
The legend of Maeisha

lin Momo a cultivator dies during a tribulation and is reincarnated into another world in a ten year old girl Maeisha Demaris. In the other world, there is the Raelia Continent, which is populated mainly by Elves and Dwarves, the Miyagi Continent, which is populated mainly by Traditional Humans, and the Torbay Continent, which is populated by all three races. When she begins her new life in the other world, she doesn’t understand the standards of the world and after repeated trial and error, she finally gets used to the new world. This world does not have cultivation but elemental power. So she uses her experience in the cultivation world and begins her new journey with her new family and friends. But is the world as simple as it seems. Is her identity just a normal girl and nothing more. Does fate have something else in mind for her... This is an interesting cross over story with some magic, romance and a black bellied girl as the main character. The story is slow but interesting. P.s. This a modern elemental world ;) Hello, This is my first time writing. If there are any errors let me know. The updates will be slow but I will try to update atleast two chapter a week. Do enjoy my book. Floating Clouds

floatingclouds · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Chapter 2 - To take home

A black high-end car was traveling on the slippery path, catching everyone's attention.

The path was slippery and full of small water pits due to yesterday's rainfall, which quickly brought dirt and dark spots to the shiny car wheels. But no one really cared.

A man and a woman sitting inside the car were quite nervous. Both of them were tightly holding the hands of each other, looking at the front with uneasiness. But except for dust and green leaves, nothing else could be found on the path ahead.

"Mr. Demaris and Mrs. Demaris, we are arriving soon," The steward sitting in the front passenger seat looked back and said, "The young Lady is ahead of us."

It had been ten years since their young daughter was taken away by bandits. Over the past ten years, they had been busy looking for their lost daughter. Now their hard work finally paid off. Recently, they had heard some news about that bandit. After some twists and turns, they finally found this place.

The poor village was almost half a country away from the capital Azov. This village was not only underdeveloped, but also lagged far behind major cities in terms of children's education. Here was a remote mountain village that could only be found in TV. Along their way to the destination, villagers were all simple and honest, looking at their traveling car with surprise and appreciation.

The couple couldn't help being sorrowful when thinking of their young daughter's hardship and bitterness during her growth in such a poor village. Before they came here, they had done much investigation by checking plentiful information about this place on the Internet. But they could only draw one conclusion from the big bunch of information.

That was poverty.

Any small child growing up here was expected to get up early in the morning, walking several miles to walk groups of cows and sheep. A young child needed to finish not only all the daily housework, but to suffer malnutrition and poor clothing. Some of them might be unable to receive education but only received the mandatory education set by The Empire.

Demaris Family was in fact a noble family in the capital, and their family was in the top 5 ranking group. Everyone in the Demaris Family was born with a silver spoon in the mouth, and was enjoying favorable living conditions and a wealthy life. No one grew up in such hardship. As their only daughter if ... their little girl was not lost at all, how perfect her life would be!

Mr. Demaris's hand was slightly trembling.

As the car passed the mountain path, some cottages were finally seen in the front.

But those cottages were all quite poor and low. Mr. Demaris couldn't help but turn his head. Mrs. Demaris's eyes quickly turned red and she started to weep when seeing that.

The steward in the front passenger seat tried to console them, "Mr. and Mrs. Demaris, when the young lady comes back home, she will stop the suffering and will enjoy a wealthy life hereafter in the capital.

The driver followed, "Yes, he's right. When the young lady comes back home, she will stop the suffering hereafter."

Mr. Demaris patted his wife to console her and made up his mind to bring the best of everything to his little daughter, to make up for the hardship and bitterness she had suffered over the years.

The car finally stopped in front of a low Cottage.

Mr. Demaris helped his wife to get off the car. The steward was already knocking at the door.

He knocked several times and soon a voice with a strong accent came, "I'm coming! Who is there?"

"Squeaking..." The door opened slowly.

A middle-aged woman came out. The woman was stunned for a while when seeing several strangers in front of her. Mr. Demaris was obviously a noble man, unlike anybody else in the village. The woman soon became vigilant and gently closed the door until one could only see her figure through the door.

The woman asked, "Who are you? Why are you finding me?"

The steward said, "Are you Helena Cotter?"

Upon hearing her name from a stranger, the woman became more vigilant and said, "Yes I am. Who are you?"

"In fact, we are coming to find Maeisha Cotter, the young girl you bought from a human trafficker ten years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Demaris in front of you are the biological parents of the young girl. Over the past years, they have been looking for her. Under careful investigation, they have finally found that human trafficker and got the information about their young girl. We have come to take her back. "

The steward was demonstrating the huge status difference between the two families by just a few words.

Helena Cotter became silent immediately. The words that the steward just said were obviously revealing her biggest worry. When she had bought her daughter from the human trafficker the girl had a belly band on her with the words Maeisha, which was why she kept her name the same.

Most people adopted or bought a boy but Helena got a girl instead. Everyone laughed at her for doing so but she knew that girls were much better than boys. They were cuter.

Helena wanted to close the door subconsciously and tried to stop several of them from coming in. But soon stopped herself. She looked at each of them, finding they were all dressed in high-end formal suits and especially the delicate necklace on Mrs. Demaris's neck. Then she looked to the high-end car behind them.

Helena thought for a while and decided to allow them to come in.

The steward said kindly, "Mrs. Cotter, don't worry. We will certainly give you a considerable amount of money for your hard work in raising the young Lady."

Helena stilled for a moment before she took a deep breath and followed them in.

The sky started to turn dark and sunset glow was seen in the sky. Maeisha was hurriedly coming back home with the bag sewed by her mom.

Maeisha or previously known as Lin Momo was a cultivator in Long xia's biggest sect. She was a pill maker. She was going through a tribulation where she would then become the pill maker with the highest cultivation. Seeing that, she was schemed in the dark and died. She then transmigrated to the this little girl named Maeisha when the girl was pushed into a pond by her villagers.

However nobody realised that when Maeisha was rescued from the pond by the villagers she was already dead. Now it was Lin Momo in her body.

When she woke up in a daze she saw a women's haggard face filled with care and worry for the girl. The woman was wearing low quality clothing and had dirt on her clothes. The clothes were tailored very different than where he came from. The room was poorly built and there wasn't much in it except a bed, desk and chair. There was a window on the side of the bed and looking out she could see people wearing the same clothing working in the fields.

She stretched out her hand. What she saw were the soft and tender hands of a child. She then knew that her soul had transmigrated.

The woman asked with great care "Are you okay Maei? Do you feel pain anywhere?"

Knowing that she must be related to her, she pretended to have lost her memory and asked "Who are you? Where am I?"

Her mother then called for the village doctor immediately. The doctor checked her and declared to her mother that she has lost her memory after hitting her head on the rocks in the pond. There might be a tiny clot in her brain and her memory might come back if its resolved but other wise there was no need to worry about her health. (Author: why don't I hit you with a rock.)

Her mother then began to explain to her everything. She gained all the information she needed from her mother and told her that she needed to rest.

After her mother left, silence in the room was restored. Lin Momo rolled up the sleeves of her shirt. The antique Looking bracelet on her wrist was revealed. It was not an elaborate but a simple thin metal band. The former owner had picked this up when she was foraging for food in the mountains. Knowing that it was just a cheap bracelet her mother let her wear it.

However, it actually belonged to the current Lin Momo!

That was the reason that Lin Momo woke up in the former owner's body after her death.

The pattern on the bracelet was very bizarre, and some parts were stained with blood too.

She reckoned that the blood had gotten onto the bracelet when the former owner had gotten pushed into the pond.

Lin Momo stroked the bracelet very gently.

She could feel the affectionate aura of the bracelet, as if it was responding to her.

Lin Momo's gaze became extremely gentle too.

After muttering something, her surroundings spun.

By the time Lin Momo opened her eyes again, she realised that she was no longer in the ward.

She had arrived at a whole new space!

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