
Unknown Ruthlessness

Black wings suddenly exploded out from Willow's back, the wings of a raven. She suddenly gained a burst of agility and jerked to the side.

Apollo's bokken brushed by her dress, forming a small tear.

Willow had given up on her attack altogether, dashing a few meters away. Once she felt comfortable with the distance between them, she began panting.

Her mind was in pain. She could feel parts of her brain that had been dormant for years, wake up. This part of her brain had shrunk considerably, as its responsibility was controlling wings.

Willow had been wingless until now. As such, she was disoriented by suddenly gaining wings that were nearly as large as her. She could feel a strange tingling sensation spreading across them.

A few drops of amniotic fluid fell from her wings to the floor.

Apollo turned around to face Willow. His head tilted to the side while trembling ever so slightly.

"All you do... is run. I am tired of running."