
The legend of Maeisha

lin Momo a cultivator dies during a tribulation and is reincarnated into another world in a ten year old girl Maeisha Demaris. In the other world, there is the Raelia Continent, which is populated mainly by Elves and Dwarves, the Miyagi Continent, which is populated mainly by Traditional Humans, and the Torbay Continent, which is populated by all three races. When she begins her new life in the other world, she doesn’t understand the standards of the world and after repeated trial and error, she finally gets used to the new world. This world does not have cultivation but elemental power. So she uses her experience in the cultivation world and begins her new journey with her new family and friends. But is the world as simple as it seems. Is her identity just a normal girl and nothing more. Does fate have something else in mind for her... This is an interesting cross over story with some magic, romance and a black bellied girl as the main character. The story is slow but interesting. P.s. This a modern elemental world ;) Hello, This is my first time writing. If there are any errors let me know. The updates will be slow but I will try to update atleast two chapter a week. Do enjoy my book. Floating Clouds

floatingclouds · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Chapter 6 - Meeting 2

Inside the small flat room, only a lamp on the rooftop gave off dim light.

Three people sat around a square table, while the other two were standing behind Mr. and Mrs. Demaris. A seat was reserved on the table for Maeisha.

Maei put down her schoolbag, but didn't sit in the seat. She ran to stand behind Mama Lena.

Helena said first, "I've raised Maei for so many years. Although she is not my biological daughter, I've spent a lot of love and energy. You also saw that our conditions here are not good, but Maei is my girl. I will leave whatever is good at home for her first. If I have an egg, I'll give it to her. If I have two eggs, I'll give her one and a half. I treat Maei as my own biological daughter. If you want to take her away from me directly, then wouldn't I lose my daughter?"

"Maeisha is my daughter!" Mrs. Demaris said emotionally, "If she hadn't been taken away, she should have been with us in the capital city now. How could she be your girl! ? "

Mr. Demaris hurriedly hugged her shoulder and patted consolingly.

When Maei was one month old, because she was too small to leave behind, the Demaris parents had decided to take her with them when they were going for official work. They couldn't bear to leave their only daughter behind.

They were travelling by road since the area was not accessible through air travel. Halfway down the trip when the parents had gone to take care of their washroom needs she was left with her wet nurse.

Mr. Demaris, Owen Demaris , was a peak Martial King. While Mrs. Demaris, Brianna Demaris, Was a peak Martial Sage. The Demaris Clan being the top 5 clan in the capital had substantial strength, so did Mama and Papa Demaris. The problem was that while the two were away bandits attacked their camp and kidnapped their girl.

Mama Demaris also felt that she was too emotional. After taking a deep breath, she calmed down and said, "I know you can't bear to let Maeisha leave you. We are both mothers. I know how you are feeling. But Maeisha is my daughter after all. It was so hard to find my girl, and there's no reason for me not to take her home."

The room fell silent for a moment.

Maei, who was standing quietly raised her head. Though she was only ten years old, her soul wasn't. She could tell what the adults were talking about.

Maei had always known that she was not Mama Lena's biological daughter. From the time she remembered, villagers began to tell her that she was bought by Mama Lena and that she would take care of Mama Hua in her old age. For this reason, Mama Lena even ran to argue with the villagers who told her this. After coming home she told her that she bought her because she couldn't have children and wanted one of her own to love.

Regardless of whether she was Mama Lena's biological daughter, Mama Lena treated her better than others. Others even envied Maei for having such a great mom. When the current her knew, she didn't mind whether she was the biological daughter or not .

But now her biological parents came.

'They should be her biological parents?' Maei secretly looked at those people.

The clothes they wore were really beautiful and they had a car that probably cost a lot. Which meant they were rich.

'Were her biological parents the people from the outside?' Maei knew that people living in big cities were wearing beautiful clothes and driving beautiful cars. Even their rooms were tall and beautiful. There were academy students from cities doing supportive teaching in the village a few days ago. Those teachers all looked pretty and wore such beautiful clothes. Maei knew everything about the outside world from asking them.

Now that her biological parents came, were they going to take her to the city?

'She would not leave Mama Lena!'

She knew that there were academies that tought martial arts and Refining pills out there. She also knew that she would learn a lot by going with them. She even wanted to go with them knowing the advantages, but she would not leave without Mama Lena.

From the time she came here and even the previous host, received a lot of love and care from her. She did not want to be a white eyed wolf by biting the hand that fed her, even if it was going to live from rag to riches. She had her own space and she could make them rich on her own.

Although she was thinking like this, those adults did not think so.

Papa and Mama Demaris were determined to take her back. Helena didn't give in. After a long while, the steward broke the deadlock. He walked out and held a paper bag when he came back.

He put the heavy paper bag in front of Helena "What is this?"

The steward smiled and said, "This is for you as the reward for raising Little lady for so many years."

Helena immediately fell silent.

Maei couldn't help raising her head again and secretly looked over there. That paper bag was very large, and it seemed there was much stuff inside.

Before Maei could open her mouth, Mama Lena suddenly stretched out her hand, held the paper bag and threw it back. She was relived. Even though she wanted to say something at the moment she also knew that she was too young to speak up. Mr. Demaris and others were also relieved at that moment.

"I don't need to be paid to raise my own child." Mama Lena swallowed and pretended to be calm, "Even though I bought Maei from child traffickers, I made a lot of effort to bring her up and gave all the good stuff to her. I spent two thousand credits buying her, but to me she is priceless just like to you Mrs. Demaris."

Papa and Mama Demaris had their steward do a check on Helena Cotter and the way she treated her for the past one week. They knew she was good to him but they also knew that a person's heart was unfathomable. Thus they wanted to test her. At this moment they were relived that their girl was raised by such a proud and righteous woman.

A child's early education was was very important as that told them what type of a person they would be in the future. From what they could see, although their girl was raised in a poor environment, she was raised to be an upright person.

The Demaris's although rich were a clan with gentle, kind, loyal and righteous upbringing. There was no infighting within the clan and everyone worked for the growth of the family. The children of the clan were never spoiled and were given everything through their own hard work. It was also why their position in the capital was stable and no one could find fault with them.

Papa Demaris nodded and patted Mama Demaris's hand when she cried hearing that.

The steward bowed and politely said "We deeply apologise for our disrespect."

Mama Lena and Maei were both surprised by this turn of events. They thought they wanted to pay Mama Lena to take her back.

"We had to test you to see what type of a person who raised our Little Young lady is. Our Master really wants to take Little lady back. As long as you are willing to let Little lady return, for the sake of your hard work and love over the past few years, we are willing to let you stay by her side as her Godmother. " He politely adressed her.

Mama Demaris clasped Mama Lena's hand and said "Thank you for raising my child with so much love and teaching her the right values. I know that if another person had bought her, she wouldn't grow up under so much care. I know you don't want her to leave but for the sake of our children we must make the right decision for them, even if its hard."

"In the capital she could go to the best academies and we could provide her the pills and elixirs she needs to practice martial arts. Even though she will be leaving with us, we would like to request you to come with us as well. You don't need to worry, you will still be her mother, but she will just have two mothers."

Mama Lena was so relieved that she started to cry, in fact, she also knew that in such an environment, Maei wouldn't progress. She was just afraid that they wouldn't let her meet Maei. Now they were willing to take her with them and she couldn't be happier to be able to stay with Maei.

Mama Lena was also an orphan and she had no one in this world except her. She had no such obligations that she couldn't leave with them.

Maei also relaxed and bowed deeply to them and smiled cutely with two little dimples on her face.

"Thank you for letting Mama Lena come, otherwise I wouldn't have gone with you."

Papa Demaris and Mama Demaris were proud when they heard what their girl said to them.

Papa and Mama Demaris took her into their arms and said "You don't need to bow to us, instead we should bow to your Mama Lena for raising you into such a good little girl."

"Thank you!!" Papa and Mama Demaris both bowed deeply towards Mama Lena....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

floatingcloudscreators' thoughts