
Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Time

There once were two princesses in the land of Zambia. They were very popular around the land. The first princess of Zambia was named Holly and the second princess of Zambia was named Wanda. They really weren't any ordinary princesses like the ones you read in fairy tales. They were special princesses.

Their father and their mother were the keepers of the Lost Pearl. The Lost Pearl is no ordinary Pearl. It's a type of pearl that keeps the kingdom safe and whoever steals it will take over the land and the kingdom will be in danger. Wars have been going on and stealing has been going about.

The Prince, Xenon the third, has learned about jousting for the first time and Holly wants to know all about it. Wanda is the spoiled brat in the family. She's the youngest. But enough about that let's take a look what's going on in the castle.

"Mother, I would really love it if you would buy me some new headphones. I smashed mine because they were horrible!!" Wanda yelled

The queen gasped and sent Wanda to her room. Wanda's room was all glittery and sparkly. she had a pink bed with flowers all over it and she had stickers on the frame of her bed with her favorite Royal bands. her dresser had her smashed headphones and and glitter and slime on it. "Holly you're so stupid! I don't see why mommy buys you so much stuff and not me! I should be the one who's.. who's trustworthy and kind! I don't want to be the one who is just respected to be a spoiled brat!"

Holly put on her headphones that had pink and blue cotton candy on it because it was her favorite candy. "Don't you see Wanda? I'm not the stupidity one here. I take care of things. You smashed your headphones because you thought they were terrible. I didn't because I love cotton candy and mine work just fine. The way you act is just terrible to Mommy and Daddy, so if you want to continue to act like a spoiled brat then be a spoiled brat, you won't get anything else. I'm the kind one around here and even our brother. I don't see why it's so important to have everything you want. Why not just stick to what to what you do before not be a spoiled brat and actually listen to other people's feelings? That's all the advice I have to tell you."

Wanda sulked and cried. Holly rolled her eyes and turned up her music on her headphones so she wouldn't have to listen to the Whimpering Wand.

The next morning, one of the servants made a royal breakfast that included eggs,pancakes blueberries, grapes, dragon fruit, strawberries, bacon, and a dash of salt from their pond of Zambia's most delicious salt, Symphony.

"I do not like your behavior since the day you were born Wanda. You have been a spoiled brat to rest here ever since you were six and it has been disgrace to the family legacy."