
The tree

It's a beautiful summer day and Rex is playing with a group of village children, chasing one another and playing tag, when one of the other children points and shouts "Look, over there!" Rex turns and sees an old, gnarled tree he's never seen before, standing alone in a clearing just beyond the field. The tree looks ancient, its branches tangled and its leaves a dark, mysterious green. "Do you think it's the tree of darkness?" one of the other children asks, his voice trembling. "Don't be silly,""the tree of darkness isn't real," another child says. But then the first child who spotted the tree points at its base. "Look, there's something glowing underneath the tree," he says. Rex and the other children move closer, their curiosity overpowering their fear. As they get closer, they see a faint light emanating from beneath the tree's roots. "What could it be?" one of the children asks. Then, without thinking, Rex reaches out and touches the light.

As his hand touches the light, a bolt of energy courses through Rex's body, making him feel like he's on fire. He cries out in pain and falls to the ground, writhing in agony. The other children back away, afraid. But then, slowly, the pain begins to fade and Rex sits up, feeling stronger than he ever has before. The other children look at him in wonder and awe. "What happened?" one of them asks. Rex doesn't know how to answer. All he knows is that he feels different, powerful.

As Rex gets to his feet, he realizes that he is now taller than the other children, and he can see farther than ever before. He can hear the birds singing in the trees, even though they are far away. He feels different, more alive, as if he is somehow connected to the very earth beneath his feet. The other children are still staring at him, their eyes wide with fear and wonder. Then, a voice speaks in his head, a voice he's never heard before. "You have been chosen," it says."Chosen for what?" Rex asks the voice in his head. But the voice does not answer. Instead, it says, "Follow me." And suddenly, Rex feels as if he is being pulled forward, towards the tree of darkness. He tries to resist, but the force is too strong. He takes a step, then another, until he is standing directly in front of the tree. And then, something miraculous happens. The tree begins to speak. "Who are you?" it asks, its voice deep and ancient.

"I'm Rex," he says, his voice shaking. "I'm just a boy from the village." The tree considers this for a moment, and then says, "But you are more than just a boy, Rex. You have been chosen to be a protector of this land, to keep it safe from those who would do it harm." Rex feels a swell of pride and excitement, but then the voice adds, "But there is a cost. In order to be a protector, you must give up your life as you know it.

Rex considers the tree's words, feeling torn. On the one hand, he is honored to be chosen for such an important task. But on the other hand, the thought of giving up his life as he knows it is terrifying. He loves his family, his friends. How could he give them up? "I don't know if I can do that," he says at last. "I don't know if I'm strong enough." The tree is silent for a moment, and then it says, "That is something only you can decide."But know this," the tree continues. "If you accept this task, you will be granted power beyond your wildest dreams. You will have the strength to defend this land from any threat, no matter how great. But you will also have to give up everything you know. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?" Rex feels a weight on his shoulders, as if the fate of the entire world rests on his shoulders. He is not sure if he is ready for such a responsibility. But then, he thinks of the people he loves, the people he would be protecting.And suddenly, he knows what he must do. "I will do it," he says, his voice clear and strong. "I will become a guardian of this land, and I will give up everything to do so. I will be the protector this land needs." The tree nods, as if in approval. "Then it is done," it says. "From this moment forward, you are no longer just Rex. You are the Protector of the Land." And with that, the tree's branches began to shimmer, and a light began to shine around Rex.The light grew brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding. Rex closed his eyes against the glare, and when he opened them again, he was no longer standing in front of the tree. He was in a vast, open field, surrounded by mountains on all sides. The air was crisp and clean, and he could feel the energy of the land coursing through him. He was filled with a sense of purpose, of strength, of conviction. He was no longer a child. He was a protector.....

As Rex took in his new surroundings, a voice spoke from behind him. "Welcome, Protector," it said. Rex turned and saw a woman standing before him, clad in robes of white and gold. She had long, flowing hair and eyes that seemed to glow with the light of the sun. "I am the Oracle," she said. "It is my task to guide and advise you on your journey as the Protector. You have a great task ahead of you, but I am here to help you in any way I can."Rex took a deep breath and nodded. "Thank you, Oracle," he said. "I am honored to have your guidance. But I must ask, what exactly is my task? What am I protecting this land from?. "You are protecting it from darkness and chaos," she said. "There is a great evil growing in the land, a force that seeks to destroy everything that is good and pure. You must find a way to stop it, to protect the people and creatures who call this land their home."Rex felt a sense of both determination and uncertainty. On the one hand, he was ready to take on this task. But on the other hand, he had no idea how to actually go about stopping this great evil. "Where should I start?" he asked the Oracle. She pointed to a narrow path leading up the mountain. "The first step is always the same," she said. "You must seek out the wisdom of the Ancients, who have been watching over this land for generations. They will be able to guide you on your path....

Actually the first fan fic I've written in a while,also be sure to drop an honest review,I'll be making more chapters soon.

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