
The Legend of the Demon Fenris


Madamaru · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The Final Test - Fenris Conjures a Storm

While the original plan was to have Rifa stay with the Tonelico's for 2 years, she had gotten along with Fenris so well that she decided to stay for another year, even though she was running out of things to teach him as he had practically absorbed it all. After Fenris told her about Sabrina and her magic potential, Rifa decided to train her as well. Fenris helped Sabrina with magic basics. This was possible with his father's permission, because Sabrina was Fenris' servant and could legally do whatever he wanted with her.

By age 12, Fenris had learned practically everything Rifa had to offer him, while Sabrina had shown impressive results in her magic training. Through the magic stones, Sabrina discovered she had her magical affinities were Earth, Fire, and Water magic. Fire being her strongest attribute. It was also discovered that Sabrina had elven roots, with her mother's side of the family having elves running in her bloodline. However, this was only confirmed by Sabrina's mother, as otherwise, Sabrina showed no physical traits of an elf, and instead she looked entirely human. Sabrina's elven roots, Fenris speculated, were perhaps the reason for her natural magic aptitude.

For Fenris, all Rifa had left was a final test. To officially graduate as her pupil, Fenris would have to conjure up a lightning storm (through a combination of Water and Wind magic) and maintain it for at least an hour. She knew that such a feat would've been mind boggling to accomplish. However, in the case of Fenris, she figured he wouldn't have much trouble making it last that long.

"Okay, so I want you to conjure up a lightning storm and see if you can maintain it for at least an hour. Got it? This will be your final test, before you officially graduate as my star pupil." Rifa said, with a hint of sadness in her voice, as spending the last 3 years with Fenris had been some of the best years of her life. They had trained together, ventured together, gotten into trouble together-she'd been through it all with him. When she came here, she didn't have much to expect from the boy, especially knowing that he was a bastard child. However, looking back, she had no regrets about teaching him what she knew whatsoever. Her time with Fenris also reinvigorated her magic interest. Beforehand, she had become disinterested in the art because no one stood against her on equal footing. Now, having nothing left to teach him, Rifa wanted to depart so that she could get stronger as well, and cross paths with Fenris again one day.

"Alright," Fenris said, taking a deep breath as the words 'final test' sank into his mind. This meant this was their last day together. While it hurt to see her leave, he knew she had her reasons. "I shall cast the spell 'Noctis', then," Fenris added.

Fenris stood out in the open field, as casting this spell anywhere close to town would've been dangerous for the people and crops. He raised his hand up, and channeled a lot of mana from the surrounding atmosphere, dropping the area's temperature. He began using various hand movements, to properly form the mana into a lightning storm, as thunderclouds formed in the sky. Fenris had learned to use his magic with his own body movements. Such a casting method he would refer to as 'Somatic Casting'. As the storm formed, the wind picked up rapidly. Rifa cast an earth dome barrier to shield herself from the intense winds, while Fenris continued to stand out there casting the spell.

"Wow...such power." Rifa commented, peeking through the earth dome.

In all directions, the storm covered at least 6 miles, including the Tonelico mansion. Additionally, there were occasional lightning strikes during this thunderstorm because lightning is a natural phenomenon. Fenris then finished casting the spell, causing a natural thunderstorm with his body movements. In this way, hot, moist air rose quickly into the air, while cold air sank as well, resulting in convection.

The storm lasted for several hours, which was far beyond the expectations that Rifa had been hoping for. The storm was so intense that Fenris had to duck for cover shielding himself from his own magic. This was because the storm he created was too large and too dangerous for him to stop on his own. He and Rifa waited it out.

Mid-afternoon, after the storm settled, the area was flooded by water pouring down from the rain. The grass was still very wet, even after the storm dissipated. Rifa and Fenris were sitting on a log that broke off from a tree struck by lightning.

"I didn't think you would make a natural storm!" Rifa exclaimed, genuinely surprised that Fenris managed to make a naturally occurring storm instead of an artificial one which would've required him to constantly pour mana into it.

"Well, I didn't want to keep pouring mana into my own spell, especially one of that size." Fenris said.

"And what were those hand movements? Did you learn to cast magic using your body?" Rifa asked with a surprised expression on her face, imposing herself on Fenris by standing directly in front of him.

"Mm-hmm." Fenris said. He backed away a little as Rifa was too close to his face for comfort. "I call that casting technique 'Somatic Casting', as it relates to your body." Fenris added.

"Well," Rifa said, placing her hands on her hips, smiling proudly. "That is what I should expect from my star pupil! Heheh..." Rifa chuckled. She did this to lower Fenris' guard, as she wanted him to be embarrassed by her own flattery.

"Rifa..." Fenris blushed lightly, playing right into Rifa's hands as he was offset by her attempts to flatter him. He shook his head, trying to get back on topic, fixing his expression.

"So, I guess I've passed the test?" Fenris asked, knowing that the answer would definitely be 'yes' because he had outperformed Rifa's expectations.

"Yes! You exceeded my expectations when you cast that spell! I'm honestly still shocked that you pulled it off so perfectly..." Rifa replied enthusiastically. She was more excited than ever to see her star pupil accomplish off such a feat—manipulating the weather like this was considered very strong, yet equally dangerous magic that could kill the user if done improperly. Fenris managed to pull it off because he had refined control over his magic.

"And now that you've done that..." Rifa said, looking down towards the ground, as if lamenting about leaving. She lifted her head back up, smiling. "I have nothing left to teach you. As of today, you have finished your home tutoring. I will leave the mansion tomorrow morning, thus, this is our last day together." Rifa added, as the wind kicked up and blew her hair.

Rifa approached Fenris, leaning in for a hug. Wrapping his hands around the beauty but fragility of her body, he embraced her. He shed a few tears as he knew he would miss his teacher who had taught him magic for 3 years.

"Thank you, Rifa, for teaching me everything you know. I don't know what I'd do without you," Fenris said, tightening his grip. "I wish you farewell on your travels, as I promise you—to grow stronger and meet you again." Fenris added.

"Thank you, Fenris." Rifa responded, allowing Fenris to hug for as long as he wished. She didn't want to leave, yet she knew she had to, to not burden Fenris in the future. Because of that, she wants to grow stronger for him, so she can meet him again one day.

The Tonelico family prepared an excellent dinner for Rifa. Rifa was considered a member of the family at this point in time. Marcos shared Fenris' feelings, and didn't wish to see her go, yet he knew she had to anyway. Later that night after dinner, Rifa packed up her belongings to leave tomorrow.

The next day, Fenris and the family saw Rifa head off into the carriage that appeared at the gates of the Tonelico mansion and wave her goodbye. Her departure meant Fenris was now ready to attend Arcana, the academy of his dreams. In 2 months, the entrance exams would commence, so Fenris had a lot of time to study and prepare.

"Father," Fenris said. "About the academy...do you keep your promise? Will you let me enroll there?" Fenris added. He hoped his father would keep the promise he made to him 3 years ago.

"Of course, son." Marcos replied. As a matter of fact, he remembered the promise he made to his own son. Now that Fenris' training was complete, he felt his son was ready to take off. Marcos was confident his son would do well there.

Gregory, who was there, overheard Fenris wanting to go to Arcana. In the past, he simply laughed it off and talked down to Fenris about it. Arcana was an elite magic school that he believed Fenris didn't belong there. However, 3 years later, he saw that Fenris wasn't giving up on this dream of his. Gregory decided to put his foot down, hoping to coerce his father into reconsidering.

Gregory matured over the years. Now at age 15, he was a legitimate squire of Vice Royal Captain Sir Roman Drakenberg. Marcos sent Gregory into military training prematurely in hopes of discipline in the future. While his arrogant personality had been toned down, he was still cold towards Fenris. This is especially true given what he did to him 5 years previously when Fenris deprived him of his leisure. More than that, he was humiliated. To be beaten by someone with "lower value" than him was insulting—no, PREPOSTEROUS!

"Don't let that brat go!" Gregory angrily called out, reaching his hand out to his father in hopes of appealing to him, but instead had his hand slapped away by Marcos.

"What have you done to deserve to be admitted to an academy as elite as Arcana?" Marcos asked, speaking in a sharp tone towards Gregory because that's how he felt was the only way to get through to him these days.

"I've done a lot! You put me through military training. I learned the sword, magic, AND the code of honor! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Gregory shouted.

"To grow up." Marcos coldly replied, "You may have matured, but I know what you do when you're off-duty. Off with your friends, causing trouble downtown? This is not the son I raised. And I've seen how you're still acting cold towards Fenris, which shows that you haven't really learned to accept him at all, haven't you?" Marcos added.

"B-But Father! Why would I accept someone who isn't even a borne member of this family? Just because you told me to? You're ridiculous!" Gregory replied, but before Marcos could say anything else, he pushed his father aside and pointed his finger at Fenris.

"You! I want a duel with you tomorrow at noon! I've heard you have been training just like I have, so I want to see how capable you are!" Gregory demanded. By now, Gregory was a skilled swordsman, but still behind Roland. He was confident of beating his little brother, though what he didn't realize was how skilled Fenris really was. "The loser of the match has to leave home!" He added.