
The Legend of Rosé Book 1: Princess Leta

Princess Leta is a 17 years old girl, that lost her royalty status a long time ago. Her kingdom and family are both gone. Leta's life is now one that she would never have expected.

Bravel_ntj · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Take a Break

Year 3412.

The, now 13 years old, girl with vivid pink hair and eyes entered the witch's room.

"Irene, wake up!"

The witch, Irene Ostrich Forwound jumped up in shock. "AH! aH... whaAt? What time is it...?" She rubbed her eyes.

"9 am." Leta Astarte Igvar de Rosé opened the wooden window, sunlight flooding into the witch's room.

She covered her eyes. "Ow, god, my eyes..." Irene quickly searched for her goggles in the drawer besides her bed.

"So, Irene. Do you know what day is today?" Asked the girl.

"Yeah, i do. It's Tuesday. So, basically another day without customers. I really have to look it up, how can we go two weeks without a *single* customer!? I might end having to sell my body." Irene was thoughtful.

"N-no, it's my anniversary, actually! I'm thirteen now. *And* I can read minds!" Leta put her hands at her waist and puffed her chest proudly.

"Oh, that's great. So we both can sell our bodies. And with those big breasts of yours you'll be a big hit. Anyway, why are your boobs so big? Those are like... a C-cup or something... wait, you can read minds?! That's cool."

"Th-thanks? For the compliments... But no, we won't sell our bodies..."

"For now." Irene added in between.

"... hear me out. We should use our magic to help people!" Leta's eyes shined.

"Like hooker's?"

"*Why* do you want to get laid so bad!? Now I understand why Sir Dile doesn't want to stay here for long." Leta seemed to be about to bang the witch's head against the wall.

"Didn't you say you can read minds?"

"I don't want to read *your* mind."

Irene got off the bed. "Now, hear me out..."

"Here we go."

"It all started..."

Irene proceeded to give a 39 page-lenght of her background.

"And that's why i love sex..."

"So, you turned out like this because the boy you liked called you a witch nerd? And that boy happened to be your older brother...?" Leta tilted her head, surprisingly she wasn't as shocked as she thought she would be.

"Everyone called me a 'Brocon Witch' from that day on. Including my parents, as a joke. The point is that everyone said that a freak like me wouldn't be able to have a boyfriend."

"And now... you... you are like, like this?"

"Proving them wrong all over. I've had LOOOOOTS of boyfriends." She seemed proud.

"I am honestly worried about your health. Mentally and physically." Leta shook her head, as she sighed yet again. "Yeah, okay. So, you need money. And I want to become a better Magi. Can we, please, do something that doesn't involve the two of us sharing a bed with some creepy, rich old man?"

"Ohhh-ho-ho? That sounds like a gooooood time♡"

"Irene, please..."

"Okay, sure. Let's do it your way." Irene agreed.

And so they left the shop, which was also a house, to go on a adventure.

Irene made of the girl a impeccable, invincible, goddess of sex — and witchcraft.

"... And they lived happily after." Said Irene, as she closed the book.

"It's been two hours...!! *Why* didn't we find something to dooo-ho-hooo!!?" Leta slumps to the ground, resting her arm on a stone well.

"Told ya. We can't find much action nowadays, princess. Most of the work is handled by military. So, we hardly even find an Adventurer around this town."

"Well, okay, but my father... the King and the Queen are gone. Aren't we supposed to be in danger or something?"

"Not really, no. Every decent leader has sub-leaders to take care of things for/with them. And not all those people live on the castle, either. Many feudal lords or high-status nobles are spread across the kingdom, traveling their portions of land. The Rosé Kingdom is quite large, taking up almost 1/8 of the nation of Fiore, which is more than most of the other kingdoms, except for Ciliegia, Mela, Uva and Melone; so there are a lot of those people around, with their own little armies."

Leta was quite... shocked, to say the least. "How do you know so much?"

"How do you think i met Dile?"

"You... Did you get him drunk and take him to your house/shop?"

"That was *after* i met him. To clarify, i was a soldier for the Kingdom Rosé. Before you were even born."

"Oh, cool. So, you *did* got him drunk, huh?"

"Good times! Back to the original plan, are we?"

Leta got up and walked away. "Do it on your own. I'm not interested in being some old man's toy."

"What? Wait, Leta! I'm sure we'll be a big success! Young girl, get back here with those C-cup right this instant!"

"I'll see you at night... un-unless there's someone else there when I get back... then I won't be coming back until tomorrow.." She said without turning back.

"Don't abandon meeeeeee~~~!!" Irene cried out.