
The leading actor always has ulterior motives towards me.

Shen Yi, also known as Wei Long, was a movie star in the 1970s who achieved worldwide popularity. However, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to have never existed in history. One day, Rong Qian came across a 30-year-old photo of herself and Shen Yi together, which led her on a time-traveling journey to save him. For Rong Qian, she only traveled back a few days each time, but for Shen Yi, he had to wait for many years just to see her again. During his long wait for her, Shen Yi, who was elegant and refined in public, could often be found biting his finger and calculating the days until he could meet her again. He would often sigh with sorrow and say, "Ah, love across time and space is even harder than long-distance relationships. My Ah Qian, I miss you so much."

kite_baby · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

4 An incredible journey

After that, Rong Qian adjusted her confused thoughts and then stepped out of the car.

When she entered the bureau, she saw Team Zhou waving to her and said to her, "How about that photo? I heard from the material evidence room. Let me show it to you."

All the people cast their curious eyes, but they didn't speak. Instead, they calmly handed the received license plate number information to Chen Jia, who was responsible for checking the information, "Jia Jia, help me check, who is the owner of this car?"

Chen Jia was still drinking soybean milk. Hearing this, she put it down and asked her, "What's wrong with the car?"

Rong Qian's face was gloomy. She noticed that all the people were staring at her. Then she told them about the attack this morning.

As for the car accident and meeting Shen Yi, she didn't mention anything.

Knowing that she was being followed early in the morning and that the other party was suspected of having a gun, Team Zhou immediately took it seriously.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. As a criminal policeman, there is indeed a risk of being targeted by criminals, and we must not neglect it.

Team Zhou asked her, "Rong Qian, do you have any guesses?"

Rong Qian shake her head, "No, I have been on the police for five years, and I have not offended anyone, let alone the criminal gang with guns. At present, there is no direction at all, and we can only start from the investigation."

"OK, I understand. You should pay attention and try not to act alone these days. Are there so many brothers in our group who are afraid of not finding one to protect you? Well, let Zhang Hao follow you, and I will rest assured." Zhou said, and looked at Zhang Hao, who was very dignified when she was attacked.

Suddenly being called, Zhang Hao was stunned and said, "OK!"

"OK." Rong Qian has no opinion.

Zhang Hao smiled and walked up to her, patted her on the chest and said, "Don't worry, Sister Rong, I can protect you!"

Rong glanced at him and said, "Even I can't fight. How do you mean?"

Zhang Hao was embarrassed, so he had to find a step for himself: "I didn't let you down. You are a girl. How dare I lay heavy hands on you, let alone me..." Like these three words, Zhang Hao could not say it anyway.

"What's more?" Rong Qian raised his eyebrows. He coughed a dry cough and then said in a low voice: "Nothing."

Rong Qian didn't care about his mind any more. Seeing that Team Zhou had focused their attention on her attack, Rong Qian said about the loss of the photo.

Rong Qian lied a little and said that the photo was confiscated. When driving, it flew away from the window carelessly. I don't know where it went.

Team Zhou is really not in the mood to care about this kind of thing now. He said that if he lost it, he would lose it.

In addition, after consideration, Team Zhou decided to leave the case to her and let Zhang Hao and Chen Jia assist her to continue the investigation.

On the one hand, this case only needs to find out the identity of the deceased and wait for the family to claim it. The workload is not large, just to avoid the danger of her running around.

But what Team Zhou didn't know was that this case not only required her to run around, but also let her run across to investigate.

It is his words that allow shallow to wait. She just has a lot of confusion to find out.

Zhang Hao came to her and asked her, "Sister Rong, have you seen the photo? Can you prove the identity of the deceased?"

Hearing this, Rong Qian was stunned for a moment. She almost forgot. However, is that bone really Shen Yi?

Rong Qian can't be sure now. She didn't answer. She just moved a chair and crowded with Chen Jia and asked her to help check a person named Wei Long.

Zhang Hao stood behind her and asked curiously, "Who is this Wei Long?"

"An actor is the person in the picture." Rong Qian stared at the screen and answered casually.

"Wei Long?" Zhang Hao felt his chin and thought for a while, but shook his head. "I haven't heard of it."

Rong Qian thought that some clues could be found by the information network in the bureau, but Chen Jia shook her head after searching, saying that nothing was found.

Rong Qian's fingertip tapped gently on the table. She bit her lips and thought. After a moment, she wrote another name on the paper.

Chen Jia looked at it and said, "Shen Yi? Who is this?"

"I also want to know who he is. Anyway, you should check it first!" Rong Qian was a little urgent, and Chen Jia did not delay. She entered Shen Yi's name on the computer.

There are a lot of information coming out. She eliminated the irrelevant information one by one, but after looking for it for a long time, there is still no information about Shen Yi.

Rong Qian didn't believe this evil. At that moment, she accidentally glimpsed a social account called Shen Shuhuai on the computer. There was a short paragraph of text on it that mentioned the name "Shen Yi".

Rong Qian hurriedly asks Chen Jia jia to click to enter the home page. Chen Jia operates it and finds that the article is encrypted.

No one else will be able to see it, but to Chen Jia, it's just a matter of fingering.

After a while, she broke into someone else's social account, clicked the article, and found that it was an encyclopedia of characters, and the character introduced in the article was called Shen Yi.

At the moment of the article's opening, a black-and-white photo of a person appeared on the page.

Seeing that familiar face, although Rong Qian was ready, she was momentarily shaken.

The picture of him talking to her and Shen Yi holding her hand when he put on her watch can't help appearing in his mind, which is different from what he imagined. His hand is warm, broad, thin, powerful and real...

Although it is black and white, his face is really too outstanding. His eyebrows and stars, staring at his white teeth, and his delicate facial features are three-dimensional and profound. His refined and noble temperament can be felt across the screen.

Dressed in a suit of high style, he sat in the car with deep eyes staring at the outside of the car, as if saying goodbye to his beloved, and his eyebrows were full of emotion and tenderness.

"Wow! This handsome guy is OK! It's a pity that he was born at a bad time and couldn't see it with his own eyes." Chen Jia sighed.

Hearing her words, Rong came back to her senses and saw his birth date and past experience annotated beside the photo.

Shen Yi, with the stage name of Weilong, is a famous actor.

The date of birth was July 24, 1956, and the person disappeared on May 4, 1988. He was sentenced to death after many years because his whereabouts were unknown, and only lived to the age of 32.

Seeing the above information, Rong Qian was shocked by the date at first sight. Was he born in 1956? What year was it when she saw him?

Rong Qian pressed her eyebrows and closed her eyes to recall what had happened before.

She clearly remembered that she had a car accident at that time, and that photo did fall into her hands and then disappeared.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Shen Yi.

Is it that photo that took her back to the past?

And when the camera took the picture, she came back? And the time went forward about five minutes?

In the past, she would not even think about this kind of thing, but at present, it seems that there is only one explanation.

Chen Jia still doesn't know what Rong Qian is thinking. She carefully reads the introduction of Shen Yi in the article and is surprised after reading it!

Chen Jia said, "Is it true that such a powerful person exists? He graduated from Harvard at the age of 18, has a double master's degree, is proficient in seven or eight languages, piano and violin, and has won awards in international famous competitions, as well as acting, and has won numerous awards."

And that's more than that. The article also mentions that he immigrated to the United States with his family at the age of six. He grew up in the United States. His father was a famous business tycoon, and his family was rich. It can be said that he was born with a golden key when he was young.

Unfortunately, his father died of illness at an early age. Shen Yi took over the family industry that was on the verge of collapse at the age of 20.

At that time, while filming and maintaining the operation of the company's industry, he managed the company to go public.

Although he grew up in the United States, his heart yearned to return to China, and he did return to China after that.

Shen Yi has been devoted to charity all his life. What no one knows is that almost all of his film remuneration has been donated to charity funds, leaving little for himself.

After reading it, Chen Jia did not believe it.

If this person really existed decades ago, how could it be impossible to find any information? And I have never heard of such a person in the history of film.

In particular, she searched the films he played, either without his scenes or without them at all.

This made Chen Jia wonder: "Isn't it made up? Actually, there is no such person?"

"I think so, isn't it?" Zhang Hao also read it carefully, and his first reaction was not to believe that there is such a perfect person in the world?

After reading it, Rong Qian was also secretly surprised. Was he so powerful?