
022- Jackson comes to the rescue

Roger's group was shocked by the sudden appearance of this mysterious masked man, but the strength that he displayed easily stopping the young man proved that he wasn't an ordinary person.

The inner court disciple quickly tried to flee from Jackson's grasp, but in the next moment Jackson blasted his head, the inner disciple's head was decapitated.

Jackson let go of the man's body as it fell to the ground. " Who's next ?"

" What happened !, what a quick skill. "

" You killed our brother! die " the two inner court disciples launched their attacks simultaneously

" Be careful" Keiran said

Jackson smiled and disappeared on his spot appearing just behind the two disciples and giving them a hard blow killing them in a matter of seconds.

He turned his face towards the roger father and son duo who were looking at him with horror." Please esteemed master spare us."

Jackson only smiled and decapitated them leaving only their severed bodies.

The battle ended just like that. Jackson walked towards Keiran and the sect elders " Take this" he handed them rank 4 recovery pills, when the group saw the pills they were in pure shock with their quality and rank and immediately swallowed the pill and went to seclusion leaving only Keiran and Jackson.

" Esteemed master I don't know how to thank you."

Jackson only looked at him " I have 3 girls here who are under my protection you must already know who they are." Keiran gulped and nodded.

Jackson looked at Zoe's group once more " I will be leaving master needs me, but don't worry I will take care of the roger family before returning I will wait for all of you in the martial arts competition don't let us down."

Jackson gave Emma one last look. " Emma I'll be waiting."

Emma smiled.

Jackson left and headed for the roger family where he killed all of their members leaving only the women with no relation to the roger's alive.

With the matter of the roger family finished the group decided to continue their training and has become more inspired to work harder, Aliza decided to join Zoey and Emma on the hunt.

3 months passed.

Inside the outer circle " master Reid I have found some news about them " the old man handed a file " they arrived on a rank 3 ship with 2 men who were covering there faces, did you find there locations ?."

The man nodded " we have tracked them down, but."

"but what ?" young reid said.

" I suggest you don't offend any of them."

Young master reid shouted and kicked the old man the man did not resist. " Young master the two man were able to easily kill our spies who are all at the true qi realm without effort, when your father heard of this he quickly told the investigation to stop and even asked who initially planned this I did not tell your name so I was the one who got the end of the stick."

" You !. so your saying I can't pursue any of them fuck I will not let this hinder me."

" Master I insist against this, besides I can conclude that ms Aliza has already reached the soul shattering realm ."

"That fast ?" Young master reid asked.

With zoe's cultivation at the 5th stage of the soul shattering realm and Emma at the 3nd while Aliza at the 1st they were planning on heading for the gate today.

They paid the 400 soul points fee per person, it was a large amount for the normal disciples, but for them who have been hunting for more than 4 months, they have all accumulated more than 4000 points.

When they entered the gate it was like a whole new dimension there space was very big countless inner court disciple were fighting with monsters in groups most of the monsters here were at the 4th stage of the soul shattering realm, with Zoe's lead they started hunting in groups.

Another 5 months passed by during those 5 months there group has become a legend with the unique technique they were using they were easily gathering points in bulk.

even 6th stage soul-shattering beasts were easily killed.

Their rank has already reached the top 10,11 and 15 respectively their cultivation has also reached a massive increase over the course of 8 months.

" I'm about to break through to the 6th stage I can feel it, just a little more." Zoe said while they were all sitting on a safe area Emma was also nearing the 4th stage, while Aliza was nearing the 2nd stage.

" the deepest part of this cave has almost little no-no cultivators we saw one core disciple fighting a monster at the 9th stage of the soul-shattering realm, and he was not even putting that much effort he must be one of the top 5. " zoe said

" The monsters in the deepest part are already all at the 8th stage, we had an easy time dealing with a 6th stage soul-shattering monster, but 8th stage is a whole different story, we should consolidate are cultivation and try again after we reach a new height." Zoe said.

and just like that a whole 1 year and 2 months passed by during this duration of time Zoe's group had their own up and downs, but they managed to kill an 8th stage monster during there 9th month and with that they continued to improve.

" I think this should be enough we should head back." Emma said

Zoey and aliza nodded they have been in this cave for more than a year and have accumulated more than 14,000 soul points per person their ranks have also improved to 9,10,11 respectively.