

meanwhile at Janet's house,Julia was watching her favourite show when it was interrupted by a breaking news. At first Julia was not interested in watching the news until the news reporter mentioned about a murdered girl lying on an abandoned street. " the murdered victim was a girl with black hair and different pigmented eyes. The police believed the murder to be caused bya serial killer but the scene was to gruesome so they are suspecting it to be a crime of passion. The victim had a fractured head,chest and legs. What shocked the police was the busted taxi that seemed to be crushed by an unknown material. We have found the identification card of the victim in her pocket. She is a medical student in her final year. Her name is Janet hazelman. Unfortunately her identification card didn't have any of her family contact it seemed to have been scratched out due to the body recent occurance.... " said the news reporter. The moment Julia heard Janet's name her body started shaking she couldn't stop the tears from flowing she started screaming " JANET!! NONONONONO this is not possible my baby she's gone NO! this is a stupid joke " Julia was in denial.

20 minutes later Julia was still on the floor crying until she heard her phone ring. It was Rachel. Julia picked it and was met with the voice of Rachel crying. "A-aunt I don't know how this happene-ed. I saw her not long ago I'm so-o sor-rry for your loss I'm coming over. Aunt? ". Julia couldn't talk eventually she cut the call. "This is not the time to be crying I must stay strong never thought I would call u but this is urgent. The clan cannot end this way. " said Julia. " why did u remove the necklace why janet" julia said as she dialled a number on her phone. The person's name appeared on the phone it had the name Fiona.