
The Last Rain and Eternal Fire

The land was completely dry after the massacre of the Rain Clan. Due to the lack of water supply, animals and fauna began to die one by one, and humanity was on the verge of extinction if the lake did not appear soon. A lake with clear freshwater that flows quickly. But the lake appeared in the territory of the Fire Clan, which was notorious for being greedy and thirsty for power. Amid a drought crisis that afflicts one or both, all countries have to pay rent to get water from lakes. Dysabella Chaollski, on the other hand, is just an ordinary girl selling bread who has endured the agony of colonialism. When she was set to be slain by Merapi soldiers, however, the encounter altered her life. And just as he panicked, a blue light flashed from his body making the ground tremble, the sky rumbled, and the sky began to drip water that had not been seen for years. Dysabella had to accept the fact that the blood of the Rain Clan ran through her veins, and that she was the last and only Rain Clan. Dysabella is called by fate to bring peace to the world amidst nations torn apart by the people of fire. Dysabella realized that she, her loved ones, and her planet would be in danger if she fought the Fire Clan.

mr_starkov · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

A Books

On what used to be a fresh river, Dysabella sat with Amely and Jonathan. She cradled his knees and gazed upward. They remained hunkered here until dusk, afraid to go. With a blank face, he looked at her parents. They were thinking about what had happened and what may happen in the future, Dysabella realized. They're worried for their family and loved ones.

They are all surprised by one step. When they looked around, they saw a young girl wandering around barefoot in shabby, ill-fitting white garments. The girl came to a complete stop, gasping for air, and then returned a few times, her gaze riveted on something. Until the girl's attention was drawn to the small family.

Her face was attentive. She opened her hands as a signal of worry when she saw Dysabella and her parents. From her current vantage point, Dysabella could see a small breeze circling the girl's wrists.

"Hey, hang in there!" Jonathan took a step forward and raised his hands to shield his wife and child. "We were not dangerous to you, kid."

Amely and Dysabella likewise lifted their hands in submission and surrender.

"What are your names?" With a serious and attentive expression on her face, the girl inquired.

"We're Doli people," Amely responded. "Since the morning, we've been hiding from the Dzkarda forces. And, kid, what's wrapped around your wrist?"

The girl seemed to sigh with relief as she heard Amely's comments. The wind that had been twisting and twisting around her wrists had vanished. After a little moment of relaxation, the girl approached Dysabella, Jonathan, and Amely.

"My name is Savannah Kerch, and I'm from Darut," he said quickly. "I am a Binturi from the clan of the wind."

The three people quickly opened their eyes wide when they heard that. The entire country has been walled off from outsiders and their culture for generations. Binturi, a human who can control elements, had never been seen or witnessed in Doli, which is inhabited by all pure-blooded humans. They had only heard rumors about Binturi, a human who can control elements. Until they meet Binturi of the fire clan for the first time, which marks the start of Doli's demise.

"Why are you so agitated? You're sweating profusely. What's after you?" Dysabella inquired. "And what led you to the common man's land?"

"I've been a Dzkarda prisoner for a year," Savannah explains. "I was brought here to clean... the Doli people's ashes that had been thrown on the gathering grounds. Because I can conjure the wind, which rapidly cleans the ashes. But I took advantage of the situation."

Amely kept her mouth shut. Right. Everything did happen, to be sure. For the umpteenth time, they massacred the residents of Doli. Jonathan, who had noticed Amely's transformation, embraced him right away, embracing the woman hidden beneath his body.

"You're fantastic." Dysabella was ecstatic. "This is the first time I've seen someone with wind power and someone from the Darut region."

"Thank you once again." Savannah smiled, but it faded quickly when she remembered what she had seen earlier in the big field. "I'm sorry for all that has happened to your country."

"I appreciate it." Dysabella grinned glumly. "What are your plans now?"

Savannah's figure piques Dysabella's interest. After all, this was the first experience with suffering other than that caused by fire. Forget. She'd also seen a woman who could simply move her hand to open the dirt and roll it. Dyasbella remembered the woman in the moss-green robe who had aided her earlier in the evening. Was he a land clan member?

"I need to get out of here as soon as possible." Savannah kept looking back and forth, fearful that Merapi might pursue her.

Jonathan said, "I can help you." "I am aware of the hidden tunnel devised by my late father and brothers after an astrologer predicted a dreadful event in Doli. Yes, it is currently taking place. Because only my family knows about it, I can assure you that it is safe.

"Are you serious?" Jonathan piqued Savannah's interest. "Can you then show me?"

"Certainly." Jonathan shrugged. "Son, I can accompany you till you go."

Amely grabbed Jonathan's garments as soon as she heard that. "Jon...."

Jonathan fixed his gaze on Amely. "Remember what I told you and Dysabella all the time? Everything that is done for good safely ends well too."

Amely inhaled deeply, looked down, and nodded slowly.

Jonathan kissed Amely on the lips after pressing his forehead against hers. "Everything is going to be OK."

When Savannah saw this, she understood the small family's and Doli's anguish. She remembered her homeland, which he never visited for a year while imprisoned by Dzkarda. Darut is the name of his country, which is located in the far north of the earth. Darut is no longer the same. Since the fire clan colonized him, everything had changed.

King Michael is a brilliant player. According to Savannah, he managed to infiltrate all of Darut's wind clans without being discovered. There were no killings, tyranny, or other issues like there were in Doli. There is only the bait that the monarch used to entice the people of the wind to fall to their knees and freely forfeit their honor.

The wind can make the fire more burning due to its nature.


Mattias spends a lot of time reading when he has a lot on his mind. He is agitated. In his imagination, the scenario was replayed. The man was uneasy and unsure whether what he was doing was correct. Just when Mattias thought he was incorrect, Fedoyor's words in the meadow yesterday afternoon convinced him otherwise. As a result, Mattias is currently browsing the library in search of a suitable book to occupy his time.

"Prince Mattias."

When someone shouted out to Mattias, he turned around. He bent his head to gaze at a small man with an enormous robe who approached him and cried out to him. With red hair and a bushy beard that extended down to his chest, his skin was wrinkled and limp. He's Tekyo Sanam, the royal library protector.

"Oh, Tekyo!" Mattias smiled, an uncommon occurrence for him. This dwarf librarian is not only Fedyor's best friend, but also his best friend. Given that Mattias is King Michael's child who enjoys reading, he frequently converses with Tekyo in this location.

"I just happened to notice you. This month, where have you been?" Mattias recalls this particular month. When he visits the library without Tekyo present, he feels as though something is missing.

"King Michael gave me orders to accompany him to the country of the winds, Darut," he murmured. "There, Prince, I was entrusted to instruct the small children of the Wind Land."

Mattias smirked. "Is it truly necessary for it to be from Dzkarda? Isn't Darut supposed to have a teacher who gives study?"

Tekyo's face shifted, and he looked nervous. "Prince, you know how your Father is."

Tekyo inquired, "Oh yeah, how long has Prince Mattias been here?"

Mattias shrugged sarcastically. "That's all right. I've been on the lookout for a good book to read in my room. But I can't seem to locate it."

Tekyo chuckled. "You are constantly reading books about science and medicine. Your Majesty, would like to read about the Binturi's history just once?"

"I've told you and your subordinates this far too many times." Mattias frowned and rolled his eyes. "For what? Isn't Binturi history littered with strong, powerful, and powerful fire clans? Tekyo, I'm not proud of persecution."

"Please, Your Majesty, just once," Tekyo begged Mattias, his face odd. "I have a book about the fire clan that I have never handed to anyone, not even the government."

Matthias was perplexed. "Which book are you defending?"

"Allow yourself to be convinced. Prince, please follow me." Tekyo will go first. His little legs protruded from the beautifully organized bookcases, leading him into his private room in the library.

When Mattias arrived, he noticed a small, stuffy, and cluttered room. Thousands of papers were strewn about. Tekyo's papers with chicken writing on them are that frequently sentence fragments used to make books. Usually, the strewn paper is trash that does not appear in Tekyo's books.

"Tekyo, are you sure you're not going to toss these papers away?"

Tekyo turned around while unlocking a closet and remarked, "Every word I'm writing becomes history, Prince. Even though it is merely a fragment, it is not appropriate for us to remove it. My life is accompanied by those yellow papers that have been chewed by termites, Prince. All tragedy will also be remembered in the future."

Mattias agreed with a nod. Tekyo is correct. Even though it is merely a fragment of history, it is not appropriate for us to remove it. However, only strong people are capable of facing history's realities. Tekyo was already in front of him, unknowingly, and handed him two different books with a yellowed red and blue cover that had holes in certain places.

"What is this book?" Mattias examined the book with the navy blue cover with the title, 'The Last Rain,' as well as the book with the red cover with the title, 'The Eternal Fire'.

When Mattias read the title of the blue-covered book, his heart seemed to stop.

"Your Majesty, please bring the books. I'm offering it to you because I believe you deserve to know things that others don't in these books. "Tekyo stated something mysterious.

Mattias smirked. "Tekyo, what exactly do you mean? I don't comprehend."

Tekyo chuckled. "When you read the book, Prince, you will understand. Remember my advice: don't allow anyone to take the book from you when it's in your hands. It doesn't matter. If you have no other option, destroy it away. Prince, look after the book while you still can. Also, look after the someone in the book."