
The Legend of Su Chenyu

Morningstar Continent, Grand Tai Dynasty: Su Chenyu is the eldest young master of the ancient Su family, one if the most powerful families in the entire continent. And his life changed the day he discovered a broken artifact in a forest. ' Did the system come from that artifact? The system is an existence that has never been heard of in this world.....how powerful is the person who created it...and is it safe to use it?... also where did those memories come from? ....is it connected with gaining the system?.....most importantly were those my memories?.....my previous life?.....in that case the blue planet exists?.... His world view changed since that day . Follow Su Chenyu as he faces challenges more dangerous than the previous ones, see him face dangerous opponents and seek answers to his questions......his goal is to be as power as an existance that created the so called system..... NOTE: 2 chapter daily will be published From the Author : Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible. If you are enjoying the novel please support by adding it to your collections , and commenting below the chapters. I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

Beyond_the_wall · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

In the Flying Sword sect again

Su Chenyu , Su Zixin and Isao Ozaki were sitting in a room reserved for guests in the Flying Sword sect.

Isao Ozaki is the sect master of the Flying Sword sect. He is a Firmament Cloud Realm cultivator.

"Welcome to the Flying Sword sect, Young master Su. May I know what brings you here?"the sect master of the Flying Sword sect asked.

"I wanted to meet Zi Han's master. Zi Han is an inner sect disciple of in your sect. I want to discuss some matters with him." Su Chenyu replied.

Isao Ozaki was surprised. He had just been informed by Laery Browne that he had solved Zi Han's matter by offering a Void realm treasure to Su Feng.

"May I know what matters you want to discuss?"he asked him.

"Oh actually I want to capture Zi Han. I was wondering if his master knew of his location. Oh by the way I was going to discuss this matter with you too since he's a member of your sect. It would be helpful if you help me look for him."

Now Isao Ozaki was genuinely confused.

'Didn't Larry say that he solved the, matter? Why is he still after him?'

"Young master Su, may I know why you want to capture Zi Han? "

"No you may not. It's personal."

"Um young master did Su Feng not tell you? He already agreed to forget about his grievances with Zi Han in exchange for a Void realm treasure. " Having no other option he had to disclose the information to Su Chenyu himself.

'Huh? Uhh so Zi Han's master thinks I am after Zi Han because of Su Feng!!'

'Oh well sorry brother, I have to kill Zi Han. I guess you won't be getting a void realm treasure now.'

He started feeling a bit bad now. But that was it. Zi Han had to be killed, he had already made up his mind long ago.

"Sect Master, I think you are misunderstanding something. I am after Zi Han for my personal reasons. Not because of my brother."

Now Isao Ozaki was bewildered.

'What personal reason can be there between you and him?'

"Young master Su , is there any misunderstanding between you two? We can discuss it . If you want , I can even compromise with treasures." He immediately said.

He too didn't want to loose Zi Han. He believed that he could surpass him and lead the sect to greater heights in the future!

"Sect Master I already said that it's personal. There's nothing to compromise. "

Isao Ozaki was helpless now. Su Chenyu didn't want to say why he wanted to capture Zi Han, neither did he want to compromise.

What could he do?

Fight against him?

Of course Not!!!

Su family wasn't something he could go against. The entire Flying Sword sect would be destroyed!!

However he couldn't give up on Zi Han. He was the only hope he had right now. He knew his potential was far greater than anyone he had seen.

He really didn't want to give up on the only hope that he had of the sect's rise to greater heights.

"I will inform Zi Han's master of your visit. I will take my leave the young master Su. If you want anything else you can inform me."

The sect master left after saying that.

He immediately contacted Larry Browne.

"Tell Zi Han to hide. He absolutely must never come out before he reaches the Skyscraping Realm.

The sect will help him from the dark but we can't do anything more. We will be destroyed if we go against the Su family. "

In the Avail Pavilion, Larry Browne was confused seeing the message.

When he learnt of the situation from the sect master, his mind became blank.

'Su Chenyu has dispute with Zi Han? So much that he wants to kill him? What has he done to him?'

He looked at Su Feng who was holding a cloak.

The cloak was a Void realm treasure that made the cultivator who wore it immune to attacks below the Void realm. It also reduced the damage of attacks of a void realm cultivator by half.

Su Feng was holding it and looking at him. Larry Browne was about to spend his contribution points and gift him the treasure.

Now he didn't know what to say.

'How do I refuse him?'

He was lost for words for a moment. He had never faced such an embarrassing situation before.

"Elder did something happen? You are looking lost." Su Feng finally broke the silence.

He couldn't understand why the elder who was going to exchange his contribution points for the treasure suddenly froze up and kept standing still looking at him.

"Uh yeah a matter came up. Your brother Su Chenyu came to the sect. He said he wants to meet me." The elder hurriedly made up a reason for standing still.

"Huh? Brother came?"

"Um yeah he did. I have to urgently go now. Why don't you go back first."

Immediately after he disappeared.

"What about the treasure?" Su Feng wanted to ask.

But before he could, the elder was already gone.

'Why did he leave so urgently? '

He could do nothing and so he returned to his residence .


Su Chenyu and Su Zixin were sitting in a room when a middle aged man entered.

"I am Larry Browne, Zi Han's master. Young master Su , I heard you wish to discuss something with me."

"Yeah actually I am looking to capture Zi Han. You are his master so I thought you would know of his location. "

Larry Browne tried asking what the reason for capturing Zi Han was. However he didn't get any answer from Su Chenyu. He was helpless.

Having no choice he said, "Young master Su he did not inform me about his whereabouts. I only knew that he had to flee from Lyon city. So i cannot help you in this."

"You can lure him back by saying the matter is solved."

Larry Browne's heart sank.

'Just how desperate is he to capture Zi Han. What did he do to make him take such actions?'

Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible.

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