
The Legend of Beland

Live or die, reborn or sink, conquer or be enslaved? War is the inevitable choice on the path of racial survival! A human boy from the orc camp unintentionally unravels the mystery of a 10,000 year old racial war. Magic and fighting spirit competition, dragons and beasts and dance, the human race and the orcs continued for ten thousand years of grudges, elegant elves, berserk dwarves, the mysterious sea tribe, the disappearance of the giants have debut, Beland continent once again storm clouds stirring ......

Rumngsuy · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 14 - The Bar Fiasco

The night is late.

 The clamor inside the Nightingale Bar, however, continued unabated.

 The rough, cacophonous clamor of mercenaries and the crisp clinking of ale glasses interspersed with the intermittent laughter of barmaids filled the bar.

 This is the true picture of the life of most mercenaries, who spend their days outside of bloodshed on wine and women.

 The sassy barkeep Nightingale dragged her chin and squinted her eyes out at the scene in front of her, perhaps remembering her youth again.

 Three mercenaries in greenish-gray leather armor pushed open the door and came in with gusto.

 The cacophony within the bar resumed once again after a slight pause, and it was clear that no one cared about these few small mercenaries of the Coyote Fox Mercenary Corps.

 The three mercenaries looked around and then quickly walked towards a table in the center position, which was also surrounded by a few Coyote Fox mercenaries.

 "Seven golden rums!" A tall, skinny Coyote Fox mercenary yelled at the direction of the bar, deliberately raising his voice.

 This shout of his attracted the attention of most of the mercenaries in the bar at once.

 Gold rum is considered one of the best spirits in the entire human kingdom, it is sweet and fragrant, and the top quality gold rum even has a crystal amber color. It is sold in bars for at least one gold coin a cup, and usually only the rich and the mercenary group leaders can afford to drink it.

 The few Coyote Fox mercenaries who were originally present looked at the tall, thin mercenary with the same eager gaze, and one of them couldn't help but ask, "Solich what kind of fortune have you made that you're suddenly willing to treat your brothers to such good wine?"

 "Getting rich is nothing, just picking up a bit of luck." Solich had a smug look on his face.

 "What's the bargain, quickly tell the brothers!" Several mercenaries urged.

 The bar was supposed to be a place where mercenaries bragged and farted, so Solich didn't have the slightest intention of hiding or disguising himself, and after glancing around and realizing that many of the mercenaries' gazes were on him, he purposely and slowly unwrapped a long, animal-skin-wrapped object from his waist.

 As the animal skin opened layer by layer, a gorgeous longsword was revealed, with a large red jewel at the top of the hilt being particularly eye-catching. With a gentle draw outwards, an ethereal blue flashed across the bar, that was the unique magical luster of the longsword after it was enchanted.

 "Oh my! A rare-grade enchanted longsword!"

 "What kind of luck did you have and how did you get it?"

 "This sword is worth at least 300 gold coins!"

 The few Coyote Fox mercenaries gathered around couldn't help but let out a gasp.

 Solich clasped his shoulders smugly and enjoyed the eager, envious gazes of the surrounding mercenaries.

 "Quickly, how did you get this enchanted longsword?" The mercenaries still prodded Solich.

 "At that intersection around the corner from the bar, a poor kid from the countryside took the initiative to find the door to sell it, saying it belonged to his dead father. This kid didn't know the goods, I gave him 10 gold coins and thought he had picked up a great bargain, took the money and ran away!"

 "What? It's only 10 gold coins! You're simply too dark!"

 "Can't be so cheap!"

 "Right! Boss, 7 more golden rums!"

 A few of the Coyote Fox's mercenaries were talking and coaxing, with an excited gleam in their eyes.

 Suddenly a large hand reached out from the side and grabbed at the enchanted longsword on the tabletop.

 "Brother, what's going on?" Solich's eyes were quick, and he reached out to swing away the large hand that grabbed at the longsword, but his own body swayed and nearly fell.

 The one who reached out was a tall, sturdy middle-aged mercenary, whose most distinctive feature was a silver eye patch over one eye. "Silver Eye" Salik, a fifth grade lieutenant, was known as a ruthless character in the mercenary circle of Juarez City.

 "Nothing more, I want to see the sword." Saleek stared at Solich with one one eye glaring menacingly.

 Solich's heart flinched, of course he knew Salik, but mercenaries in the bar in the face of the provocation of other mercenary corps mercenaries is to be beaten down can not concede, otherwise it will become the object of shame, in the mercenaries will never be able to raise their heads.

 Solich grabbed the longsword on the table and met Saleek's gaze coldly, "You have to ask permission from others to look."

 "Little brother, this sword looks a bit familiar to me, a bit similar to the one our Tristi leader lost the other day."

 Many mercenaries in this circle knew that Salik was the hardcore brother of Vice Leader Tristi of the Thorny Blood Mercenary Corps, and with his words the crowd's eyes once again fell on the longsword.

 Some mercenaries were present when Tristie lost the sword in the tavern a few months ago, and many immediately recognized the ruby on the hilt, only at this time no one wondered how that sword ended up in the hands of a poor country boy, and how it rolled over into the hands of the Coyote Fox mercenaries.

 "I don't know what Vice-Commander Tristie's sword looks like, but I bought this sword for 10 gold coins!"

 "Many of the people here in this room have seen the sword of Captain Tristie, and now I suspect that this sword of yours is of the wrong origin." Saleek didn't believe Solich's explanation at all.

 Solich took a half step backward with his sword tightly gripped, "Doubt requires proof."

 "Please come with me to 'Stabbing Blood' and if said Head Tristie says the sword is not his, you can leave as much as you like."

 Solich forced himself not to have a fit, "Do you take others for fools? When it comes to your 'Stabbing Blood' mercenary group, what isn't yours will be said to be yours!"

 "If you don't want to go I, Salik, will never let you suffer, you bought it for 10 gold coins, then I'll double compensate you for 20 gold coins, in addition the wine for a few of my brothers tonight is also on me!"

 "You're dreaming, aren't you? I'm telling you, I'm not for sale!" Solich turned around and was ready to leave.

 Saleek instantly moved across the room and blocked Solich, "You can't leave until things are clear!"

 Solich looked at Saleek with a grimace, "So you're planning to rob them by force?"

 "None of that, you're coming with me to 'Stabbing Blood' or you're waiting here for Chief Tristie to get here, or you're not taking a step out of this bar."

 "You 'Stabbing Blood' have bullied me too much, I'm going to leave and see who dares to stop me!" With a flash of cold light Solich drew his enchanted longsword.

 The several Coyote Fox mercenaries with Solich also all stood up and hollered to surround Salik, "Others are afraid of your 'Stabbing Blood' mercenary group, but we 'Coyote Foxes' are not afraid of you! "

 The three Stinging Blood mercenaries who were originally at the table with Salik also rushed up when they saw this, and both sides fiercely pushed and shoved and shouted curses, and the group brawl was on the verge of breaking out.

 Fighting was a heavenly pleasure for bored mercenaries, and seeing that the two veteran mercenary groups, 'Stabbing Blood' and 'Coyote Fox', were going to brawl, the other mercenaries in the bar excitedly followed suit, banging on the table tops with their ale cups to make loud noises.

 Seeing the situation getting out of control, a hint of hesitation appeared in Salik's eyes, he thought that he had already given face to these few small mercenaries who were not even battle lieutenants, but he did not expect that he had provoked such strong resistance from them.

 Mercenaries were supposed to be a profession that plugged their lives for profit, needing to risk their lives for a few gold coins in mission commissions, let alone a blade worth hundreds of gold coins. Solich ignored the huge gap between 20 gold coins and the true value of this sword. Without this opportunity, Solich might not have had the chance to get such an enchanted longsword in his life, so for the sake of this sword and the dignity of a mercenary, he would fight for his life!

 Just in the moment of Salik's hesitation, a large wine glass suddenly flew out from among the onlookers of the mercenaries and smashed into Salik's face, which also kicked off the brawl ...