
The Legend of Rosé Book 1: Princess Leta

Princess Leta is a 17 years old girl, that lost her royalty status a long time ago. Her kingdom and family are both gone. Leta's life is now one that she would never have expected.

Bravel_ntj · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Day Zero

Princess Leta didn't even have time to fall asleep when a loud sound filled her ears. Something felt off.

"Papa...? Mama...?" The girl didn't even change her pajama as she headed out.

(That sound came from the throne room's direction...)

And then a sonic boom. That was a lot less loud than that boom she had heard just a few seconds before.

On her way to the throne room, Leta saw Amanda standing there, alone, only with the wheelchair.

"Amanda!? What happened to my mom??!" The princess ran up to her, her face filled with horror and shock.

"D'uh...?" The girl's yell seemed to snap Amanda out of her shocked state. "...!! Princess, please, let's go this way...! It's dangerous there, but Your Majesty the Queen is just fine. She... she got up from the wheelchair somehow."


Before Leta could answer to that...

A thunderous sound filled their ears. The two girls perhaps let out a scream, reflexively, but it was simply impossible to hear themselves. A very strong light almost blinded them, as if they were looking at the sun for an instant. And then, finally, a powerful shockwave sent both of them flying against the wall.

Luckily, however, the heat and flames didn't seem to reach them.

"U-ugh...!" Leta woke up first.

Her whole body was in pain, and she felt a sharp, stinging pain from the back of her head. A wet, warm liquid ran down to the back of her neck, until it reached her back. She was probably bleeding, but she didn't bother to check.

"Amanda! Hey, Amanda! Wake up...! Wake up, Amanda!!" Leta shook her, but the servant wasn't answering.

A pool of blood ran from her head... Her neck was too soft.


The princess didn't want to believe it, but it was likely...


She ran away, towards the throne room.

After a certain point, everything was covered in flames. The pictures on the walls, the expensive items, the red carpets, everything. Including people.

But Leta couldn't stop running. She couldn't stop. If she stopped, she would end up burning too. That's why she couldn't stop running.

It took a few minutes for her to eventually reach the throne room, or that what she expected would happen.

"Gone... it's... where? Papa! Mama!?" Princess Leta cried out.

The entire throne room was gone. There wasn't even any dust left.

Clearly the area had been bombarded by some kind of magical ritual.

But none of that crossed the girl's mind.

She fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands, as if trying to wipe away the image, the reality with her tears.

The princess was so in shock that she didn't even notice when she was snatched away.

She didn't even bother to look at the man who picked her up and jumped out of the throne room, then threw her to the ground in the area near the entrance of the castle.

Leta fell on top of her arm, a small crack sound came and she let out a little yelp of pain, but she didn't care.

"It wasn't part of the orders, but it's best we get rid of you too." The man raised his sword above his head.

Against such a defenseless opponent, he wouldn't bother using fancy techniques. A single, heavy swing of the sword at her neck and she'd be gone.

Without hesitation, the sword flew towards the poor princess's neck. Without even caring, she didn't bother closing her eyes. Leta kept her head down, as if she were someone presented to the executioner. It would be over in an instant, anyway.

(I just hope it doesn't hurt too much...)

Soon, a splash-like sound echoed.

But the princess was still alive.

"Princess Leta! Are you hurt?!" The general of the kingdom, Sir Dile, shook the girl's shoulders.

Behind him, the lifeless body of the knight who intended to kill the princess.

"Are you hurt, Princess?"

"Dile... my mom... my dad... they..."

Sir Dile eyes narrowed, and he helped her up.

"The castle is a complete chaos right now. And I doubt they would stop attacking you at one try. We'd better hurry up."

The general whistled, calling his horse, and put Leta on the animal and then climbed up behind her, to protect her from possible attacks from behind.


(She looks as if she's done with life. That's not the look I'd ever like to see in your face, Princess. I'm sorry.) He thought to himself.

"Heya! Get us out of here, Speeder!"

The horse zoomed away with the duo on it's back.


Elmo Street, Kingdom Rosé.

The horse took them to Elmo Street, a street focused on commerce, twenty minutes away from Iguana Street.

Many people on the street looked in the direction of Rosé's castle, but not many got too close. Everyone however, had the same look of concern on their faces.

Speeder passed by them, moving into a alleyway.

Fortunately, no one seemed to recognize the devastated princess in pajamas. And they ignored the knight, eyes focused on the burning castle. The flames seemed as if they were growing stronger, very fast, and would soon burn the castle down.

"H-hey... shouldn't we go help them put the fire out??" One of the viewers stated.

"Y-yeah! Everyone, let's go help Your Majesty!" Another one said, clenching his fist.

"Yeah!" "Let's go save our Queen!" "Come on, pick a bucket and sand!" "Hey, do anyone here know how to use water magic rituals??" "Stop wasting time, come on!"

Seeing the citizens so willing to help filled Leta with a bit of joy. But she soon realized it was useless; Both King and Queen were probably already dead.

"Come on, princess. I'll take you somewhere safe." Said Sir Dile. "They'll take care of you."

They entered further into the alleyway, going through what seemed to be a maze of walls, before finally reaching some kind of place.

*IRENE'S SHOP OF POTIONS AND ITEMS.* is what was written on a sign right in the front. The place looked dusty, and was probably not very popular.

Sir Dile and Leta went in, and a woman with a exaggerated witch hat and robes was sweeping the floor.

She put a hand on her mouth, faking a gasp. "Oh, my. How long haven't we met, Dile, my dear."

"Not now, Irene."

Irene stood on tip toes, closing the distance between hers and Sir Dile's face. "You know I always have time for you, right?"

"Really. Not in front of the princess." The general pointed his thumb behind his shoulder, speaking sternly.

"The...!!?" Irene jumped back, quickly turned Sir Dile around and hid behind him, as she peaked under his forearm. "Uhh... and why would Your Highness, the Princess herself, be here at my humble shop?"

Leta looked at her, with a dead, empty look.

It stabbed Irene's heart, as she realized that it wasn't time for jokes.

"I... hmm, how can I help?"

Sir Dile sighed. "Can you take care of her at least for a little while? Just until she becomes a adult."

"Oh, yes. Of course."

Sir Dile sighed again.

"Princess Leta, This one is Irene Ostrich Forwound. One of the best witches in the Kingdom Rosé, i will come visit you every day."


From that day onward, the orphan would be cared for by Irene Ostrich Forwound.