
The Legend of The Rose Kingdom

The Rose kingdom , a great and powerful nation finds itself in a war a against itself. When the morals of its leaders are questioned.

cobyyy15 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Water splashed against Hakai's boots as his feet settled in the mud. His eyes rested upon a small farming village that reeked of manure covering its roads. It was in poor condition, the buildings were worn down and had plants growing along its walls. Their livestock were greatly malnourished and the people were in no better condition. An air of melancholy lingered in the air and sat on their faces. This wasn't a new sight, most villages were heavily taxed by it's surrounding kingdoms. The heavy rainfall showed no sign of letting up , so he headed towards a tavern at the end of the road. The laughter, talking and music could be heard from the door.

Upon his entrance the entire tavern became quiet, all eyes were on him. The expressions were mixed with curiosity and mugs. It was clear that he was out of place. It wasn't long before everyone went back to their conversations. At the back of the tavern was a bar where a middle aged woman took her time cleaning glasses. As Hakai approached the bar, he noticed a man wearing a white cloak and on his chest was a pin with a rose inside of a red circle. The man wore a hood over his head leaving only the ends of his brown hair and lips to be seen. He turned his attention to Hakai and his lips crept into an eerie smile. On instinct Hakai frowned at the man before taking a seat at the bar.

"I'll have a glass of water please.", he said to the woman. She looked him up and down while preparing his water. He was removing his hood,and running his fingers through the wet nappy curls in his hair when the woman spoke up with a raspy voice. "You aren't from around here, are you?",she asked. "You could tell?",Hakai responded sarcastically. It was obvious that he stuck out, from the naps in his hair all the way down to the katanas at his sides. The woman chuckled "you're a funny lad ,so where are you from ?",she asked while sliding him the glass. "I travel around , searching here and there for contracts, but it seems work is hard to find these days.", he said as he took a sip of water.

"I'm afraid you won't find many contracts around these parts..most of the land is controlled by the Rose Kingdom. Maybe you should go there and seek a more simpler job , you're a handsome young man you may find yourself a lady and decide to settle down and have a family when the time comes..", she chuckled at the end of her sentence while placing glasses along the shelf. Hakai scoffed at her remark and sighed "Families never really work out for - ", before he could finish his sentence he was cut off by the hooded man sitting next to him.

"Excuse me but I over heard you two speak of the Rose Kingdom , I'm currently on my way there to serve as the royal medic and I must say it's the place to be if you're looking for a chance to succeed and live a ...more civil life." , the man gloated.  Hakai turned his attention to the man to study him. "If it's so great then why is this village in the condition it's in now?" ,he asked while taking notice of the mans abnormally long fingers grasped around his mug. The man'a nails were long and sharp like that of an eagle. The woman looked down at the floor after the questioned was asked as if she was embarrassed.

       The man waisted no time to explain why. "Because these bastards had a problem with raiders and bandits, so Lord Silent has to step in. If you ask me ,these peasants should be up the castle  doorsteps worshiping the crown, but no they want to rebel against the throne..fucking mutts!". The words spewed from his mouth like cold venom and then the entire tavern became focused on him. "W-we didn't ask for help!...He stepped in and then decided we could repay in taxes, that he knows good and damn well we can't pay! And when we can't pay he takes our land and hangs his bloody flag over our heads as a reminder that we belong to him and are in his debt every hour for the rest of our fucking lives!", her voice started to become shaky while tears rolled down her cheeks.

Hakai could sense the tension in the room and looked between the woman , the man and the people in the tavern. He leaned over to whisper to the man, "hey umm I think it's best you get back to your convoy, these people don't seem to be fond of you ..I'm just saying." The man turned his head to glance at Hakai and his deep red glowing eyes became visible while he spoke through clenched teeth. "I'm my own fucking convoy. Mind your damn business boy.". Hakai raised his eyebrow at the man's aggression towards him and retaliated by slamming his fist down against the mug shattering it into pieces. "I don't know who you think I am , but if you want to keep your life then I'd leave , immediately.", Hakai responded in a cold and dark tone.

People in the tavern watched anticipating a fight but the man looked around at the angry faces and at Hakai who's hand was clutched around the handle of his katana ready to strike if need be. Slowly he took his time getting up to exit the tavern. Though not before spewing one last insult. "If you're smart you'll submit to the crown or die.". He left it at that as he exited the tavern. Hakai sighed and took his seat once again watching the woman sweep up the broken glass. "Sorry about that , here let me get it for you. " He extended his hand as a gust of wind blew across the tavern floor lifting the glass into the air and dropping it into her trash can.

"Wind magic I see ? I'm sorry you had to see me like that I just ..", her enthusiasm was gone and she was left seeming almost hollow. "You were just advising me to go and when he spoke up you seemed against the kingdom , so what's is it?" Hakai asked. She then responded with softened and sorrow in her voice . "It's not the kingdom ..don't get me wrong it's a great place to live. Ever since they came the raids have stopped but the debt is ..I would go but I owe so much that I can't even afford to move. The debt has cause rebellion in our village and our elder has refused to give over our land. I just hate the fact that the bastard was right is all..". Hakai allowed her words to simmer in his mind as he searched deep for an answer. "These men would rather fight and be killed free men than to be under someone else's rule. I understand their anger and frustration. I've seen this many times in my line of work."

The woman looked down at her feet as if she was lost in thought before responding. "Where does it lead to ? Does it work out in the end ?", she seemed hesitant for his answer. Hakai bit his lip and nodded "it can go three ways ..the king wins , the rebels win or both sides find a common ground, either way someone wins or both sides lose." The woman nodded with glossy eyes , "I understand...give me a moment I need to restock.", she said while heading to a side door beside the shelves.

Once the woman was gone he took sips from his water and listened to the conversations going on behind him. Though once conversation about a bounty on Silent caught his attention. "There's a bounty on Lord Silents head for ten billion Gold Roseros", a deep voice said from behind him. The words ten billion Gold Roseros rung over and over in his head. With ten billion he could damn near buy a kingdom and retire as a mercenary. He snapped around and approached a table where a group of five men were sitting playing a game of cards. "Pardon me but did one of you say there was a ten billion Roseros bounty on the King of Rose's head ?", he asked eagerly.

The man sitting at the far right spoke up "I said it, it's a sorcery bounty. No one knows who set it but if you kill him then you'll be gifted with ten billion Roseros so they say. If you're thinking about going after it save yourself the trouble kid. Silent is heavily guarded with some of the most elite warriors. You'll be dead before you could get to his castle. " At his last remark the rest of the men laughed. "Speak for your goddamn self.", Hakai said as he stormed out of the tavern. This opportunity came once in a life time and was a rare occasion. Sorcery bounties we're far from common. They were black magic spells and were used to set bounties without giving ones identity away.

Outside the rain poured down onto him and he could feel the magic rushing through his body. His mind raced to devise a plan on how to get the bounty. "I can't just go up to Silent ..", he mumbled to himself. In his mind he went through every possibility ,from going in with a bang, to sneaking in ,but soon he remembered the man who caused a scene in the tavern. He had said he was on his way to be a royal medic and that he was his own convoy. "It's my lucky day!", Hakai exclaimed while laughing to himself. The pure excitement caused him to forget all about the manure in the street and he took a step slipping in manure landing face first into a pile.

He clenched his fist and swore to himself to forget it happened using the water from mud to wipe his face clean. He had no idea where the man headed off to, so he scanned the ground for footprints and found a pair that seemed to be from boots. He flowed them down the main road now being careful of his step. They led him to a small house and stopped at the door. He was hesitant but gave it a knock and to his surprise a scrawny bald man answered the door. "How may I help you ?", he asked seeming cautious once he glanced at the sword on Hakai's side. "Um I'm ..Gregory ..Gulash Gregory Gulash from the Northern Kingdom and I'm looking for my master..He was wearing a white hood with a Rose pin on his chest." Internally Hakai felt stupid if his name choice but there was no turning back now.

The man scoffed "Gulash ? You think I'm a fool that's a Southern name. You're here to rob me !" , the man said in the process of slamming the door in Hakai's face. Hakai quickly placed his hand against the door to stop it. "Listen ..", he pulled out a bag of gold coins and offered it to the man. "Have you seen anyone like I described ?" The man gazed the bag of coins before taking it , "he came and rented my barn for the night ..you can find him there." Before Hakai had a chance to thank the man the door was slammed in his face. "Who's last name is fucking Gulash ?", he cried to himself.

He spotted the barn behind the house and just like the man said , the medic was inside the barn prepping hay to sleep on. Hakai decided it was best to trail the man as he left the village , in order to not cause a scene or draw attention to himself. After watering for the medic to close the barn doors , he took shelter inside a small shack where various tools were kept. The grass surrounding the barn blew with the wind and the rain fall became heavier as time passed. The sound of rain colliding against the tin roof sent Hakai into a soft slumber.

      He awoke to the sound of the barn doors closing , he wasn't sure how long he had slept but it was nightfall , and the rainfall was even heavier than before. He waited until the medic was walking down the main road , and decided to stalk him along the rooftops ,using his black cloak to his advantage in the darkness of night. Once he trailed the medic out of the village he leaped from treetop to treetop. Hakai was graceful in his movement using the wind to suppress the sound of his feet landing against the branches.

     Once they were at least a mile away from the village , he decided he was ready to attack. He leaped from the tree and while in the air he concentrated his magic into the palm of his hand forming a ball of lighting. The lightning in his hand lit up the forest , and whistled as he darted toward the man unsheathing his katana. The lighting from his palm trailed down the blade as he was ready to deliver a killing blow. To his surprise the medic turned,  and released a glowing red orb from his hand that took the form of a shield. "What do you think you're doing ..who are you ?", the man yelled out in the heavy rain.

      It was then that Hakai removed his hood exposing his identity. "I heard that the King of Rose had a bounty ..plus I wanted to see what this convoy of yours was all about.", Hakai mocked. The more it rained the stronger his magic became , and he planned to use this to his advantage. "You're dumb enough to go after it ? ", the medic laughed hysterically. "You've got to be as dumb as those peasants kid. You go after that bounty and you'll have damn near every kingdom ready to have your head! " , he yelled. Hakai simply shrugged with his blade in hand. "Maybe you're right ..but now that I come to think of it ..A kingdom has you coming in to be a royal medic. Now why would a oh so great kingdom request a medic like you ...Unless their king is ill.", Hakai said.

The man became uneasy at Hakai's words and took a strong gulp. "I see you've got brains on you , you're experienced kid. Nevertheless I won't let you get the chance !" , the man said as he reach into his bag and threw a syringe like blade towards Hakai. In a fluid motion Hakai countered it with his blade. When the syringe came in contact with the blade Hakai twirled around guided it back toward the medic , using a gust of wind to fire back at him faster than it came. It penetrated him directly in his shoulder. The medic gritted his teeth and grunted in pain. Hakai knew most medics who were skilled in their craft spent years studying medicine. They as well, had little to no time to study combat and carried poisonous syringes that they could throw to compensate for the lack of combat skill. This medic was no exception it seemed.

"If you hadn't caused a scene back at the tavern I'd have made your death quick and painless. So I'll make sure you feel every bit of this.", Hakai said spinning his blade around on his hand. "F-fuck youuu!", the red orb took the form of a long sword and the medic charged towards Hakai with his sword aimed out in front of him ready to strike. He swung for Hakai's shoulder but to no avail as Hakai quickly maneuvered under it , delivering a blow to the man's gut that lifted him off his feet. The pain from the blow made the man's guts churn and he instantly felt nauseous. Before he could make his next move the stinging sensation form Hakai's blade slicing his back caused him to fall to his knees.

"Aargh!", the medic was losing his sense of feel throughout his body. The poison in the syringe was beginning to take affect. "Where's the cockiness now , hm? Let me show you my favorite part. ", Hakai said in a dark and sinister tone. Deep down he enjoyed finishing an opponent , the fact that he was in control of another life and could end it if he pleased excited him. The medic's body started to stiffen and lock up as he looked at Hakai from the corners of his eye. "W-we'll meet again in hell ..", he muttered. Hakai laughed quietly and began to use his finishing technique. "Devil's whistle ", he said softly and the heavy rain fall came to an immediate stop. The rain drops floated and froze in the air and a gust of wind blew through the woods high pitched, sounding almost like a whistle.

The rain drops began to vibrate before they all collided into the medic causing small cuts on his body. There were hundreds, thousands of them that rapidly darted back and forth through the air in multiple directions . As the raindrops zipped through the air, they caused loud and short shriek like sounds that sounded like a thousand birds. They cut through the medics eyes , and had completely severed his jaw leaving it hanging his head. Hakai clenched his fist and the attack stop and the rainfall went back to normal as if nothing happened.

The attack had caused a few trees to be cut and crash into the earth and knocked leaves from off of others. As for the medic he was left drenched in his own blood and nearly skinned alive. He collapsed face down into the dirt panting and gasping for air. Hakai held his katana out at his side and the rain washed the blade dry of blood. "It's a shame , things could've gone a lot easier for you had you behaved. Now I'll be taking that cloak of your's."Hakai said as he approached the dying medic removing the cloak and removing the blood with water from the cloak.

When he put the cloak on he found three velvet bags filled to the brim with gold coins. He would've taken it but he thought of a better use for it. After putting the hood over his head he heard back to the tavern. Upon his entrance he found the woman from before in an empty tavern sweeping the floor. She jumped as the sound of the door slamming shut. She poke up in a hesitant tone ,"I-if you've come back looking for trouble please leave ..now isn't the time !". "Don't worry it's just me , I brought you a gift.", Hakai said as he placed the three bags of gold coins down onto the table in front of her.

Hakai couldn't tell if the woman wanted to run out of fear or weep with joy. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she opened the bag exposing the shiny gold coins. She ran and hugged Hakai tightly and wept against his chest. "Thank you so much you man ..", she said. Hakai was caught off guard by the action but slowly came to hug her back. "Don't thank me , just pay your debts and get out of here, okay ?", he said as he politely stepped out of the hug. The woman nodded and dries her eyes "That cloak ..what did you -", Hakai interrupted bride she could finish.

"Our friend won't be disrespecting anyone else again, but I heard there's a bounty on Silent and I intend to go get it.", he said. "I see ..you be safe on your journey , you here and here take this." , the woman went over to a cabinet and pulled out a thick book placing it in his hands. "It's a book with wind magic techniques it's in better use with you and I meant to ask you your name ..what is it ?" , she asked curiously. Hakai looked at re book and smiled before sliding it into his travel bag. "Thank you very much , and my name is Hakai Storm , and you ?", he asked.

"My name is Tasmine Gulash and it was a pleasure to meet you Hakai Storm.", she said as she bowed. Hakai looked at her for a few second with an awkward face and sighed "The irony ..no need for formalities. Take care Tasmine.", he said as he heard out the door. Through the night he set out on his quest toward the Rose Kingdom with a new goal in mind. Little did he know his life would change forever.