
The Last Rain and Eternal Fire

The land was completely dry after the massacre of the Rain Clan. Due to the lack of water supply, animals and fauna began to die one by one, and humanity was on the verge of extinction if the lake did not appear soon. A lake with clear freshwater that flows quickly. But the lake appeared in the territory of the Fire Clan, which was notorious for being greedy and thirsty for power. Amid a drought crisis that afflicts one or both, all countries have to pay rent to get water from lakes. Dysabella Chaollski, on the other hand, is just an ordinary girl selling bread who has endured the agony of colonialism. When she was set to be slain by Merapi soldiers, however, the encounter altered her life. And just as he panicked, a blue light flashed from his body making the ground tremble, the sky rumbled, and the sky began to drip water that had not been seen for years. Dysabella had to accept the fact that the blood of the Rain Clan ran through her veins, and that she was the last and only Rain Clan. Dysabella is called by fate to bring peace to the world amidst nations torn apart by the people of fire. Dysabella realized that she, her loved ones, and her planet would be in danger if she fought the Fire Clan.

mr_starkov · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Horse Riding at Dusk

Dusk has arrived, and the sun is about to set, casting an orange glow across the sky. Mattias would be off duty on the first day in less than two hours and resting for the next day. Mattias stood in front of his tent's mirror, as Namar and Namir dressed in Mattias' royal regalia. Mattias' body was adorned with various royal insignia and emblems, as well as other qualities, of the twins. Mattias' hair was dripping wet from his time in the shower.

Mattias is sporting a red robe today, after wearing his jet black robe the day before. The gold embroidery on her robes was so lovely that it seemed to sparkle, drawing everyone's attention to it. While there are soft furs around the robe's neck, such as fox fur, that will keep Mattias warm in Doli's frigid air.

"You'll be with me."

Namar and Namir came to a halt and stared at Mattias. "Excuse me, Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"Go around." Mattias examined his reflection in the mirror. Because he hasn't gotten enough sleep, the bottoms of his eyes have turned dark. "I guess I'd prefer to ride around on a horse around in this place. In any case, I need to be familiar with Doli region."

"The soldiers, particularly General Erick, will not allow it," Namir stated as he expertly buttoned Mattias' robes. "We are merely servants who serve you by reminding you of your responsibilities. We are not guards; General Erick will be in charge of your safety, not us."

"Not." Mattias had a glum expression on his face, his hands clutching a pair of energy-boosting gloves. "All I want to do is ride around on horses with you guys and no one else. You're the only people I'm familiar with here."

"You will not be accompanied by us."

Mattias cocked his head to the side, his brow furrowed. "Have you forgotten that I am the Crown Prince of the Kingdom? Everything is possible for me."

The stillness was chosen by Namar and Namir. The two of them then juggled Mattias' slightly damp and unkempt hair. Mattias' black hair is moisturized with oil, which gives it a fresh appearance to everybody who sees it, according to Namir. Mattias' mane was also groomed by Namar. Namar and Namir put gleaming black boots on Mattias' two boys after the hair situation was resolved. The rope was firmly coiled.

"Already?" Mattias was the one who came up with the question.

"Your Majesty, yes," Namir replied.

Namar agreed with his brother and nodded. They both put their hands on their chests and bow at the same time. "Permission to withdraw has been granted—"

"No, today you'll be joining me. There will be no justifications or denials." Mattias cut him off and began walking away. He came to a halt at the entrance before turning his attention to the twins. "Are you unwilling to assist me by opening the door?"

Before going, the twins Namar and Namir walked quickly to the exit. The sound of bustle in the small room was quickly heard when Namar and Namir unlocked the room's twin doors.

"I appreciate it," Mattias says.

Mattias stepped out of the room, leaving the twins terrified, nervously, and staring at each other. Everyone who passed Mattias greeted him with a courteous bow. As Mattias gazed over at the workers, many people left work only to bow to him.

Mattias came to a halt in the center of the military camp, looking for General Erick. Several troops were observed standing guard with guns of their choice on their shoulders, others were erecting a tent, and others were transporting logs from fallen tree trunks—some Doli villagers were also present and allowed to bring the logs home. And Erick was in charge of the troops.

"Erick!" While the twins trailed following in horror, Mattias yelled out a few steps before reaching the stranger.

Erick bowed down as swiftly as he could. "Your Honour," he said.

When Erick noticed Namar and Namir following Mattias, his eyes furrowed slightly. "What exactly are you two up to? To make the Merapi beds, you should be in the barracks!"

Mattias shifted his gaze from the twins to Erick. "May I ask you to assist me in getting the horse ready? This afternoon, I'd want to take a walk."

Eric drew his lips together. It doesn't matter if it's real or not. He made a hand motion to his chest. "Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to serve you. I'll find the most suitable horse for you. Do you want me to accompany you, by the way? Alternatively, how many Merapi do you wish to accompany Your Majesty?"

"All I need now is Fedyor," he told himself.

With a shake of his head, Matthias expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation. "It's not necessary. I'll go with Namar and Namir." For us, please prepare the three greatest horses."

Erick's mouth was slightly open as he seemed taken aback. He looked at the two white-coated maids before returning his gaze to Mattias. "Excuse me?"

"Get three horses ready for us."

"Please accept my apologies, Your Majesty." Erick lowered his gaze. "It is not in their authority, and it is not permitted for them to accompany the Prince. I am available to accompany the Prince at all times, and I will look after Your Majesty. I can also send soldiers if Your Majesty does not want them. The servants—"

"Do you think you can argue with me?"

Erick inhaled deeply and appeared to be reserving his patience. "Servants and alone noble families, are not allowed to be on the same level as the palace's higher-ups. They are not permitted to ride horses in the manner in which Your Majesty does."

"Can." Mattias began to close the gap between himself and Erick. "Now I'm in charge. Everything. And you won't be able to say no."

Erick remained silent, then bowed and walked away without saying anything.

"Woe betide us..." Namir leads his hand on the shoulder of his twin. "We done. Done, Bro."

"What's the matter? What happened?" Mattias drew his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow at the twins. "What makes you guys so afraid of Erick?"

"We are afraid of anyone with a stake in Dzkarda." Namar bowed his head, unwilling to look his prince in the eyes. "We're merely commoners who were sent to serve as royal servants and have now been assigned to assist Prince Mattias."

"Stop putting the word 'waiter' in front of my face," Mattias grumbled. "I despise discrimination and being discriminated against. Is that clear?"

When the two maids observed the shift in Mattias' countenance, they instantly nodded and looked down in terror.

Three Merapi people arrived shortly after with three horses. They provide three horses from which to choose, and anybody who sees one will fall in love. One was completely black, her skin gleaming in the late afternoon light. Mattias received the black horse, which was the largest. The other two were white, tall, and able to run fast. The three animals have each attached their riding abilities.

Mattias said, "Come on." Mattias climbed into the saddle, one soldier in his arms for help.

When Namar and Namir remained mute, Mattias frowned. "Are you sure you guys can't ride?"

"We can do so. We are capable of doing so." Namir replied. "It's simply that—"

"I'm not going to bother you for the hundredth time, Namar and Namir. Please hurry up." Mattias was staring at the twins with his eyes narrowed.

The twins were scared at the same time. With the assistance of two befuddled troops, they mounted their horses fast. When did servants get the right to ride their horses?