
The Last Shadow Born

disclaimer - includes sexual content In the realm of a vast continent, Alexios served as a dedicated soldier in the army of a powerful kingdom. However, his world is shattered when a devastating betrayal unfolds, resulting in the loss of everything he held dear at the hands of his own comrades. Witnessing the tragic demise of his beloved family before his very eyes, a flame of righteous fury ignites within Alexios. Unleashing a dormant monster within him, he discovers a power that was meant to conquer and rule the world. Now alone in a world of kings, where magic and fearsome beasts roam, Alexios finds himself equipped with newfound abilities and burdened by a weighty destiny. With only his newfound powers and an insatiable curiosity, he embarks on a journey through this enigmatic world, driven by a thirst for answers and a desire to uncover the mysteries that lie within. As Alexios delves deeper into the realms of kingdoms and encounters ancient magics, he must navigate treacherous landscapes and confront formidable adversaries. Along the way, he will encounter allies and foes, face moral dilemmas, and discover the true extent of his own powers. In a world filled with intrigue, danger, and untold secrets, Alexios stands alone as a force to be reckoned with. Will he succumb to the darkness within him, or will he find the strength to rise above and shape his own destiny amidst the intricate tapestry of this extraordinary realm? Only time will tell as Alexios ventures forth into a world ripe with adventure and the potential to alter the course of history. ........................................................................................ For every 30 powerstones, I will release an extra bonus chapter. 30 powerstones: 1 extra chapter 60 powerstones: 2 extra chapters 90 powerstones: 3 extra chapters and so on... So keep those powerstones coming and I will keep posting extra chapters. .......................................................................................... Disclaimer: The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them Editor - wookie0_#5386 on discord

ZYNE · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

weak hero


Leon's breath stopped for a moment, and the next thing he saw were drops on thick blood splattering on his armor... pouring like water.

He slowly turned down to his chest in fright, but unexpectedly, it wasn't his blood.

And in a couple seconds, Alexios came piercing through the dense smoke covered in blood with his sword in his hand.

As Leon looked at him, his blood went cold, his face turned pale. He was afraid that it was Alexios blood on his armor,

But hopefully before he could think of anything horrifying, he saw the whole thing as the smoke cleared.

Alexios was on his knees pressing someone against the ground so hard that if that person tried to even breathe they would choke to death, but the choking was unnecessary, because the person below him was already dead as his head was decapitated.

The silence was so loud none of them said a word but the way they breathed, spoke many things, they were glaring at each other without a blink the tension was so bad.

The white knight, who was standing pretty far away from the settlement, witnessed his students being slaughtered one by one by Leon and Alexios with a bland expression on his face, as if he had witnessed something dreadful.

He watched Alexios with dead eyes with just hate and anger and soon dark clouds covered the area and thunderstorms roaring, as if the devil had returned.

With the first lightening Alexios eyes started sparkling blue, and his body began to shift into something unnatural, slowly he transforming into something one would call a dark shadow.

Leon realized what he feared of had happened. "I told you to stay away from this!!!" Leon yelled.

"You should thank me for sparing your life," Alexios said, his voice changing to a deep tone.

"What happened to your voice?" Leon inquired worriedly.

"NOTHING," Alexios voice switched back to normal with a bit of demonic touch.

"Well, this monster of yours isn't entirely worthless and stupid," Leon replied, staring up at the sky and rain.

The white knight was observing the entire scene, his head down, in great anguish and grief, but for some reason he was smiling like a lunatic, as if he had discovered something menacing.

He grabbed his horse's leash and whipped it hard and charged toward the village; the horse ran through the burning land and whined loudly, and got up on his legs before he stopped at Leon and Alexios.

"Look who's here, is it you, my lord, THE PRINCE OF YORKAN... LEON LIONHEART IVREA?" Leon had been recognized by the white knight, who made a joke about the prince of Yorkan.

"And you must be THE Death Storm, huh, the one that single-handedly destroyed our army back in the town Yskiu?" While looking squarely into Alexios' eyes.

The white knight dismounts his horse and walks over to them, but Alexios draws his war axe and takes a cautious stance. "Woah... woah relax I've come to meet you Mr. umm... What should I name you? Alexios?"

"Maybe… your death," Alexios snatches his axe and attacks the white knight without giving him a moment to get ready.

He swung his axe to strike the white knight, but before the axe to land a blow Alexios collapsed on the ground, almost fainting.

Leon couldn't believe what he was seeing... because when he first saw Alexios in Yskiu, he was the strongest being he'd ever seen, but now the same beast had fallen to the ground while the white knight stood his ground... unharmed.

"Really, is this the death storm everyone was frightened of?" chuckles the white knight.

"Is this your power, boy? Yeah, this is what you can do?" the white knight leans and pulls Alexios up in the air with just one arm. He looks at his face with a disgusted expression before tossing him into the ground like a fly.

Leon panics as he watches the mighty Alexios crushed like a bug. He gulps courage down his throat and charges at the White Knight fearlessly,

But the same thing happened again; he was stuck, his body stopped moving, and his blade could barely touch him, as if a mysterious force was between them.

His attack did not even faze the white knight. Instead, he stared at him dead in the eye while he struggled to touch him. He lifted his finger and with a flick Leon was sent away flying like a softball.

While the white knight's attention was focused on Leon, Alexios attempted another attack with all his might, but it was not fast enough to bring the White Knight down and in response, he kicked Alexios in the face like a little rat.

"Why.....why did you kill... my... mother?" Alexios muttered as blood came from his mouth.

"What mother, you say? Oh, you mean my soldiers killed your mother back in town Yskiu? Oh sorry for your loss… haha-haha" white knight mocks.

"Oh, you know I didn't kill your mother, but maybe my men did and you know why they killed her? Because she was my little whore but she ran away from me, and slept with another man... so I had no choice you see... haha-hahahaha" When the white knight makes a crude remark about his mother it enraged him to the extent that he screamed till he bled.


The rage Alexios had in him charged him enough to make another attempt and, ignoring his injuries, he again raised his axe and leaped into the sky, attempting to strike the white knight, but the white knight defends himself once more with his sword.

And with a swing of his sword the white knight rips a line on Alexios's face.

"Look at yourself, those men you killed in your town, those were just normal humans, you've got a little of power and what did you think, you can conquer the world with this?" He swiped the blood on his sword and walked around him and spoke.

"No... No kid, you're nothing but shit. I can crush you whenever I want, but... I won't kill you, you killed my brother, I saw him dying in pain and at the moment I promised myself YOU'LL SEE THE LIVING HELL" The white knight's eyes turned red in anger as he talked about his brother.

Alexios had given up already. His body had lost the energy to stand again. He could do nothing but accept his fate, full of regrets.

But when he was about to close his eyes, but the white knight inquired,

"Any last wishes, kid?" The white knight asked Alexios before closing his chapter forever and, in response he whispered since he had damaged his throat.

"What did you say?" the white knight inquired again.

"Where... where is my... brother?" Alexios inquired slowly.

"Really? I've never seen such a family. Did anyone in your family not think you were stupid?" white knight chuckles again on Alexios.

"My...my brother Ry....Ryan," Alexios inquired again, but this time the white knight paused for a moment, as if pondering something.

"SHUT UP" the white knight did not respond to his question and lifted his blade to kill Alexios, but he sensed something is amiss and when he glances back.....


Leon and others of the village men attempted to throw a large boulder, which landed directly on the white knight.

Leon dashed at Alexios, holding him up and running toward the boat.

"GO, PRINCE LEON, GO, WE'LL FACE HIM," the villagers yelled at him. Leon loaded Alexios onto the boat and prepared it for sailing. Leon launched the boat into the water and they began sailing westward.