued…