
The Legend of Astra

In a world where Arks ruled the battlefield... In a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred.... In a world where... "uhh... how do you read this again?" "It's 'Rendezvouz'!!! How many times do I have to remind you?!!" In a world where fate rendezvouz... "ugh... why do I feel like this sentence is wrong..?" "Just read it already!!!" "And why does it have to be me?!" "No...isn't that because you lost at Rock-Paper-Scissors?" "And who wrote such cringey lines?!" "Of course it was made by yours truly. It's about my tale after al--" "Astra!!!" "Yes madam?" ". . . can I just make a cooler version?" "Hell no! I poured all my blood and sweat into making that piece--" *rip* *rip* *rip* "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ahem.... anyway..." --------------------- ------------------ In a distant land, in a distant realm, from a distant universe, a young man was transported into a world of magic and machines. As an ignorant-- "MY PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!" *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*...*Thud*. As an ignorant young man of another world, his destiny coincides with a young noble lady who takes him as her war slave. Slaves that accompany their master from life to death. Both in peace and war. And so, his legend, as the strongest Ark Meister began...

Lievel_Veltrandt · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Record #8: More Unexpected Finds!

Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 9. (3:40 PM)

◇ Astra's POV ◇

Now this was interesting. We were flipping our heads and endured our stress as we worried about Lady Reyshia's safety, but only to find her like this.

She looks quite comfy, eh? With a faint smile on her face, she's hugging a robot that looks like the droids from Star Wars. The trash bin shaped ones.

"She must like robots, huh?"

I turned to the maid beside me as I made a comment, but she didn't respond. Her golden eyes carried a blank gaze as she stared directly into the Madam. I know this pattern. I've experience this personally on this trip.

Yep. She's mad.

She then glanced in my direction with the same blank gaze. "Please wake her up."

Her tone was polite, but for some reason, it's really scary. What the hell is this? Is she even human?!

"Please wake her up." She repeated.

Letting out a dry laugh, I approached Lady Reyshia. I then shook her gently. Vee~~ry gently.

"Madam." I called out, vee~~ry gently. "Please wake up, madam."

"Mn...five more minutes..." she moaned as she muttered.

I glanced towards Crazie. There was no change in her expression, but I think she's pissed. I think.

Anyway, I wouldn't want her venting out on me, so I tried harder. If gentle doesn't work, the we can only do this the hard way.

I sucked in deep breath as I held it in, and the next moment, I shouted:


"Whoa!!! Wha!—Where?!"

I nodded at her vigilance. As expected from a...a soldier? Was she a soldier? Well, it doesn't matter. What's important is that she was awake now?

Lady Reyshia who suddenly woke up didn't seem completely sober as she tried to identify us.

"Astra? And...L-Lillia?!"

She suddenly jerked up as she let go of the poor robot.

Hey! What's with that reaction?! Aren't you the boss here?! You can't be a body-double right?!

In any case, Crazie, who was actually named Lillia, stared at Lady Reyshia with the same deadpan gaze. "Good afternoon Lady Reyshia." She greeted with a bow. "Sleep well?"

Lady Reyshia let out a wry smile, but I could see sweat forming on her forehead. She then turned towards me with a look that can be summed up as asking: 'why are you here? And why is she here?' kind of look.

I shrugged. "We were worried about you." I explained. " There was something strange about the explosion we heard, so we searched for you."

My words seemed to have brought a flash of clarity in her as she seemed to remember now. She uttered a stupid sounding "Ah!" and then turned to Craz—ahem!...Lillia.

"What about Valkyria?!" she asked in a tense tone. "Did you see it?"

"Why yes, Lady Reyshia." Lillia replied with a smile. "We perfectly saw how wrecked it is. . . again."

The moment she heard Lillia, a look of despair filled her expression. Her face paled, while her shoulder slumped. I was shocked.

Hey! You really are the boss in here aren't you?! What's with that reaction?!

I was getting nevous at their exchange so I asked. "Uh... Madam, what exactly happened?..."

Finally having an excuse to look away from Lillia, she shot me a grateful look for an instant, and then answered.

"A-Actually, there was something wrong with Valkyria." She explained. "As I was practicing manoeuvres, the system sent shutdown notices before completely shutting down." She said with a soft tone similar to a child guilty of something. However, if there was someone to be guilty here, it was me.

'Uh...Okay that was entirely my fault. So let's confess now. There aren't much people around, so I have much higher chances of living.'


"Astra, you came from another country, right?"

As I was gonna confess, she suddenly cut me off as her face shifted to an enthusiastic expression. And somehow, she looked a bit...hopeful? Oh please no! Expectations never brought me good things in my entire life.

"Uh, y-yeah." I can't exactly tell her I'm from another world.

Hearing my confirmation, she suddenly took out a mirror from her pocket, and pointed to the letters on it. "Do you recognize this?" she asked, "it looks similar to the letters of your wisewatch."

"A-ahem..." I cleared my throat. "It's smartwatch, madam. Also, I doubt the letters from my country would pop up he—"

I was about to deny that it was the same, but the moment I glanced at it, I cut myself off. It was because on the pocket mirror, the words 'Mirror' was written in English. Yeah, it was just 'Mirror'.

Seeing me pause, Lady Reyshia looked at me with interest. "So? Is it?"

Due to my shock, I could speak anything. I was still able to nod, however. When she saw my confirmation, her face beamed as she completely ignored the dark face of the maid behind her, and dragged me off somewhere.

"Come on, Astra!" she urged. "Follow me!"

I followed her as Lillia followed from behind us. We went through several turns, but where she brought me had something I completely hadn't expected.

"What about this, Astra?" she pointed to the object. "Do you know what this is?"

". . . a computer?"

"Computer? What is a computer?"

Her question brought me back to reality as I answered with a stuttering voice. "N-No, its just a...different term for Data Terminals."

She smiled widely at my answer. Seriously, what's with her? She's not her usual cold and bossy self! She's been like this ever since she saw Lillia! Who exactly is Lillia?!

Well, my ill omen aside, I was getting curious about the PC itself. I turned to Lady Reyshia and asked. "Can I turn it on?"

She nodded furiously.

I smiled wryly at her enthusiasm, but Lillia who was silent for some time explained. "Lady Reyshia gets excited quickly when it comes to Data Terminal Programs."

"H-Hey! Lillia! Didn't I tell you to stop calling me Lady Reyshia? Reyshia is fine." She said with a blush. "My nickname, Rhea is fine too."

"Oh. Then let me call you Rhea too." I butted in, but was denied.

"Please shut up." "Astra, know your place."

Lillia and Lady Reyshia seemed much closer than I thought.

With a broken heart, I booted up the PC, and it turned on just fine. It went into boot up animations, in which I found out it wasn't using WINDOWS for its OS.

Well, where would you get WINDOWS in a different world? At the very least, the person who made this OS might be someone who worked from Microsoft. Why?

It was because the OS name was DOORS...

Anyway, let's leave the quips for later and focus. That's right. Let's leave the countless 'whys' for now, and see what kind of OS this is.

After it booted up, I was greeted by a home screen reminiscent of WINDOWS 7, with similar user interface and design. The desktop had quite a few files, but something caught my attention. It was a text document with the title 'To Anyone w...' , it was like that.

I clicked it, and the title expanded. It now read 'To Anyone who can read this'. Much better. I then opened it, and what seems to be a message spread out.


Hello, fellow earthling(s). I am Belle Doors, the creator of this entire place you probably are right now. By the time you read this, I probably have long died. That's why I will be giving all of what is here to you.

Please don't fret. I don't have any mission or request to give as I don't really care about who inherits this place. However, I implore you not to delete my personal files in the documents. The locked ones. Those files are quite important, so I'll tell you where the porn stash is instead.

PS. The porn stash is at the directory ■/■■/■■.exe. Just remove the .exe extension, okay?


Okay...what the fuck?