
Chapter 1

"Give me the diamonds and I'll make sure no one ever finds out about your secret" Damian said with a devilish smile, with his hand reaching for the bag in Bella's hands. His future was about to change the moment he'd get his hands on those very precious stones, and all that stood in his way now was simply Bella's cooperation.

"I've already told you I didn't sleep with him, the sex tape is all a lie" She said taking a step back.

"I saw your face in it Bella, you were humping over that dude. Don't make this harder than it is, I don't wanna show this to your dad."

"I don't care about my dad."

"But you do know it will ruin his campaign, how are the people going to vote for him if his very own daughter is seen sucking a random guy in a sex tape? Huh?"

"They made that up, this video is edited, my face was placed on the body of that girl I don't even know. And my father isn't dying to be voted for, he's got his own company, he's a CEO" Bella said as she angrily turned to walk out.

Cracka! She heard the sound of a gun crackle behind her as she took the first step away.

"I gave you two choices, hand over the diamonds or walk away. Walking away was the wrong choice."

Thaw! Thaw! Thaw!

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

1 Week Earlier

"No Alexandro, I can't do this, it's risky" Bella said as she smiled with every inch of her face showing she didn't really mean "NO". She had always loved her boyfriend Alexandro and they've done alot of things that could be called 'crazy'. But it was the first time they were attempting to make a sex tape and she knew that making it was risky but part of her wanted to try. It has always been her desire to try out new things since she was a little girl and there she was, faced with another temptation to attempt an erotic video.

"It's just me and you love, it's a video only for both of us." Her boyfriend Alexandro assured her knowing she'll definitely do it. He was always good at convincing the cute girl with a pretty smile.

"You know I love you, and I will never do anything to hurt you right?" he asked

"I know love, but…."

"Shii…." he put a finger on her lips "it's just me and you".

Alexandro put the camera 'on' as he kissed her passionately while drawing lines on her neck. They paused to look at each other then smile before their lips met again. Kisses on the neck, the lips, her belly and things got tensed up as Bella quickly helped her boyfriend take off that tight black shirt to reveal his abs.

They looked at each other with minds full of lust and desires to feel good with every single touch from each other's body and they completely forgot the door was unlocked! Maybe one of them was aware of the door not being locked, maybe!

This happened in Windsor hotel, one of the best in Rio Brazil, and Damian who was one of the most good looking hotel housekeeping staff passed by as he heard voices in room 23. There was heavy breathing and moaning, he could hear voices but not clearly because the clarity of the voices was completely overshadowed by the pleasure in them. "Don't cum inside me" a female voice came clearly this time. He knew room 23 was occupied by the beautiful daughter of Pedro Lucas, a man who was known to be one of the richest CEO'S and was contesting for the Mayor (Prefeito) of Rio de Janeiro.

Damian rushed to see through the window, he could see there was a camera recording their act and he decided to wait for them. Some minutes later, Bella and Alexandro were done with their on-camera love making and fell deep asleep, that was the right time to make a move.

Damian stealthily walked in, took the camera, removed the memory card and vanished!

The couple woke up after Damian had left with the memory card, and as Alexandro tried to play the video only to tell Bella there was nothing!

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed

"What's wrong?"

"The camera, I… I thought it was recording, I just noticed I didn't even bring the memory card. I must have left it back home"

"Honestly, I like it, I wasn't really comfortable with the idea of recording my sexy body while you take control of me" She winked after saying this, looked at him smiling as she fell back in the soft bed feeling extremely exhausted.

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

Bella got home and her dad, Mr Pedro Lucas sat in the living room waiting just for her. Being a well educated man with focus and dreams that only got bigger, Pedro was a highly principled man with a perfectly shaped beard which never seemed to grow over the line or shaved below the line. Attention from ladies of different classes became normal, but he was rumoured to have been celibate since the disappearance of his wife some years ago. He was the CEO of 'Innovatech Solutions' a cutting-edge technology company specializing in advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems and robotics.

"You're past curfew" Pedro said as Bella walked in.

"Traffic dad, traffic"

"Did the traffic stop you from going to school today?"

"I went to school"

Pedro handed her a picture of him (Pedro) and Bella's principal.

"Look, that's me and Mr Guilherme. I was in your school today to give a speech and you were not there!"

Her eyes turned to the floor, there was no denying now. And it had became a habit to miss school and spend time with her interesting boyfriend Alexandro who could be super mysterious sometimes.

"I'm sorry dad, it won't happen again."

"Look honey, I love you alright? And I want the best for you. Am not against you having fun or enjoying your youthful age, but I'd really appreciate it if you could show me some support too."

"Please don't tell me about your ambitions again dad." Her forehead squeezed a little knowing that her dad was going to tell her about watching her behaviour, because it will affect his status and political desires.

"I want to be the Mayor my dear Bella, and my enemies will stop at nothing to prevent that, they could even use you against me with the slightest opportunity they get."

"Dad, I am no kid anymore, I can take care of myself" She said standing up, "Goodnight dad" she finally uttered as she walked into her room.

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

A school bell rang in Colégio Santo Inácio High school as students walked up and down holding books while others carried backpacks. It was indeed a busy and noisy environment, an environment Bella would never choose to be at the moment. She had always preferred being in quiet places, never uttered more than three words to strangers and new people, but always became talkative when she's with people she's comfortable with.

Bella was in class only for the second time that week and some of the back benchers made fun of her.

"Alright everybody, phones away now!" Miss Lucia Verona said as she walked into the classroom. A tall chocolate skinned young lady who was obviously the sexiest female teacher in all of Colégio Santo Inácio High school. Some of the male students lusted after her and couldn't concentrate during her classes, and yes it was all interesting to her because she was sexy and she knew it. "Wow I see a new face there, welcome back Bella" she said as the whole class laughed.

Bella saw movements in the classroom, Lucia moving from side to side saying something about economic disparity. But she was completely lost in her thoughts about things she loved doing. She didn't really want to be seated in a classroom hearing someone tell her things about the economy. She wanted to be lying on her bed, writing Interesting novels to be published on Goodnovel, one of the best online reading platforms in the world. Or she would be in front of the camera, recording videos for her YouTube channel. She had always wanted to be someone so different from being the lawyer her father wanted her to be.

"Are you going to answer me or not miss Bella?" Lucia asked, shocking Bella out of her deep thoughts. Bella had been asked a question but didn't hear it because she was lost in her thoughts.

"Sorry ma'am?" Bella uttered as she stood up

"I asked you, what is Economic disparity?"

"I uhm… am sorry I uhm… Don't know"

"Just sit down" Lucia said completely disappointed.

A "Tri-tone" sound came from Bella's phone and she took it to see the message trying not to get spotted by Miss Lucia.

She opened the message and it was a video which came with a short text "Watch Alone".

"Excuse me ma'am can I use the restroom please?" Bella said then went out as soon as she got the permission.

In the female restroom, she played the video and was shocked to see herself completely naked as she humped Alexandro with so much passion. It was a leaked sex tape! A leaked sex tape from the day she and Alexandro attempted recording their love making.

"How did this happen? Alexandro said there was no memory card and we didn't record this. Who did this to us?" She asked herself in a whisper. "Oh my God what am I going to do now?" She started trying to control her tears but it was too much to hold in.

If this tape gets leaked, it will completely ruin her life. How can she look at her mates and how can they ever look at her without seeing her as a slut or a sex object? "they will say am a pornstar" She said crying bitterly this time.

This was not just any other leaked video, it was an erotic video involving the daughter of Mr Pedro Lucas who was the well known CEO of Innovatech Solutions and was contesting for Mayor of Rio de Janeiro. Alot could be lost if this tape happened to meet thousands or millions of people on the Internet. Alot to be lost!