
The Legend of Rosé Book 1: Princess Leta

Princess Leta is a 17 years old girl, that lost her royalty status a long time ago. Her kingdom and family are both gone. Leta's life is now one that she would never have expected.

Bravel_ntj · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

ARC Troopers

Year 3416.

A Satanic group — Followers of the Sun God — was camped in the forest southeast of Ciliegia, the "Forest of Demons", as it was called by children in the villages in the region.

In total, there were ten of them there. Five men and five women.

Two of the men were kissing madly, while a woman, on her knees, sucked them both.

In another corner of the camp, a woman masturbated over the corpse of one of her former companions who had died last night. She loved that man, so she mourned his death by masturbating over him.

Another man, who happened to be the one who killed the woman's lover, approached her from behind and penetrated her. The woman moaned loudly, excited, and moved her hips fiercely.

Right next to it, on the trunk of a tree felled horizontally, a woman was riding a man madly, while another had her private part tasted by that man's tongue.

Finally, inside a tent, a couple punched, bit, and kissed each other.

The man pushed his partner to the floor and penetrated her forcefully, she responded with an elbow to the temple and left him groggy. She tried to switch positions with the man and squeezed his hard member with one hand, moving his penis up and down at a satisfactory speed.

Before he wasted a single drop of sperm, she lowered her waist and her pussy swallowed it all...

In short, perversions were everything this religious group did when they met monthly.

For them, sex was a form of liberation. Whatever happens in the "Forest of Demons" no one would ever know, as they take drugs to forget and ensure that everything remains in secret.

Besides, the Sun God would always protect them.

And then, a man shot one of them in the back of the head.

In his hands, was a brand new piece of tech; The Balistra Jack Johnson T-1001; a semiautomatic weapon, capable of firing arrows or small rocks at Mach 1.5 without the need to pull a trigger; it worked with an automatic sight, with cables connected to the back of the bearers' necks and with this the weapon would fire whenever the shooter wanted, with no effort at all. Firing one hundred projectiles per second, relatively weak recoil and can be easily handled even by a child.

Without uttering a single word, the man pointed at another one of his targets. The Balistra fired, and the first few arrows ripped off the target's hand and arm. With no time to feel pain, thirty more projectiles destroyed his torso and skull.

The rest of the squad had also already fired and shot down their respective targets, eliminating them without any problems.

With a few more hand signals, the squad retreated as quickly as they came.

The squad arrived at a cave, where they took shelter during the mission and would now wait for the ride.

"Phew! These things are real good, cap'n! Too bad they get overheated in no time at all." The one whose long red hair escaped from the helmet said, Jesse Didjarin, her voice a little echoed by the helmet and the cave.

Captain Novella nodded. "Not good for prolonged battles indeed. But perfect for assassination missions like these."

"D'uuuuuh..." The muscular, tall one was about to fall asleep. He couldn't stay awake if he wasn't fighting.

"Don't daze off, Armstrong." Captain Novella sighed.

"Sorreeey..." Armstrong Arthur ArcHall's head was spinning.

And the newest member of the squad, Drago Morgana Second had already taken off his helmet and was brushing his shiny blonde hair. "I loved this new weapon. More refined than a cannon, and more powerful than a bow."

"Wait til ya get to the blasters, rookie! Dahaha!" Jesse laughed.

Those were the best. Elite of all elites in Ciliegia.

Advanced Recon Commando. Those were the best soldiers in the Ciliegia army.

The ride arrived a few minutes later, but they weren't horses. But a Type A4T4 aircraft.

Used in the Third World War, more than 1000 years ago, the A4T4 was a cargo and assault aircraft. With a silent flight, and a maximum speed of 2000mp/h, space for ten crew members, except for the pilot and co-pilot, and support to transport up to two and a half tons in the cabin compartment.

It would be interesting to note that only ARC Troopers had permission AND access to these aircraft that were used in WWIII. Such was the importance of that unit in an army. In general, only the ARC had access to military equipment and technology used more than a thousand years ago.

The squadron entered the aircraft, and the pilot started, with the co-pilot checking the environmental conditions.

"Taking off in three... two... one."

And so, with a sonic boom, the ship took off. Now in flight, it no longer made any noise and rose above the clouds.

To guide himself, the co-pilot instructed directions, location, and current conditions regularly. While the pilot just concentrated on keeping the ship on the indicated course.

Palace of King Coblepot of Ciliegia.

The squad of ARC Troopers knelt before the king, their heads bowed and one hand on their left knee. Everyone seemed to respect the king deeply, or was it just a matter of duty?

"Well done, my fellow knights, you freed us from satanic scum. Our people can rest in peace thanks to your efforts." Said the king.

"It is an honor for us to serve the kingdom, my lord." Captain Novella spoke, and the others nodded silently.

"I understand... Well, I have a new mission for you. Please show me good results once again. Go."

"Yes, sir!" The squad saluted and then left.

They went into a hallway of the palace, where a cute, nerdy woman with round glasses was passing by.


She tripped on her foot and almost hit the floor, but Captain Novella caught her.

"A-hh..." She looked up and saw the man in armor and helmet. "Ca-Captain Novella!"

"Are you hurt, Miss Ravencroft?"

Anissa Ravencroft took two or three steps back, her face red and her eyes wide. "No... No, sir! A-ahhh... Excuse me!"

And so she ran in the opposite direction to which she came.

"Weren't you going to this side?" Novella tilted her head.

Anissa stopped instantly, she was probably even more embarrassed. "Y-yes..."

And she was gone, running even faster, still in the opposite direction.

"But... wasn't she going there?"

Jesse Didjarin crossed his arms behind his head and scoffed, "Haha! You scared er', Cap'an!'

Armstrong Arthur ArcHall was unconscious, sleeping on his feet.

"I would say she has feelings for you, Captain." Drago Morgana noted.

The Captain crossed his arms and spoke in a stern tone: "Don't talk nonsense, Drago. Let's quickly check what mission the king has prepared for us."

Drago answered without enthusiasm: "Yes, okay, sure."

They went into their room in the palace.

A large hall of about 500 square meters, and a few people sitting here and there; they were the ones who took care of paperwork and other bureaucracy that the ARC Troopers didn't like.

Captain Novella and the others approached a table set in the center of the hall. On top of it, there was a single piece of paper; everyone knew the Arc Troopers hated paperwork, thus they didn't overcomplicate things for them.

The Captain took it and read aloud for his squad: "Hmm... Looks like our target is a 17-year-old girl, and she lives in Rosé. She is a magician in training and her guardian is a witch."

Jesse Didjarin snickers. "A witch and a trainee? Sounds like easy work for us."

Armstrong Arthur ArcHall woke up and sighed. "Good. Now you gave us a bad luck. You just can't say stuff like that, you know?"

"Hold yer sides, big guy! The harder the merrier, eh?" she laughed and slapped his back.

Drago Morgana raised a hand. "I'll ask the Witch Blair for a few protection items."

"Good. And everyone, make sure to grab your blasters. Just to be sure, we won't use the ballistas on this one." Captain Novella affirmed.