
The Last Rain and Eternal Fire

The land was completely dry after the massacre of the Rain Clan. Due to the lack of water supply, animals and fauna began to die one by one, and humanity was on the verge of extinction if the lake did not appear soon. A lake with clear freshwater that flows quickly. But the lake appeared in the territory of the Fire Clan, which was notorious for being greedy and thirsty for power. Amid a drought crisis that afflicts one or both, all countries have to pay rent to get water from lakes. Dysabella Chaollski, on the other hand, is just an ordinary girl selling bread who has endured the agony of colonialism. When she was set to be slain by Merapi soldiers, however, the encounter altered her life. And just as he panicked, a blue light flashed from his body making the ground tremble, the sky rumbled, and the sky began to drip water that had not been seen for years. Dysabella had to accept the fact that the blood of the Rain Clan ran through her veins, and that she was the last and only Rain Clan. Dysabella is called by fate to bring peace to the world amidst nations torn apart by the people of fire. Dysabella realized that she, her loved ones, and her planet would be in danger if she fought the Fire Clan.

mr_starkov · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

a Fact

granny Gin tells her to get down at the end of today's class. Dysabella did notice something tickling in there. It was water hidden in there, according to the old woman. Dysabella still doesn't believe what the woman said is true, and she also doesn't believe she is one of the last Rain Clan members.

Dysabella is now residing in the Pivaris dorm. She's sitting alone and looking out the window. There was no night sky or stars, only emptiness beneath the surface. She couldn't sleep because it was too late. Dysabella stood up and sat on the bedroom floor with her hands on her hips.

"I have no idea what this is...." Dysabella was still in the same mood as when she studied with Gin this morning. Is it true that there's some water inside? Is it true that he is the only one who can make the water rise to the surface?

Dysabella was startled awake by a knock on the door. She stood up and walked hurriedly towards the door. When the girl opened it, she noticed Selena standing right in front of her. The woman was dressed in white pajamas and carried a small black box with etched gold flowers. She smiled, flashing off his teeth whites.

"Hallo, Girl," says the woman. Selena walked in and quickly collided with the room's owner after saying that.

Dysabella let out a sigh. "Isn't it too night to invite a guest?"

"I know, but if I knew you were asleep, I wouldn't knock." Selena sat on the bed, her arms wrapped around the black box.

"How can you know I haven't slept yet?" says Dysabella.

"If you can feel the water beneath your feet with your hand, I can feel and track someone by putting my hand on the ground," Selena explained. "Your footsteps roaming the room and audible. Isn't it true that you missed your parents?"

Dysabella let out a sigh and then nodded. "Right. What is that box, by the way?"

"Ah, I almost forgot," says the woman. Selena stood up and placed the box on the bed, then unlocked it, revealing a green cloak folded perfectly like Selena's.

"This was made particularly for you by Nina." Selena took out her green robe and lay it out on the bed.

His clothes are exactly like Selena's in every way. It's only that there's a vivid blue thread embroidery on the robe that glows in the dark.

"Dysabella, your cloak is the same color as the Earth Clan. Green robes are simply associated for Binturi, then black armor for humans, like Alex." Selena gave a kind smile. "My robes and others typically have green stitching with black embroidery, but Nina creates something unique for you. She explained that this green robe represents the land people's identity, whereas the blue embroidery in your cloak is your identity."

"This is beautiful," Dysabella replied, pointing to the garment.

Selena's smiling. "Every time you study with Granny Gin, you'll put it on."

Dysabella nodded in agreement. "Why was this green robe handed to me? I'm only a stranger."

Dysabella was patted on the shoulder by Selena. "You are indeed a stranger, but you are so important in my country, all country. There isn't much I can say to express my gratitude for your desire to help us."

Dyasabella was deafeningly quiet. She was at a loss for words. The young lady was terrified. She was terrified of not only facing Granny Gin, but she was also afraid of disappointing them. Everyone appeared to treat Dysabella like a queen when she arrived. All of them bowed to her. Dysabella is scared that, because of her their dreams will be dashed.

"Selena, actually who are you in here?"

Dysabella's robes were folded and placed back in the box by Selena. "I am a teacher and the daughter of the Main Army's late commander."

"Do you mean the Main Army?"

Selena smiled and nodded. "Yogo's army isn't as large as Merapi's. We separated them into two groups: The Main Army is made up of people like myself, aka Binturi, who can manipulate the land. Whereas, the Second Army, is made up of ordinary people who are armed in the same way that Alex is. And, Alex's father commands the second army."

"Oh... I see."

"Your hand..." Selena grabbed Dysabella's hand in hers, her gaze falling on the blue bruise on her arm. "It had to be Granny Gin's wand."

"Oh, you know?"

Selena burst out laughing. "This has happened to me as well. When I was younger and studying with her, she used to beat me up a lot. And yep, every time I returned home, I was covered with new bruises. It isn't just you."

"Can you tell me if Granny Gin—"

"She's extremely good, she's a good person," says the woman. Selena was the first to speak up. "Don't be fooled by her appearance; she's over a century and a half old. She will turn you into a fearless fighter who will never give up. Believe me, Granny Gin is a good woman who has contributed to this country."


Mattias is having trouble sleeping tonight. He was agitated. Pace around his room. Fiorenzo is a nasty man who doesn't fool around with his remarks. He was genuinely considering murdering the country's innocent girls to eradicate the Rain Clans, which didn't necessarily exist in this location. Innocent lives will fly once more, and parents' cries and screams will be heard once more.


Mattias screamed, his hair ruffled. He's in a bind. His brain appeared to be dead, and he was unable to think. Should he just stop talking? Was it truly necessary for him to follow Fiorenzo's plan? Is Fiorenzo correct in his assessment? Only the Rain Clan has the power to extinguish the Fire People's existence. It's difficult, but Mattias must accept everything

Mattias was startled by the sound of something falling. He moved his gaze to the bed, which had a worn blue book strewn across it. Mattias who had been perplexed before became distracted by the book Tekyo had given him. He had not read a book with the title 'The Last Rain.' He rubbed the book in his hands.

"Perhaps this book will assist me in de-stressing." Mattias understood he just required a reading book when he messed up. Mattias was startled by the sound of something falling. He moved his gaze to the bed, which had a worn blue book strewn across it. Mattias who had been perplexed before became distracted by the book Tekyo had given him. He had not read a book with the title 'The Last Rain.' He rubbed the book in his hands.

"Perhaps this book will assist me in de-stressing." Mattias understood he just required a reading book when he messed up. Mattias was startled by the sound of something falling. He moved his gaze to the bed, which had a worn blue book strewn across it. Mattias who had been perplexed before became distracted by the book Tekyo had given him. He had not read a book with the title 'The Last Rain.' He rubbed the book in his hands.

"Perhaps this book will assist me in de-stressing." Mattias understood he just required a reading book when he messed up.

The man crawled into his bed and began reading. Tekyo wrote the book himself. Mattias was the chosen one who was allowed to keep the history book, which he claimed he had concealed. The first page is merely an introduction; the following sections discuss the Rain Clan. And the more Mattias turned the pages, the more perplexed he grew.

It was told that the Rain Clan was once highly powerful and well-liked. However, King Dzkarda, who was then King Alord Lankov (Mattias Grandpa), decided to go to war due to a conflict with King Morva and the greed of the Fire Nation. Even the King broke the precepts of the Book of Sijjahtra by wielding the power of eternal fire, which, if not in the hands of his heir, may bring disaster.

It was also revealed that the Fire Clan was to blame for the drought, the lack of water, and the ongoing water crisis. Unfortunately, they are unconcerned since they have Nirmana Lake, which they can exploit to create money and force all countries to bow down. Nirmana lake still survives because there are still Rain Clans around

Mattias read Tekyo's writing quietly. "That means Nirmana Lake will vanish if the last Rain Clan dies. There will be no more water available. The Fire Nation will perish as well."

The Rain Clan and the Fire Clan were inextricably linked. If the lips of the eldest Rain Clan blood and the heir of the Eternal Flame stick and their saliva blended, they would undoubtedly be able to summon a power capable of shattering a nation. They have a link with each other and can sense each other's presence.

And the link between the Last Rain and the Eternal Flame's heir didn't end there. Their hands will feel like they've been stung by a bee when they first touch. The sting was the catalyst for the two of them to connect. If they physically contact each other again, a light will shine from their bodies. No one can equal the splendor and beauty of this light.

Mattias sensed a peculiar swish in his hand, like a bee sting. "Impossible...."

Mattias put his book down before completing all of the pages. His body was drenched in sweat and his breathing was labored. He tossed the book to the side and rubbed his hands together. Does that mean the bakery girl is the Last Rain? And what is the Eternal Flame, exactly? It had to be something dangerous, whatever it was. And Mattias...

Mattias rose from his bed. "I have to save that girl before the water catastrophe kills the entire world."