
The leading actor always has ulterior motives towards me.

Shen Yi, also known as Wei Long, was a movie star in the 1970s who achieved worldwide popularity. However, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to have never existed in history. One day, Rong Qian came across a 30-year-old photo of herself and Shen Yi together, which led her on a time-traveling journey to save him. For Rong Qian, she only traveled back a few days each time, but for Shen Yi, he had to wait for many years just to see her again. During his long wait for her, Shen Yi, who was elegant and refined in public, could often be found biting his finger and calculating the days until he could meet her again. He would often sigh with sorrow and say, "Ah, love across time and space is even harder than long-distance relationships. My Ah Qian, I miss you so much."

kite_baby · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

3 My name is Shen Yi. Have you forgotten?

"Ah Qian?" He looked at her suspiciously, with a gentle tone that Rong shallow didn't notice.

"Are you calling me?" Rong Qian pointed at herself, unsure.

His eyes were more confused, and Rong Qian could not care about anything else at this time. She walked over and asked him, "Are you Weilong?"

"Why did you suddenly call me that name?"

Hearing this, Rong Qian immediately asked, "Do you have another name?"

He tilted his head, and a pair of narrow eyes under the frame blinked. The eyelashes were very long. The confused innocent little eyes were full of killing power to women. He heard him say in the middle of the ring: "Ah Qian, are you playing a new game with me?"

"What new game?" Rong Qian was also confused, but soon came back to her senses and asked him fiercely: "Don't talk to me about this, I'm asking you!"

"Ha ha." He couldn't help chuckling. He put his hand on his lips and smiled. He stared at her with spoiled eyes. He said gently, "You haven't changed at all. Weilong is my stage name. My name is Shen Yi. Have you forgotten?"

"Shen Yi?" She frowned, thought for a moment or asked him, "Which word is it?"

Shen Yi sees that she is serious. Although she doesn't know what she is playing, she still cooperates with her, takes her hand, and slowly writes "Shen Yi" in her palm.

His fingers are very beautiful, long and white, and his nails are trimmed neatly. Rongqian was almost attracted by his hands. After he finished writing, he copied his name Shen Yi between his lips.

Can't help but wonder if the reason why she can't find Weilong's information on the computer is because he uses the name Shen Yi?

Just thinking so, the pupil of Rong Qian gradually widened, and suddenly pulled her hand back, and she suddenly stepped back a few steps away from him!

Rong Qian now has two guesses. One is that she is dreaming and pinches hard. It hurts! It is not a dream, that is to say, she is evil!

"It's over! The man who has watched it all night has been dazzled by herself..." Rong Qian covered her face and walked around anxiously, only feeling that she was going crazy.

"Look at men?" Shen Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and his voice dropped a few points. "Who are you looking at?"

"You!" Rong Qian didn't have a good airway. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and forced herself to calm down.

However, when she said this, the man on the opposite side bent his mouth in a happy mood, stared at her and said with a light smile, "Ah Qian, what gift did you bring me this time?"

Rong Qian suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Gift?"

Shen Yi felt a little headache. He laughed and shook his head, but there was no blame in his eyes. Instead, he was indulged and helpless.

He smiled and said that it was all right. Then he took a watch from his wrist and put it on her hand. He said to her, "This is what I want to give you, but I don't know when you came here. I have always worn it on my hand. Now, it is finally returned to its owner."

Rose gold case material, brown crocodile leather strap, automatic mechanical movement, the style is very retro, from the surface, we know that it is valuable.

There is his temperature on the watch. At the moment of wearing it, there is no cold touch. Rong Qian is confused. She doesn't know him at all. But how does he seem to be familiar with her?

"Young master... Oh? Miss Rong is here!"

At that moment, a voice came from behind, and Rong Qian immediately turned her head and saw an elderly, good-looking old man come in. He was wearing a suit and holding a vintage camera in his hand.

When Shen Yi saw him, he bent his mouth and shouted, "Housekeeper Fu."

Rong Qian frowned. If only he could explain in her dream, but where did the housekeeper Fu come from?

Rong Qian felt her chin and couldn't understand it. She didn't know what was happening now, but she felt very incongruous.

Just like her first trip abroad, everything she sees is strange. For example, now, it seems that she doesn't belong here...

"Ah Qian, look at the camera."

When she was in a daze, she suddenly heard him say this, looked up, and saw the housekeeper Fu holding his camera at them.

When Rong Jian saw that she was standing behind him, and then saw the clothes he was wearing, she suddenly realized, ah!

"What's the matter?" he immediately turned his head and asked.

Rong Qian was a little excited. She said hurriedly, "Here, I have seen this picture!"

"Huh?" The latter's eyes were still confused.

"I said I took a photo with you! It was here, and I was standing like this!" Rong Qian quickly put up the standing posture she saw in the photo, folded her arms, and raised a proud and playful smile at the corners of her mouth.

Just listen to the sound of "click". Steward Fu, who has been waiting for a long time with his camera, captured this moment and took it.

The flash of the camera was very strong, and she was shocked by the strong light to her eyes, so she closed her subconscious. She didn't open her eyes until the strong light passed.

When she opened her eyes, she was so silly that she returned to the car!

Rong Qian was shocked and found herself sitting in the car, but her hands had left the steering wheel.

Seeing that she was about to hit the car in front of him, Rong Qian was startled. She quickly held the steering wheel and turned sharply to avoid it!

At that moment, she turned her head and saw a car next to her pull down the window. The black man with sunglasses made a shot at her and signaled her to stop.

Seeing this scene, Rong Qian was surprised. What happened? Didn't this happen before her accident? Why did you do it again?

Seeing that she didn't stop the car, the other side hit her just like before.

Although Rong Qian doesn't know exactly what is going on, she knows that the other side has provoked her for the second time. This feeling makes her very unhappy!

Depress the accelerator! After driving all the way, when you reach the intersection, turn the steering wheel suddenly!

The tire rubs violently against the ground, and the "squeak" sounds as if the tire utters a shrill cry. In the case of rapid speed, it turns a direction and staggers from the car rushing out at the intersection!

Rong Qian held the steering wheel tightly, and after stabilizing, she did not stop. She immediately drove towards the traffic flow, and then threw away the car behind her.

Rong Qian ran all the way. When she arrived at the police station, she relaxed her straight line, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath slowly.

When she opened her eyes, Rong Qian turned to look at the bag on the passenger's seat, took it over and looked for it, but she couldn't find the old photo.

Rong Qian was stunned. The photo... disappeared?

Rong Qian looked around again, but couldn't find it. It reminded her of what had just happened. What was the matter?

Rong Qian used to pinch her eyebrows when she got a headache. As a result, when she raised her hand, she felt her wrist was heavy. When she looked at it, she was dumbfounded. On her wrist, she actually wore the watch that the man named Shen Yi wore for her!

Rong Qian pinched herself again in silence. It hurts! Thinking of the magical scene just now, Rong Qian just felt that he was going to shut herself up.

She hit her forehead heavily on the steering wheel, and the confused Rong shallow was depressed. She murmured to herself: "Weilong... Shen Yi... what is the matter?"