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นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"How do you feel?"

No. 1 opened his eyes. His eyes had been modified, too. They flashed red light, and his field of sight could zoom in and out like a camera lens. He looked down at his palms covered in metallic skin, and as he moved his fingers around, a hideous smile appeared on his face.

"Never been better."

With a buzz from the exoskeleton, he punched at the metal wall and created a pit. His hideous smile expanded and turned into a maniacal laugh.

Finally, after enduring endless pain, he had gained transcendent power.

He enjoyed the surge of confidence.

No. 1 realized that with this power, the Zero that had once killed him was nothing more than a weakling.

They were not on the same level anymore.

"Zero, don't get killed by anyone else before I find you." No. 1's eyes were vicious as he talked to himself. "You're mine."

Cyberlos walked out of the experiment lab to report to the leader.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
