
The legend of Imperial Concubine Li

Male main mother Li Yuqi is only square mainland the first female county king, is also a famous female general, under the yu Rong jun, but also zhzha side of the yu Rong county king. In the ceremony of sacrifice to the king of the jade rong county, she accidentally learned that the king of the jade rong county is not dead. As clew ceaseless clear, found still in the world of yu rong county king. At this time tying and male master involved in a generation of power disputes and love hate disputes, but the power of the East Yue country by prime Minister Ling Qi day master, the war of a servant rebellion let she found a place called the sound of the phoenix building. Ming huang building let she understand the reincarnation and gods and demons, more that the king of jade rong county for men and she respectively left the ancient god beast. She was caught in the plot of The Three Kingdoms, with the change of the situation, she broke into the danger alone, and men looking for the ancient god beast. Looking for the ancient gods is to verify the experience of the myth stories in the prehistoric times. After taming the gods in the Book of Mountains and Seas, the heroine sat down on the ink unicorn, with both sexes of the whip in her hands, and under her hands were the guards of the royal beast, the royal bird, the royal insect and the gods. [including: Fuxi, nuwa, taihao, less exposure, gluttony, poor, a legendary fierce beast, chaos, Hou, real talent of cattle, the Jian, yazi, pu prison (nine dragon son) 】 she (Gui) by the memory of agents and fighting force, collaborative men's son (less) in the mainland, also found the rebirth and the flood period, through time and space to Venus, discover the secrets of the hand that mends, the battle of the gods, Also personally experienced hou Yi shot the sun, Yao Shunyu took the throne (zhushu ji nian contained) of the historical events, and personally see Fu Xi Taihao's son Shao Hao, Fu Xi and Nu Wa reincarnation, as well as shao Hao experienced the evil fight between gods and demons.

Na_Ni_2918 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter7 Plum blossom blood makeup

Li Xiaoyu shook off the woman's hand holding his chin in disgust.

Through it all she said nothing.

In her eyes, the woman was a madman. To tell a madman that your behavior is wrong is to cast pearls before swine. If one of them is not good, maybe they will become angry.

Seeing the disgusted look in Li Xiaoyu's eyes, the old woman was still smiling.

'I've got you at last, you bitch!

Familiar voice came, a enchanting figure into the line of sight of Li Xiao Jade, it is the daughter of green Forest city young lady, green Mei.

Li Xiao - yu smiled coldly. "It was you."

Blue mei pick eyebrow way: "do you know is me?"

"When you didn't show up at the reception, you were plotting how to tie me up."

At the feast, Li Xiaoyu did not see Qing Mei. And with qingmei's temper, with Muyunzhao present, how could she pass such a good opportunity, not to approach him?

So Li Xiaoyu could think with every toe that she must have some action.

"Even if you did, it would still be in my hands." Qingmei stood high in front of Li Xiao Yu, patted her beautiful face and sneered, "You are not proud of this face, and I will not believe you can be so proud."

She turned to the flower woman said: "mother-in-law, you say this face should wear what makeup?"

Trembling, the woman approached Li Xiaoyu and squeezed her chin as if she were surveying a piece of merchandise. "Miss, the old woman thinks this face is too plain, I draw a plum blossom makeup for her, coquettish, vivid. Hee hee... What do you think, miss?"

"That plum blossom makeup is good." Qing Mei jilted jilt sleeve stand up, vicious way, "Li Xiao yu, I want to let you know, dare to offend my Qing Mei end. Take my man, and I will make your life a living hell!"

"Muyunzhao that man, if you want, it is better to give you." Li Xiaoyu said that the wind is light and the clouds are light.

That man is not worthy of lifelong love, the world of women are blind and crazy, unexpectedly all want to close to him.

Whoever wants it wants it. She wished she could get away from him.

But to Qing Mei's ears, it was a great stimulus, and she took it for granted that Li Xiao Yu was deliberately insulting her.

'You bitch, you insult me! Green Mei was so angry that her whole face was almost twisted.

"Pa", she slapped li Xiao yu in the face, immediately li Xiao Yu's delicate little face then appeared red palm print.

Green mei loudly command way: "flower mother-in-law, give me to delimit rotten her face, I see she return how to seduce a man, I see qi Royal highness still don't want you an ugly woman!"

"Hee hee..." Flower woman son laughed, for her, a woman for her makeup, is the most happy thing, "young lady ah, how is bad face, I want to give her a beautiful painting..."

Green Mei looked at the flower woman snorted, but did not say anything. No matter what it is, it doesn't matter what it is to torture Li Xiao Yu.

The flower woman was nagging, slowly tidying up her "makeup box".

Li xiao Yu frowned, feeling on the face of burning hot, also know green mei hand is by multiple, how hate her.

A flicker of murder flickered in her eyes, but she bore it.

She squeezed her hands behind her. She wanted to endure it. Not now!

The flower woman crouched down in front of her and opened her box. There were silver knives, needles, scissors, and so on, gleaming white in the light of the candle. Li Xiaoyu had a feeling of being on the operating table.

The woman twirled a silver needle, or rather a stick, with a sharp tip, and looked at Li Xiao yu's face with a smile, as if wondering what to do.

Opposite there is a woman tied to the post seems to be awake, slowly raised his face covered with blood, see everything in front of him, surprised to grow a mouth, as if to see themselves in the inhuman treatment, the whole person violently shivered, a wheezing sound in his mouth.

That pair of eyes under the mask emit, bright as ghost.

"What a noise! Qing Mei saw this woman wake up, a whip whipped past, "give me shut up, quietly watch!"

The whip struck the woman on the breast, and blood slowly flowed from her mouth, and a drop fell to the ground. The woman twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Li Xiaoyu's fingernails were deeply embedded in her palms, but her face showed no emotion.

The woman straightened Li Xiao yu's face with her hand. A needle struck li Xiao Yu between the eyebrows and a drop of blood rolled out.

Li Xiaoyu remained expressionless.

Qing Mei watched Li Xiao yu carefully, trying to see if she was afraid of suffering.

However, she found that Li Xiao Yu still looked calm and didn't show any fear, as if he didn't pay attention to her and didn't know his situation well.

"Flower mother-in-law, increase strength!" "Cried Qingmei. She didn't believe him. Was Li Xiao Yu made of iron and not melted at all?

"Miss, don't worry..."

The mother-in-law said slowly, her hands did not relax, a needle down, began to pour out a lot of blood.

Li Xiao yu felt her eyes turn red and her forehead was strangely painful. It seemed that something had been rubbed on the needle.

But to Li Xiao yu, who had been in situations a hundred times more dangerous and had suffered far worse injuries, the pain was nothing.

So, through it all, she kept silent, as if it were not in her face.

Qing Mei looked at Li Xiao Yu's unloosed face and finally became angry from embarrassment. She stepped forward a few steps and kicked her.

"Rascal, rascal! You bitch, don't you know it hurts? !"

No longer able to stand it, she said, "Bring me the salt soup!"

A small servant girl hurried to take salt soup, estimated that the young lady is angry, thought that hot pepper water is also indispensable.

Here is the place that green mei tortures a woman originally, very fast, thing arrived.

Qingmei picked up a basin of salt water and threw it directly at Li Xiaoyu. The salt water ran through her face to her feet.

The pain of the body suddenly intense several times. Li Xiao yu jilt jilt the blood on the hair, eyes full of murderous looking at Qingmei, "you try again?"

The flower old woman son saw his work has not formed, so is about to be destroyed, urgent way: "young lady, young lady, mo panic mo panic, I have not..."

When Qing Mei heard Li Xiao Yu say this, she just thought she was afraid and knew the pain. She laughed and said, "It's so cool. It's so refreshing to see you this bitch afraid!"

Then she picked up a bowl of hot pepper water and threw it on Li Xiao yu's face.