
The leading actor always has ulterior motives towards me.

Shen Yi, also known as Wei Long, was a movie star in the 1970s who achieved worldwide popularity. However, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to have never existed in history. One day, Rong Qian came across a 30-year-old photo of herself and Shen Yi together, which led her on a time-traveling journey to save him. For Rong Qian, she only traveled back a few days each time, but for Shen Yi, he had to wait for many years just to see her again. During his long wait for her, Shen Yi, who was elegant and refined in public, could often be found biting his finger and calculating the days until he could meet her again. He would often sigh with sorrow and say, "Ah, love across time and space is even harder than long-distance relationships. My Ah Qian, I miss you so much."

kite_baby · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

6 Finally see him again!

At night, after taking a bath, Rong Qian lay lazily on the bed.

The scene of meeting Shen Shuhuai is still vivid, and what he said at that time also reverberated in her ear.

The person in the picture is her - how can it be?

But what happened in the morning, but it was crazy to suggest that she was like this!

Rong Qian turned her head and looked at the bedside table. There was the old photo album.

Shen Shuhuai asked her to take it away, saying it might help her. I hope she can find out why his cousin disappeared in those years? Did someone hurt him?

She was suddenly given such a heavy responsibility, and she also felt a headache.

She just wanted to find out the situation. Why did things go to such an unthinkable situation?

"Shen Yi... who are you?"

Holding the pillow and rolling on the bed, if she can really cross it, how can she cross it?

That photo has been taken out by her. She tried to cross it again in many ways, but it was useless.

Even though she was almost going to burn with fire, she thought that the way to turn the photos into ashes might not be to burn with fire, so she gave up again.

Rong Qian raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist. It was real. It was worn by the man named Shen Yi. From this point of view, there is no doubt that she did meet him.

Moreover, according to his tone at that time, it seemed that she had seen him more than once...

The more she thought about it, the more she felt wrong. The feeling that she could not feel her head was too bad. She could not sleep, so she simply rolled out of bed and went downstairs in slippers.

When she left at that time, she also wanted to leave with Shen Shuhuai all the discs of the films that Shen Yi had shot. Shen Shuhuai was also very generous and gave them to her in a box.

Sitting in front of the TV, Rong Qian started with her first film in chronological order.

He started acting when he was 15 years old. In the first film, he played a deaf mute boy. There were few scenes, and he was not even a supporting role.

But because of his beautiful appearance and excellent acting skills, once released, he won a lot of attention and officially started his acting career.

In addition to playing some roles in American films in the early stage, most of the later films have been shot in China.

Seeing that he has also cooperated with many famous old directors in the past, she can't help but be surprised.

She can't imagine that such a person who once swept the world can really disappear in history without seeing, without any trace.

Even after more than 30 years, it is impossible that there is no news at all. The only explanation is that someone made him disappear and let him disappear in the world.

If it hadn't been for watching these discs, Rong Qian would never have known that Shen Yi had acted in some films she had seen before. It's just that they have either been cut clean or changed actors.

So, at this time, Rong Qian looked at it all night again, which led to her depression when she went to the bureau the next day. Chen Jia and Zhang Hao also cared to ask her if something was wrong.

Rong Qian waved her hand and didn't want to say more about these things. She just asked Chen Jia if the owner of the license plate that she asked her to check yesterday had found out. Chen Jia shook her head regretfully about this.

"Checked, the car is rented, and the renter uses a fake identity. At present, the car has been returned. Now we are checking the identity of the two blacks according to the portrait you gave." Chen Jia said truthfully.

Rong Qian nodded. Although she wanted to know who wanted to attack her, she also knew that he was in a hurry.

Moreover, Rong Qian vaguely felt that the two blacks might have something to do with her investigation of the accident more than thirty years ago, but why she came to her was still unclear.

These days, she can't sleep peacefully. She always feels a very warm hand touching her face and calling softly in her ear.

"Ah Qian..."

"Ah Qian..."

"I'm waiting for you..."

When Rong Qian opened her eyes in a daze, she would see Shen Yi sitting beside her bed, staring at her with gentle eyes. At this time, Rong Qian would be awakened!

Then she found that she was only dreaming.

Rong Qian couldn't sleep, so she went downstairs to the living room to see her film. She was not good at watching it, but when the camera flashed on his face, she pressed pause.

Over the past few days, Rong Qian found that she was going crazy if she didn't try to see him again!

That guy, who has been driving her crazy these days, wants to ask him, what the hell is going on?

But the more urgent she is, the less she can see...

That night, after work, Rong Qian went to the nearby street to buy a Guandong stew, and sat on the small stool at the door to eat it. There was a little girl squatting beside her licking an ice-cream. It was very cute.

Rong Qian couldn't help touching her little head. The little girl grinned at her, and Rong Qian's eyes could not help being gentle.

With nothing to do, Rong Qian took out the old photo she always carried with her.

When she sees her face in the photo, she always has a sense of trance, just like the person in the photo is not her. Maybe it is too strong sense of time, after all, it is the photo of decades ago.

Holding her chin, Rong Qian could not help murmuring, "After all, I don't know who I am worried about in the picture. How can I show such worried eyes?"


At this moment, there was a creaking and depressing noise coming from the top of the head. When she looked up, she could see the billboard light flashed twice, and then with a roar, the huge billboard fell straight down!


She found that she could not hide. Rong Qian's first reaction was to throw down the little girl next to her, protect her under her body, and hold her head tightly with both hands!

Before the moment when the billboard covered her body, Rong Qian saw that the photo she held in her hand suddenly turned to ashes and then disappeared...

The last thing that Rong Qian heard was a loud bang, and a piano sound that seemed to come from afar. It was melodious, remote, and slowly flowing into her ears like spring water. The familiar melody was Beethoven's "Moonlight"...

When Rong Qian suddenly opened her eyes from the darkness, it was still darkness.

Realizing that she is in a closed space, Rong Qian habitually sticks to the wall to find a way out. She gropes with both hands and vaguely feels that she has touched the door plank!

As a result, the door plank was looser than she thought, and it was unlocked. It opened at the push of the door plank. It was easy and defenseless. This push threw her out.


She exclaimed, and the sound of the piano that had been ringing in her ear suddenly stopped.

Rong Qian touched her sore knee and sat up, showing her teeth in pain. Looking back, she found that she had fallen out of the closet.

The exquisite retro European style wardrobe was very large, and there were many clothes hanging inside. Without waiting for her to look carefully, there was a clear voice from behind.

"Who are you?"

When she turned her head, she saw a little boy sitting in front of a piano opposite the window. His hands were flat on the piano keys, and his eyes were clear and bright. There was no fear and panic in his eyes. He was not as calm as a child should react to strangers.

The little boy wore a small suit with straps, like a little gentleman, and wore leather shoes at his feet. Although the dress was exquisite and expensive, it was retro. Now children can wear more fashionable than adults.

Let's look at his face. His facial features are delicate and his skin is as white as snow. It's not too much to describe it with powder carving and jade carving.

However, the more she looked at it, the more she felt familiar with the little boy. Where did she see it? The handsome and elegant eyebrows and eyes are like Shen Yi's childhood when she occupied her brain these days.

Just as she thought about it, Rong Qian was shocked.

Wait! This child, isn't it really Shen Yi?