
Where everything started

I was once someone with no dreams and no hope for tomorrow until that exact moment where everything changed, everything started with me waking up in the morning.

Emir"Hey ugly wake up it is time to go to school not that it matters if an idiot like you goes or stays, anyway mom will get mad so wake up."

Alperen'' Yeah yeah i am up and what is it with that attitude towards your little brother.

Emir looked back in an arrogant way and said with a feeling of superiority.

"Why wouldn't I it is not like we are related by blood you are just some distant relatives child in my eyes nothing more.,'' after telling Alperen those cruel words he left without saying anything''

" What is with that attitude it is not like I don't know that I am not related but he could at least be a bit nicer, '' dresses up and picks his bag and lefts the house in silence''

Alperen walks like usual towards his school the place where his only hope Kim giz is, He walks and gets to the gate where 2 bullies calls him fat hairy pig again due to his appearance. Alperen doesn't say anything back and just goes to his classroom.

Alperen's inner thought: Maybe I should try my luck and confess to Kim ? But what if she says no, no no no Don't think about that just go for it.

So after school I went to Kim and asked her to come with him to the backyard of the school I took a deep breath and said.

'' Kim I love you ever since the first time I saw you in kindergarten I've always loved you could you please go out with me !!''

Of course it didn't go well for me because her answer was pretty straight forward.

" I am sorry but I don't really have any feelings for you and fat hairy guys are not really my type."

Afterwards she left me there and when I watched her go I saw one of the bullies Furkan pick her up with his car and kiss her. I was totally destroyed that day I not only got bullied and abused at school but due to my appearance I also lost the one person I always dreamed about to one of the bullies.

" Why god why are you doing this to me why was I born like this why had you make me look like this and force me trough so many hardships isn't this enough.


And on that moment when I had lost all hope and was planning to commit suicide in order to end everything I saw something extraordinary happen.

" Holy shit a girl is falling no floating down what is this did I die from stress already or something ?"

" No human you did not die. My name is Yousra, but you humans call me 'God' if I remember it correctly.

On that exact moment I felt like something was about to happen to me, but even the most intelligent person on earth wouldn't have guessed what was about to happen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BYTcreators' thoughts