
The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Traveling to England in the 1980s, Jon Hart was ready to study and work hard. Not wanting a letter from Hogwarts, disrupting all his plans. What is the cruelest thing for a student who is ready to devote himself to scientific research and has carefully planned for more than ten years? That is to tell him that this world is not only unscientific, but magical! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I do not own this story nor the story of Harry Potter. I just want to transfer it here for convenience, so that it will be easier to read. I also change some grammar errors as well as spelling errors, If you do see something wrong, then please do comment it. If the author wants to take it down, then please do tell in the review section or the comments.

zcbmo29 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
147 Chs

S. P. E. W.

After more than ten minutes, Jon arrived at the auditorium and was pleasantly surprised by the new Halloween-themed decorations. Professor Flitwick had conjured a large group of bats to fly around the enchanted ceiling, while pumpkin-carved figures dotted every corner of the room.

At the entrance, a crowd had gathered, some of whom were eating bread while watching the Goblet of Fire.

Curious, Jon casually asked the people around him, "Do you know which students have put their names into the Goblet of Fire?"

A second-year girl next to him responded, "All the Durmstrang students! And also Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor, Roger Davies from Ravenclaw, and..."

"Cedric Diggory from your own house also entered!" a familiar voice interrupted. "And our prefect, Gemma Farley!"

"Good morning, Astoria!" Jon greeted enthusiastically as he turned to see Astoria Greengrass.

Astoria smiled and handed him a note. "Professor Snape asked me to give this to you."

Jon took the note and saw Snape's handwriting: "Blood of Indian eel!"

"What does it mean?" Astoria asked curiously.

"Professor Snape is explaining the task for tonight's detention," Jon answered honestly. "It seems like we'll be bleeding some Indian black eels."

"Professor Snape still has you in detention?" Astoria asked with concern.

"Yes, but it's fine," Jon whispered.

As they conversed, the students from Beauxbatons finished their breakfast and approached the auditorium. The Hogwarts students made way for them, eagerly watching as Madame Maxime led her students to form a line.

One by one, the Beauxbatons students crossed the age line and threw their names into the blue and white flames of the Goblet of Fire. As each name entered the fire, it turned red and sparks erupted.

The last student to toss her name into the Goblet of Fire was a girl with blue eyes and long, flowing silver hair. After casting her name, she grinned at the Hogwarts crowd, revealing neat and white teeth.

Jon couldn't help but feel the boys around him becoming entranced by her presence. Even he felt a surge of attraction, but he quickly closed off his mind using Occlumency to avoid displaying any unbecoming behavior.

"She might be a Veela," Astoria said, gripping Jon's hand tightly, her tone tinged with hostility.

"Perhaps she has Veela blood," Jon casually suggested. "After all, magical creatures like Veela are strictly prohibited from possessing wands."

Seeing that Jon wasn't easily swayed like the other boys by the Veela-like girl, Astoria seemed pleased.

"Jon," she whispered, "shall we go and visit the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Sure!" Jon nodded.


The two of them left the castle and made their way toward Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. They were heading toward the woods with the tree-guarding pot situated at the forest's edge.

"I hope Jaffa becomes a champion for Hogwarts," Astoria said as they walked. "She's really talented!"

"I think Cedric has a better chance..."

"Then how about we make a bet?" Astoria mischievously blinked. "Whoever loses will agree to a condition set by the winner?"

"Of course!" Jon couldn't refuse such a bet and readily accepted. "I bet Cedric Diggory will become a champion for Hogwarts!"

"And if he doesn't...what condition will you agree to if you lose?" Astoria cleverly shifted the terms.

Jon dismissed her cunning. "Of course!"

He didn't know how to lose...

As they continued their walk, they unexpectedly ran into three familiar faces.

"Jon?" Harry Potter exclaimed in surprise.

"Hello, Harry!" Jon greeted the trio warmly. "My friend and I are going to visit the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest!"

During their conversation, Jon introduced Astoria to them.

However, due to the longstanding animosity between Slytherin and Gryffindor, they exchanged greetings with a cool detachment.

"Wait, Hermione..." Ron Weasley suddenly exclaimed, "Do you have it?"

Before anyone could stop him, Hermione Granger hurried over, holding two green badges.

"Jon... and Miss Greengrass," she said with a serious expression, "I invite you to join S.P.E.W.!"

"Vomiting?" Astoria asked, taking one of the badges curiously.

"No, it's the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare!" Hermione corrected earnestly.

"Elfish welfare..." Astoria seemed interested in the badge.

"...The enslaved status of house-elves dates back centuries, and it's shocking that no one has taken measures against it," Hermione rapidly began explaining, trying to win over the new recruits. "...No sick leave, no wages, nothing at all..."

"...We aim to ensure fair wages and good working conditions for house-elves. Our long-term goals include amending the laws that prohibit them from carrying wands, and advocating for their representation in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, as their interests are woefully underrepresented..."

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley stood by, looking helpless.

Jon didn't know what to say. Just as he was about to take out some silver Sickles to buy two badges, Astoria interrupted him.

"You don't understand them at all!" Astoria exclaimed, her emotions rarely so stirred. Jon seldom saw her so impassioned.

This time, it was Hermione who was taken aback.

"They don't want any of this... Their nature is to care for humans. They find fulfillment in this, don't you understand? Denying them work is an insult to them. Paying them and giving them clothes is an insult..." Astoria spoke harshly.

This might be the strongest opposition Hermione Granger had encountered since founding S.P.E.W.

"Are you suggesting we allow them to remain enslaved by wizards?" Hermione sarcastically smiled. "Are you suggesting we perpetuate the oppression they face?"

"Not every wizarding family treats house-elves as slaves. Many treat them as friends and family!" Astoria exclaimed. "You've never truly interacted with them, and you don't know them..."