
The legend of Imperial Concubine Li

Male main mother Li Yuqi is only square mainland the first female county king, is also a famous female general, under the yu Rong jun, but also zhzha side of the yu Rong county king. In the ceremony of sacrifice to the king of the jade rong county, she accidentally learned that the king of the jade rong county is not dead. As clew ceaseless clear, found still in the world of yu rong county king. At this time tying and male master involved in a generation of power disputes and love hate disputes, but the power of the East Yue country by prime Minister Ling Qi day master, the war of a servant rebellion let she found a place called the sound of the phoenix building. Ming huang building let she understand the reincarnation and gods and demons, more that the king of jade rong county for men and she respectively left the ancient god beast. She was caught in the plot of The Three Kingdoms, with the change of the situation, she broke into the danger alone, and men looking for the ancient god beast. Looking for the ancient gods is to verify the experience of the myth stories in the prehistoric times. After taming the gods in the Book of Mountains and Seas, the heroine sat down on the ink unicorn, with both sexes of the whip in her hands, and under her hands were the guards of the royal beast, the royal bird, the royal insect and the gods. [including: Fuxi, nuwa, taihao, less exposure, gluttony, poor, a legendary fierce beast, chaos, Hou, real talent of cattle, the Jian, yazi, pu prison (nine dragon son) 】 she (Gui) by the memory of agents and fighting force, collaborative men's son (less) in the mainland, also found the rebirth and the flood period, through time and space to Venus, discover the secrets of the hand that mends, the battle of the gods, Also personally experienced hou Yi shot the sun, Yao Shunyu took the throne (zhushu ji nian contained) of the historical events, and personally see Fu Xi Taihao's son Shao Hao, Fu Xi and Nu Wa reincarnation, as well as shao Hao experienced the evil fight between gods and demons.

Na_Ni_2918 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 10 Apply herbs to her

Unlike the first time as excited, this time Li Xiaoyu more calm, because she knew that this person is not adverse to her, at least not at present.

So Li Xiaoyu just calmly sitting in the barrel, in a dense mist, her black hair floating on the water, against the petals, skin white as snow, the room was filled with light fragrance of flowers, muyunzhao felt a burst of lips and dry mouth for no reason.

He stepped forward, one hand supporting the bucket, the other hand holding li Xiao Yu's hair, carefully looked at the woman in front of him so calm.

At the moment her shoulders are exposed in the air, the two peaks in the water, and she lifted a pair of dark eyes looking at him, calm calm far, like a bay of water, so straight into his heart.

"My Lord, it's not a good way to look at a bathing woman, is it?" Li Xiao Yu picked up a handful of water and watched the water slide from his fingers. His delicate fingers, like green fingertips, looked at the water and just wanted to let others play with it.

Mu Yunzhao rubbed her hair for a while, then lifted the hair covering his forehead, revealing the wound that was stabbed by her mother-in-law.

"Are you hurt?

His voice is light, with a natural charm, warm breath vomit in Li Xiaoyu's beautiful neck.

The wound has been dealt with simply by her, because do not want to let the evening month to see worry, she used hair to cover up, did not expect to be seen by the man.

"Well..." Li Xiaoyu opened his mouth lightly.

But before the words were finished, the mouth was sealed.

Mu Yunzhao to that delicate about to drop of red lips to stick up.

Touch her lips and rub them gently. At first or slowly grinding, gradually Muyunzhao could not help but pry open her scallop teeth, hooked her fragrant uvula, hard sucking her mouth in the nectar.

Her taste was too sweet for him to taste.

Li Xiaoyu reacted and was about to pull away. Unexpectedly, Moyunzhao was faster than her and clamped her hands to stop her movement.

But because Li Xiao Yu is sitting in the bath tub, there is no inch under the water, so she did not dare to act rashly, but secretly and Mu Yunzhao's strength.

Muyunzhao wrapped his other hand around her slender waist, feeling the delicate touch of his hand, groping upward bit by bit.

Contact that towering twin peaks, Li Xiao Yu almost exhort. She suddenly clear a few minutes, hand a force to break apart, on the point of mu Yunzhao's big hole.

Mr. Muyunzhao was forced to release her. Li Xiao yu grabbed a change of clothes and put them on. "My Lord, what do you mean?" he said coldly.

Her face was tinged pink by the rising steam, and her long, wet hair hung down behind her waist, straggled over her shoulder like a seductive water demon.

Muyunzhao reason wide sleeve, calmly to open, just eyes of peach has disappeared.

"Is he not allowed to touch his own woman?"

"The king remembers we are not married."

"Sooner or later." Muyunzhao stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. "It tastes good."


Li Xiaoyu took several deep breaths to calm herself.

She was originally a new age person, thinking is not so conservative, but a few bites of tofu, it is nothing. But after all, it was her first kiss, and somehow it was snatched by a Wolf.

"The king came here late at night, not just to eat a few bites of tofu, right? If so, his majesty may go home."

Li Xiao - yu turned and tied his belt and was about to go inside.

"Infanta's meaning, this king should not only eat a few bites of tofu?"

The implication is, what else can he do?

Li Xiao Yu naturally heard the meaning of his words, but did not expect when Mu Yunzhao was such a prodigal childe.

Seeing Li's glare, Muyunzhao decided not to tease her. Instead, he took a small bottle from his sleeve pocket and handed it to her.

"What is it?

"On the forehead, it won't leave a scar."

"Medicine?" Li Xiaoyu took it over, "It won't leave a scar, but it's amazing."

When did ancient medicine reach such a level?

"The medicine of the ink doctor is of course extraordinary." Mr. Muyunzhao sat down and motioned for her to do the same. "Come here, I'll fix it for you."

"Ink magic doctor?" Li Xiaoyu did not sit down.

"Haven't you heard?" Muyunzhao was a little surprised, "The ink god is so skilled that no one in The Three Kingdoms knows him. You don't know him?"

"Do I have to know? Li Xiao Yu dian dian medicine bottle, looking for a mirror to open his hair, "do not work in person, xiao Yu himself on the medicine is."

Muyunzhao turned behind her and whispered in her ear, "What is the infanta afraid of? This king is the future husband of the princess. There is nothing wrong with taking medicine for you."

Li Xiaoyu looked at Muyunzhao in the mirror and turned his head. "Your majesty also knows that you are my future husband. Please respect yourself."

She stressed the word "future."

"What about the future? As long as the king wants, it's hard for you to escape." But Muyunzhao disagrees. "Or is the monarch trying to get you to obey him in some other way?"

"Obediently? I think wang Ye think much, not to mention now my courtyard around the wind, sound insulation is not good, not to say a ticket outside the dark wei, even my servant girl evening month will also hear the sound and come. I'm afraid it will be hard for everyone to see you and me like this." Li Xiao Yu picked pick eyebrow to see mu Yunzhao, the eyes have light provocation.

Muyunzhao grabbed Li Xiaoyu by the chin and looked her in the eye for a moment before laughing. "My future princess, if you don't mind being watched by others, I will do as you wish. But I never thought that my future princess would have such a hobby."

Mu Yunzhao learns her tone, in the "future" two words bite especially clear.

Li Xiao Yu smiled, picked up a few strands of hair and bit them in her mouth. Then she picked up the jade pin next to her and curled it up, blinking her eyes prettily, looking at muyunzhao rat Creek with a burst of heat.

They compete in the shadows to see who will lose first, who will actually take action, who will have the better stamina.

Muyunzhao blinked his eyes slowly, calmed down his heat, lifted his lips and smiled, "I originally thought that the monarch of The Kingdom of Xilin was a gentle but charming person or a charming and shy, I did not expect that the charm of the man's means is so good."

Unwilling to be outdone, Li Xiaoyu replied, "I also thought that the King of The State of East Yue was gentle and generous, or careful and considerate, but I didn't expect that he would bully women so hard."

Mu Yunzhao approached Li Xiaoyu and looked her in the eye with a smile like a demon. "Is that right?"

"Isn't it?

"Perhaps the king will have to get to know the monarch again, will he?"

"Probably not, is it? I just have to do my part."



Two dozen charades, who refused to let a step, so deadlocked.