
The leading actor always has ulterior motives towards me.

Shen Yi, also known as Wei Long, was a movie star in the 1970s who achieved worldwide popularity. However, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to have never existed in history. One day, Rong Qian came across a 30-year-old photo of herself and Shen Yi together, which led her on a time-traveling journey to save him. For Rong Qian, she only traveled back a few days each time, but for Shen Yi, he had to wait for many years just to see her again. During his long wait for her, Shen Yi, who was elegant and refined in public, could often be found biting his finger and calculating the days until he could meet her again. He would often sigh with sorrow and say, "Ah, love across time and space is even harder than long-distance relationships. My Ah Qian, I miss you so much."

kite_baby · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

2 This man's name is Wei Long

At first, she thought it was wrong. When she ran to the room and took the photos down for comparison, it was the same person!

This actor belongs to the kind that the audience will never forget at a glance. Handsome is one thing, but his natural elegant temperament is not common.

Especially in modern times, it is even more rare.

Rong Qian sat on the floor, crossed her legs, staring at the screen without missing any of her shots.

In the movie, he seems to play a villain, both good and evil, which is unpredictable, but with one look, people can see whether what he wants to do is good or bad.

But he didn't have many shots. When the film ended, Rong Qian pulled back and continued to stare at his face.

Sometimes she even pressed the pause button, and her eyes were fixed on him, and she could not bear to blink, just like she was in a daze.

At the end of the day, it was light.

With a pair of black circles under her eyes, Rong Qian looked at the people on the TV and said, "This man is amazing! How can he look so beautiful?"

She never thought that she would stare at a man all night? And he is a handsome guy who no longer exists!

Now, if the actor is still alive, he is probably an old man?

When she thought of this, Rong was shocked. Why would she use if to describe it? Do you think he is dead in her subconscious? Or is he the dead man in the car?

Just thinking about it, Rong Qian suddenly thought of something and went to see the end of the film.

The screen shows the name of the actor who plays the role. Let's watch it carefully. At the end of the day, we can see the special character followed by a name: Wei Long.

This man's name is Wei Long.

Rong Qian's first reaction was to check the computer, but the result was beyond her expectation...

Enter the name of Wei Long in the search bar, but the search results show that there is no such person. There is no information at all. It is all miscellaneous things.

Rong Qian didn't believe it. She checked the movie just now, and more evil things happened!

The film resources are still there, but all the scenes about Weilong are gone and have been cut completely.

Rong Qian suspected that she had a fever and touched her forehead. She was not ill. She ran downstairs immediately and checked the TV before finding that she was watching pirated discs...

"Qian Qian, what do you do in the morning?"

Her father then yawned past. As soon as the voice fell, he saw her rush over and questioned her with a disc: "Say! Where did you come from this disc?"

Her father panicked for a moment and said with a dry laugh, "Yes, it was given by a friend before. Last night, when he was free, he came to have a look."

"Are you going to turn off the TV after watching?" Rong looked at him suspiciously.

The father frowned, "Yes? I remember I turned it off."

"Don't mention that you forgot to turn off the TV. Dad, do you know the actor named Wei Long in the movie? I checked and found no information about him. Even in the original film, there was no lens of him. It was like someone deliberately cleared all his information." Rong Qian was very serious.

Her father asked her calmly, "Why do you ask such a thing?"

Rong Qian had a headache and said, "Dad, you are the director. Don't you know the case that my team accepted?"

"I know, but what does it have to do with the actor you asked?" Her father still didn't answer her question directly.

In order not to let him ask questions again, Rong Qian had to tell him what he found last night. After listening to this, Rong Fu said, "I don't know."

Rong Qian: "..."

She now seriously suspects that her father asked deliberately to know what she was looking for. The old man is really sly!

Because this fact is too strange, Rong Qian took a bath in a hurry and didn't eat breakfast, so she drove to the police station in a hurry to ask her colleagues to help her investigate.

Just, I don't know if she is unlucky. When waiting for the traffic light, a car behind her unexpectedly rushed over and hit her at the rear!

This collision directly drove her car out for a distance and pressed the line.

Rong Qian held the steering wheel and thought to herself. I don't know which one has no eyes. How dare he even hit the police car?

Pulling down the seat belt, Rong Qian was about to get off the car. She glanced at the rearview mirror and frowned.

She saw that two big black people in black suits came down from the car behind. When they got off the car, they all reached out and touched their backs.

Others may not know what this means, but it is clear to me that only when I hide a gun behind me, can I make this action subconsciously when I get off.

Rong Qian narrowed her eyes slightly. She didn't panic. She glanced at the traffic lights. There were seven seconds left. Then she leaned back and saw their faces through the rearview mirror.

Unfortunately, they all wore sunglasses, but Rong Qian secretly wrote down their characteristics.

Then, as they came closer and tried to open her door, Rong Qian aimed at the opportunity and stepped on the accelerator! The car immediately crossed the sidewalk and flew away.

Through the rear-view mirror, we can see that the two people were stunned for a while. Obviously, we didn't expect that she would drive away directly. Now we hurried back to the car and continued to catch up with her.

Rong Qian is not stupid. She will feel naive that they just accidentally hit her car. With the strength of the collision just now, those two people are definitely aiming at her.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, Rong Qian picked up her mobile phone and called the colleague in charge of monitoring the road conditions in the bureau to check the license plate number of the car that just hit her.

After putting down her mobile phone, Rong Qian looked out of the car window and saw that the car had just overtaken her.

When the car window opened, the other party made a gesture of shooting at her and suggested that she pull over.

She frowned. She was sure they wouldn't shoot, but she was obviously trying to get in trouble with her.

Rong Qian ignored them and continued to drive. Unexpectedly, they ran into her car! The sound of "bang" was like a gesture to knock her car down.

Rong Qian held the steering wheel tightly and stepped on the accelerator at the moment. When accelerating, she kept surpassing the car in front of her. In terms of racing technology, she had not lost to anyone.

However, people are not as good as the sky. I didn't expect another car to rush out from the side when I passed the intersection! The huge impact hit her car!

The tyre skids in a panic on the ground, causing a harsh noise due to friction——


At the moment when the car was knocked out, Rong Qian burst out a rude sentence: "Shit!"

The airbag opened automatically after being hit. The impact force was too great. The contents of the bag on the passenger's side fell out because the zipper was not closed.

Including the old photo, I saw that the photo slowly drifted towards her driven by the wind.

Her forehead was scratched by a glass fragment, and the bleeding Rong Xian struggled to open her eyes. When she saw the picture, she subconsciously reached out to catch it.

When she got the photo, it turned into ashes and disappeared in her hands!

Rong Qian was stunned, but did not give her time to be surprised. The next moment, she fell into a darkness...

I don't know how long it took. In a daze, Rong Qian opened her eyes.

The white ceiling came into sight. She thought she was in the hospital and slowly closed her eyes.

But then a familiar voice came from the ear. It was not loud, as if it came from outside the room.

Rong Qian frowned and opened her eyes again. Suddenly she felt something wrong! Rong Qian sat up abruptly and groped around with her hands.

No injury! It doesn't hurt either!

"Strange, didn't I have an accident?"

Rong Qian immediately checked herself. Her clothes were the same as those she wore when she went out. Her mobile phone was also in her pocket. The only difference was that she didn't have an accident, and this was a completely strange place for her.

Rong Qian stepped out of bed and looked at the window. It was dark outside. It was already night? Rong Qian is now Zhang Erkong, who is confused. She walks out in a muddle.

When she noticed someone outside, she immediately dodged back!

With her back against the wall, Rong Qian held her breath and watched the situation outside.

At that moment, she heard the familiar voice and asked, "Is it Qian?"

Rong Qian was stunned. Who is Ah Qian? And why is the voice so familiar?

Rong Qian thought carefully for a moment, and suddenly remembered! Isn't that the voice called "Wei long" that she watched all night last night!

At the moment, Rong Qian looked out carefully and saw a man in a white shirt sitting on the sofa in a European-style living room with a white cat in his arms.

When she saw this scene, Rong Qian was dumbfounded. She didn't want to be crazy about men, was she dreaming?