
The Legend of Vin Serpent

A cockroach fights a fierce battle against destiny. He is transported to another world where it clings desperately to life, hoping to see another day. In this new and challenging environment, he faces unimaginable dangers while struggling for survival. Amidst these challenges, the bug demonstrates its courage by advancing through unknown lands, revealing not only the physical struggle but also the mental one.

El_Creador · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A Family Curse

Vins mind was hurting, he didn't wanted to belive what he had previously thought. He only saw Claire as a good person but that just made it worse. The more he thought the more questions he asked himself. So to think about this clearly he went to the only place he felt at ease and that was his sell. He had lived there for far to lang and had unconsciously started thinking it as his home.

He had a pale face as he entered the corridor. The only person he thought of as a friend could possibly be using him. He walked and walked until he reached his sell. It was same as every other room. Four walls with a floor and a ceiling. Insects had stopped comming from where ever they were coming and the head less torn snake was still there. He looked at it and thought.

"This could have been me"

He sighed and lay down on the floor trying to think about something else. Then a thought appeared in his mind.

"Huh! Can't believe in my previous life i thought i was living in hell. I should have been great full for what i had and should have lived the life properly. Maybe if i hadn't killed myself i could have had a happy life. Maybe or maybe not"

Memories from his past were playing in hia head like a movie.

His mother left him when he was 7 due to that his father became an alcoholic. His father was abusive.

"what was he, maybe he was" he thought.

He did multiple jobs to support us.

"What no, did he"

We were poor and brothers got killed.

"Brothers, i had brothers"

His mother took care of him.

"Yes she did"

Her husband, he! he! he was always nice to him and he helped him find a place to stay and job to do.

These thoughts made his head heart even more.

"What is happening to me. It feels like my head is being torn apart from the inside. And my memories why! Why are they so hazy."

Something wasn't right, he felt like he had gaps in his memories and some of then didn't seem like they happen the way he remembered.

" Are these my memories? Were they ever mine? Which of them are real? What is happening to me?"

He could put his finger on the problem but knew something wasn't right.

Vin:"Were my memories tempered with, were they changed. No that can't be. Who would do that? Why would someone do that? "

He thought and thought and thought. Ultimately he reached a conclusion that this could be the response to the trauma he suffered in his previous life and in this life. Thanks to this the thought of Claire being a threat left his mind. He was so tired mentally so he decided to meditate for a bit.

He sat up, crossed his legs and put his hands on the legs. Then he started breathing.

"Take a deep breath" he said

"Now exhale all the air"

"lets keep doing this"

He did the meditation for a 10 min then opened his eyes and said:

"Man! I'm so tired and my thoughts are all jumbled, i need a good sleep"

Laying down on the ground again he saw the ceiling, it was black. He smiled thinking this looks like the sky of a city. A starless sky. With no stars. A black abyss of darkness. And just like that he fell asleep.

Some time pass by and he was waken up by some one. He was shaking him.

"Who was this person?" Vin thought.

He was a white kid with a shaved head. Brown eyes and black lips. He had a smooth skin and had a great physique. He was wearing robes with holes. This person was Teros. He had a stranger look on his pale face. It was as if he was confused and happy at the same time.

Teros: Why you had this insignia? Who are you?

Vin quickly rose up. His heart rate increased. His breathing began faster. He could hear his heart beat. His back and hands began to sweat. He felt like he had caught a cold. He wanted to run for his life. But he couldn't. The only though that appeared in his head was:

"Kill him. I need to kill him.

What if he exposed me. What will that do. Nononono, they still don't know who trapped them here but what if some of them do.

They will kill me.

They will kill me. I need to kill him before he tells everyone.

Yes that's it"

Teros: Hey! Why are you spacing out? From where you get this?

Vin looked at him and jumped backward and made to a fighting stance. He opened his legs the right leg in the front and the left leg behind the right one. He rose his arms and slightly bent his elbows. He didn't know if he could kill Teros but he had to do this. He had no other choice.

Teros: Hey! Calm down. You can't fight me with that weak body. And i don't want to fight you either. So just answer my question.

Vin: And why would i do that?

Teros: Why you asked? Well if i went outside and told everyone that ypu are from a noble house what do you think they would think?

Vin: They would only pity me and think that even noble aren't safe.

Teros: And what if i told them that you're a spy planted by some noble family to observe us? What would you think they would do? Who do you think they would believe. Me who is helping them maintain the peace o a nobody who doesn't want to socialize.

Vin was stunned and wasn't able to speak a word after hearing that. Clearly the only people he had talked to since getting out were Flair, Teros and Claire. No one knew of his existence. He was a nobody indeed. All his world had fallen apart. He had to say something. Answer his question in a way that satisfy Teros but what could he say.

Vin: Its not mine i picked it up from one of the rooms.

Teros: Bullshit, then why did you jumped like a monkey and why are you so anxious? Tell me the truth and i don't want lies.

Vin thought for a bit and then decided on telling him the truth. Maybe he will understand. Maybe he will not. Anyway he was doomed and now his future depended on Teros.

"I should have thrown the insignia like that bottle. Why did i kept it with me? Why?" he thought to himself.