
The Legendary Celestial Chaos Deity Golden Dragon God

There once a legend that among gods, immortals, and mortals would always learn from ancient times the song of the dragons. The lost song of all the dragons that have ever lived is now nothing more than a myth. They are demonic spirit beasts that are being hunted down by humans to gain more powers. Technology in the world has advice to a different level they are all kinds of supernatural creatures in the world that tire each other apart. Mankind has the strength to fight against these supernatural creatures making them the top of the food chains. After millions of years the gate of Immortality to become a god has long been lost by the curse left by a mysterious being. The demonic spirit beast are in chaos not knowing what to do because being hunted down by mankind for millions of years gets tiring they has always been a war going between these spirit beast and mankind race. No matter what they can never find a common ground while everything is seem to be a mess something mysterious even the gods feared this being has finally awaken finding out it's brethren are being tortured by humans, this sleeping mysterious creature will take action and destroy everything those gods have created. You destroyed my planet, my people, tortured me to near death then I shell make these humans you gods and goddess love so much suffer. While the demonic spirit beast takes action in secret they are others that want to destroy mankind and also make the world become into true chaos. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself Aurelio Santoro! Hope for both humanity and demonic spirit beast becoming a bridge between the two. He finds his way into the fabled halls of Zoken Grail Academy , where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends, makes enemies, fight those who true to harm him, and finds allies, eventually rising to become a towering leader that can protect the world in the near future. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows, they are different organizations that are starting to appear out of nowhere no one knows weather these organizations are enemies or allies do they want to destroy the world or are they after something else? Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demonic spirit beasts’ plot continues to steadily advance. To defend what he loves and reclaim what was lost, Aurelio Santoro must seek out the legacies of legends past and unlock the full might of Celestial Chaos Deity Golden Dragon God! But can he also get acknowledged by this deity of dragon God?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter 21 {Ice Demon Prince Teacher}


Aurelio didn't talk to any of his roommates for the past three days he just wanted to worry about his own problems and he was pretty upset with the three of them. Today is the first day of school. Everyone was outside. Vice Dean Perez walked in front of a flouting platform he stood in front of the stood who looked up at him.

"Welcome to Fairy Elf Academy my name is Leon Perez, Vice Dean Perez all of you guys will be learning and growing under our care, please teachers take your students to your classrooms," Leon said to everyone.

Teachers started taking their group of students away. Aurelio looked around and he noticed that the last people who were standing here must be known as the lowest and the weakest in Fairy Elf Academy. Aurelio felt so hungry he grabbed his stream bun that he was able to get before the meeting.

None of the students looked excited most of them seem to feel like they knew they were put in a low class because they are just weak.

"The rest of you guys follow me I will take you to your classroom," Leon said and he shook his head where that teacher of theirs?

When the students walked inside their fancy classroom it wasn't as fancy as the top students but all of them sat down and Aurelio sat in the back next to the window Braxton sat in front of Aurelio and his eyes stared at Aurelio.

"Psst do you want to know what I heard about our teacher," Braxton whispered at Aurelio who raised his eyebrows.

"What did you find out?" Aurelio asked simply wondering what kind of gossip this guy would find. Braxton grinned happily.

"Hehe is known as the Ice Demon Prince Teacher, his a monster, he doesn't listen to anyone people say his extremely handsome but extremely cold he has gotten students expelled, some people call him Devil King, other call me Prince Charming, some even call him-"

"Huh Brax you-"

"Hush I am not done talking to you man other call him Dead Ice Devil Prince this teacher is the worst having him means your year in school will be nothing but-"

"Dead Ice Devil Prince, Ice Demon Prince Teacher, Prince Charming, and Devil King," A cold ice voice ring out from the door.

Braxton pointed at Aurelio.

"He said it."

"Tsk you are getting me into trouble bastard," Aurelio snapped.

"What you ask about the gossip and I told you," Braxton said. The ice cold teacher stepped inside and he wore black jeans, white shirt, a gray jacket he had a white scarf around him, the man had fair white skin, his hair was a dark blue that was tied up in a ponytail, his hair was a gentle hazel green color that was full nothing but coldness his aura was frightening. He looked at his students and he pulled out his seat and sat down as he let out a sigh and narrowed his eyes.

"What I want to hear more about your gossip," the cold ice teacher said to Braxton.

"Teacher I have nothing to say."

"Then shut your trap," the ice cold teacher said.

Braxton closed his mouth Aurelio tried to not laugh he looked away and he shook his head.

"My name is Alejandro Lewis for the next couple years I will turn bunch of trash into something special."

A girl raised her hand.

"What is it?"

"Should a teacher be calling a student trash."

"If I say you are trash it means you are nothing more than trash no one can stop my words," Alejandro said to the girl in a cold manner the girl felt like she was about to have a melt down. Alejandro didn't even care if he hurt a nine year old feeling that's how bad his temper is.

"Now we will introduce ourselves and tell me your Resonance Spirit, attribute element, Seir Soul Power, if you have a goal while you here tell me if not just keep your mouth shut that girl who is about to cry beat it if you are going to cry," Alejandro said and he looked at the girl who clenched her jaw tightly and she shook her head she can't do that.

"My name is Sophie Clark Resonance Spirit Blossom Tree, Attribute Element Wood, Seir Soul Power 13 my goal is to be on a top student by the time I am eighteen years old."

"My name is Luka Wilson Resonance Spirit Fire, and my Attribute Element is also Fire, Seir Soul Power 14, and my future is to become a powerful Spirit Master and get on Heaven Crown List Board," Luka said. Some other kids also went when it was time for Braxton he stood up he was truly arrogant and he stood out from his peers.

"I am Braxton Lee, Resonance Spirit Dragon Fire Dagger, Element Fire, and lightning, Seir Soul Power 17, and my future well I want to follow my older brother path but also I want to defeat my twin brother so I must become stronger so I can become the next Clan leader of my clan," Braxton said with a grin on his face.

"Wow why is he in this class he has two attribute elements it's so rare to find someone with two elements and not just that his Seir Soul Power is so strong!" Jesse said."

"Yes but I heard he got into a fight on the first day when he got here so he was punished to join the lowest grade," Kat said.

"That's just humiliating," Alex said.

"Do you guys want to gossip so much?"

Everyone stopped talking.

"Hello my name is Aurelio Santoro, Resonance Spirit Qukin Grass, attribute element is fire, Seir Soul Power 10, as for my future I am not sure yet."

"Bahah a Qukin Grass Resonance Spirit Master of course wouldn't know what they want to do in the future," A kid shouted. Alejandro slammed his hand on table and pens hit the boy forehead and Alejandro eyes narrowed.

"Shut up everyone in my class are trash so what if he doesn't have a future don't you know about the legend of Santino De Luca his Qukin Grass turned into Enteral Heavenly Immortal Qukin Grass which made it the most frightening and most powerful Resonance Spirit shut your mouth you are bad mouthing a legendary hero of mankind and the founder of Tian Tomb Pillar Sect, don't look down on anyone stupid kid."

"Sorry," Ben said.

"Good now that's over with that is it for today tomorrow they will be a fight between you guys so all of you be ready," Alejandro said and he walked out of his classroom.

"He didn't he just walked out of his own classroom."

"It only took an hour to introduce ourselves and now we have the whole day to do as we please Aurelio let's go and fight," Braxton said.

"I can't wait tonight I have to go to the blacksmith building."

"Why go there there is nothing exciting."

Aurelio just ignored him and walked out of the classroom.