
The Last Outlaw

In a world where the East reigns supreme and the West is but a distant memory, "The Last Outlaw" follows the journey of Q, a rugged Frenchman who awakens from cryo-sleep to find himself in a future dominated by a different culture and technology. Branded an outlaw by his natural different look in this new world order, Q must navigate the unfamiliar landscape of megacities and high-tech surveillance while grappling with his own sense of displacement and loss. As he embarks on a quest for redemption and survival, Q's journey takes him across vast deserts, bustling metropolises, and treacherous landscapes, where he encounters allies and adversaries alike. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Q must confront his own demons and embrace his destiny as the unlikely hero who could change the course of history. "The Last Outlaw" is a gripping tale of resilience, identity, and the enduring spirit of the lone gunslinger in an uncertain future.

qmpro · ไซไฟ
12 Chs

Chapter 10: Outlaw

Wen Chen deposited Q at home, his two terrific servants waiting anxiously for him. Their faces were pale, and their eyes wide with worry.

"Are you fine, girls?" asked Q, stepping out of the car.

They stared at him, confusion etched on their faces.

"You are the one who should answer that!" Tia exclaimed, her voice trembling slightly.

Q gave a half-smirk. "I ain't a girl," he said, trying to lighten the mood with his poor joke. They smiled politely, though their concern was still evident. They moved to help him remove his clothes, wanting to check for any injuries. He gently pushed them away.

"Don't do that. I ain't a baby, I told you already," Q said softly as he walked to his large room, closing the door behind him, leaving the two women stunned.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on him. The sky was beginning to lighten, and he could already hear the city waking up, feel the first rays of sunlight kissing his cheek through the marvelous windows.

He collapsed onto his bed and fell into a deep sleep. When he woke eight hours later, he was in pajamas, covered snugly by blankets. Tia was near him, tidying up. When she noticed he was awake, she called out to Felicia, who arrived with a tray of breakfast.

"We have to talk," Tia said, her tone serious.

Q sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What is it?" he asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

Tia glanced at Felicia, who averted her eyes. "It's about Felicia," Tia began, choosing her words carefully. "There are... concerns."

Q looked at Felicia, who was staring at the floor. "Concerns?" he repeated.

Q realized he has always been closer to Tia, he always though it was a personality matter, but now this araised, he realized Felicia's behavior was conflictual, as if she was shared, always. 

Tia took a deep breath. "Felicia might be... she might be forced to spy on us. Her family is in the Inferior City. They live in poor and harsh conditions, and she might be doing this to ensure their survival."

Q's eyes narrowed. "Is this true, Felicia?"

Felicia finally looked up, tears welling in her eyes. "Yes," she admitted. "I have no choice. They promised to help my family if I reported on you."

Q sighed, feeling a mix of anger and pity. "I understand," he said. "But you should have told me."

At that moment, Wen Chen arrived with a package. "Mr. Q, these are for you," he said, handing over an envelope and a sleek black case.

Q understood that Wen Chen had been somehow assigned to his team as he seemed to have free access over the villa. 

Q opened the envelope first. Inside was an important sum of money, special visas, and licenses that granted him extensive travel and power. "What is this for?" he asked, looking up.

Wen Chen explained, "You have been appointed as a fake auditor. Your job is to inspect businesses both here and in the Inferior City. You will have the authority to move freely and conduct these inspections. Your reports will be crucial." 

Today was the day Q should go to visit the mother's company. 

Q nodded, understanding the gravity and potential of this role. "And the case?" he asked.

Wen Chen opened the case, revealing various documents and devices. "These will help you in your new position. Use them wisely."

As Q took in the details, he realized the significance of his new mission. He was now equipped with the tools to navigate this complex society, to uncover its secrets, and perhaps to find a way to truly integrate. But more importantly, he had the means to protect himself and those he cared about, even if it meant treading a dangerous path. In a society were money was king, a letter of wealth was a pretty heavy tool. 

Turning to Tia and Felicia, he said, "We need to work together, now more than ever. Felicia, I understand your situation. We'll find a way to help your family without compromising our safety." "until then, continue to spy on us" 

Felicia's eyes filled with gratitude and relief. "Thank you, Mr. Q."

Q nodded. "Now, let's plan our next steps. We have much to do."

As they sat together, mapping out their strategy, Q felt a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but it also held the promise of change and redemption. And for the first time since awakening in this strange future, Q felt a flicker of hope. They knew they had little time to prepare.

As the planning session continued, Q leaned back in his chair, contemplating their next move. The newfound resources and authority placed a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. The world outside his windows was a labyrinth of power and corruption, and he needed to navigate it with precision.

"We need to be strategic," Q said, breaking the silence. "Our first priority is to secure Felicia's family's safety. Once we know they are out of harm's way, we can move forward without that leverage hanging over us."

Tia nodded, her expression serious. "I can reach out to some contacts in the Inferior City. Discreetly, of course. We need to ensure no one traces our actions back to us."

Felicia looked both relieved and anxious. "Thank you, Mr. Q. And Tia. I owe you both so much."

Q waved her gratitude aside. "We're a team now. We look out for each other." He turned his attention back to the documents. "Wen Chen, what's our first assignment as fake auditors?"

Wen Chen opened a folder and handed it to Q. "Your initial task is to inspect the operations of several businesses in the Inferior City. These establishments have been flagged for suspicious activities that may undermine our efforts for a fairer society."

Q scanned the list. "Suspicious activities. Could be anything from smuggling to illegal labor. We need to be thorough."

Tia interjected, "And we need to be careful. If these businesses are involved in illicit activities, they'll have measures in place to protect themselves."

Q agreed. "We'll start with one of the smaller targets. Gather intel, understand their operations, and then we can tackle the larger ones. Felicia, you'll come with me. Your familiarity with the area will be invaluable."

Felicia nodded, her resolve firming. "Understood."

With their plan set, Q spent the rest of the day preparing for the mission. He reviewed the dossiers, memorized key details, and familiarized himself with the tools and devices provided. Each item was designed for subtlety and efficiency, perfect for an undercover operation.

Finally, the long-awaited doorbell rang, and they headed straight to a cariol taking them to the Mother Company. They had to go through Circle 2, passing two frontiers. It was Q's first time traveling this route, and he was surprised that no one asked for any documents. It seemed only a fool would go this way without the necessary authorization, making the checks redundant. Interestingly, as they journeyed deeper, Tia and Felicia drew more and more attention. Q noted that Circle 3 already had fewer Women, and Circle 2 had almost none. The people they did encounter looked significantly poorer and angrier. A foul smell permeated the air, a mixture of industrial waste and decay.

Q arrived at the door of a huge factory with enormous gray walls. The owner, that Q like to nickname Dwarf awaited him at the entrance, flanked by an army of imposing, armed men. The contrast of his weak body with those imposing men was marking. 

Q approached to shake hands, and the dwarf greeted him warmly. "Welcome to the Mother Company, Mr. Q," he said, adding with a knowing smile, "I see that as I expected, you were promoted last night."

Q's unease grew. This man was clearly well-informed. How could he possibly have known about Q's promotion, let alone that Q would accept? The implications were unsettling.

The dwarf led Q, Tia, and Felicia through a series of security checks, each more rigorous than the last. They finally entered the main building, a stark contrast to the poverty outside. Inside, everything was polished and pristine, a testament to the wealth and power concentrated here.

As they walked, the dwarf provided a tour, his voice echoing through the sterile hallways. "The Mother Company is at the forefront of genetic engineering. We take pride in our work, creating the most exquisite companions for the nation's elite."

He gestured to a large window overlooking a lab. Inside, scientists in white coats meticulously worked with advanced equipment, manipulating genetic material with precision. Rows of tanks lined the walls, each containing a developing fetus.

"Our process begins here," the dwarf explained. "We use cutting-edge technology to ensure each fetus is genetically perfect. We eliminate any undesirable traits and enhance features that are in high demand."

Looking at Felicia with a professional eye, he said "i can see that you are an old technology dear" with a snob air. 

Q felt a chill run down his spine. The fetuses, suspended in their tanks, looked eerily serene. The dwarf continued, oblivious to Q's growing discomfort.

"Once the fetuses reach a certain stage, they are transferred to artificial wombs," he said, leading them to another room filled with sleek, cylindrical chambers. "These wombs provide the optimal environment for growth, ensuring each individual develops flawlessly."

Tia and Felicia exchanged uneasy glances, but Q kept his expression neutral. The tour was meant to impress, but he found it increasingly disturbing.

The dwarf then led them to a showroom where fully grown women, all stunningly beautiful, stood in elegant poses. Each one was a testament to the Mother Company's capabilities. "These are our final products," the dwarf said with pride. "Every aspect of their being has been carefully crafted to meet the highest standards."

Q looked at the women, their eyes vacant and their smiles mechanical. They were perfect, but there was something profoundly unsettling about their existence. They were products, created and sold, their humanity stripped away in the process.

The dwarf turned to Q, his smile never faltering. "And this, Mr. Q, is why our services are highly sought after. We provide more than just beauty; we offer perfection."

Q forced a smile, though his mind was racing. The Mother Company's operations were legal, but they were horrifying. The implications of their work, the ethical void, left him deeply disturbed.

As the tour concluded, the dwarf escorted them back to the entrance. "Thank you for visiting, Mr. Q. We look forward to a prosperous partnership."

Q shook his hand, maintaining his composure. "Thank you for the tour. It was... enlightening."

As they walked back to their vehicle, Tia whispered, "That was horrifying. We need to do something, the factory evolved a lot since my creation" Felicia nodded. "It's as if those women had no self-spirit" 

Q nodded, his resolve hardening. "We will. But we need to be smart about it. The Mother Company is powerful, and any misstep could be disastrous."

Felicia added, "We have to expose them. Let the world see what they're really doing."

Q agreed. "We'll gather more evidence. This is just the beginning."

The drive back was tense, each of them lost in their thoughts. The Mother Company's operations were a stark reminder of the dystopian reality they lived in. But Q knew they couldn't let fear paralyze them. They had a mission, and they would see it through.

As they reached their safe house, Q turned to his team. "We'll plan our next move carefully. We need to expose them, but we also need to protect ourselves and those we care about. This is a dangerous game, but we have to play it if we want to make a difference."

Tia and Felicia nodded, their expressions resolute. The fight was far from over, but they were in it together. And together, they would bring the truth to light, no matter the cost.


The next morning, Q and Felicia set out for the Inferior City. The journey was a stark contrast to the opulence of Q's current residence. The Inferior City was a sprawling network of dilapidated buildings and bustling streets, a testament to the divide between the affluent and the impoverished.

As they approached their first target, a small factory on the outskirts, Q felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. This was the beginning of his new role, and the stakes were high.

"Stay close," Q whispered to Felicia as they entered the factory grounds. They were greeted by the foreman, a burly man with a suspicious glare.

"We're here for a routine inspection," Q announced, flashing his official-looking credentials. The foreman grunted and led them inside, where workers toiled under harsh conditions.

Q observed everything meticulously, from the machinery to the workers' interactions. It was clear that the factory was cutting corners, exploiting its labor force. But he needed more than observations; he needed evidence.

"Mind if we take a look at your records?" Q asked, maintaining an air of authority.

The foreman hesitated but over his supervisor subtle node complied, leading them to a small, cluttered office. As Q sifted through the paperwork, Felicia subtly photographed key documents. Later on, over the study of those documents, their suspicions would be confirmed: the factory was surely involved in illegal activities, as the profit margin wasn't consistent with the operations. 

"This is enough for now," Q said, closing the file. "We'll be back for a follow-up inspection."

As they left, the foreman's eyes followed them, suspicion evident. "Be careful," Q whispered to Felicia as they walked back to their vehicle. "We've stirred the pot, and they'll be on alert."

Felicia nodded. "What's our next move?"

Q thought for a moment. "We report our findings, but we need to be strategic about it. We can't tip our hand too soon. Let's head back and regroup with Tia and Wen Chen."

The drive back was filled with a tense silence, both of them lost in their thoughts. Upon their return, they found Tia and Wen Chen waiting anxiously.

"How did it go?" Tia asked.

Q handed over the gathered evidence. "We have enough to confirm our suspicions about the factory. But this is just the beginning. We need to plan our next steps carefully."

Wen Chen reviewed the documents, nodding. "This is good work. We can use this information to leverage further investigations."

Q agreed. "And we need to start making subtle moves to ensure Felicia's family's safety. Tia, begin your outreach. Discreetly."

As the team settled into their roles, Q felt a sense of purpose solidifying. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was no longer alone. Together, they would navigate the complexities of this future world, using their wits and resources to bring about change.

Q also didn't forgot Mei. Somehow, he felt that she would be tied with this company.

The night deepened, and the city outside continued its restless churn. Q stood by the window, looking out at the distant lights. His journey was just beginning, and the stakes had never been higher. But for the first time, he felt he was exactly where he needed to be.

The next few days were a blur of activity and clandestine meetings. Tia had successfully contacted her associates in the Inferior City, initiating the delicate process of securing Felicia's family's safety. Meanwhile, Q and Felicia continued their inspections, gathering evidence and slowly uncovering the extent of the corruption and exploitation in the businesses they audited. And they had a lot, the rumor of a new ambassador looking for business opportunity was spreading fast, and Q had more than enough request of collaboration. 

Q knew he had to prepare some kind of evidence quickly before anyone could realize the scam. 

One evening, as Q was poring over the latest reports in his study, Tia knocked and entered, her expression grave.

"Q, we need to talk," she said, her voice low and urgent.

Q looked up, concern evident in his eyes. "What is it?"

Tia closed the door behind her. "I've been hearing whispers about increased surveillance and scrutiny from the higher-ups. It seems they're aware of our activities and are starting to close in."

Q's mind raced. "Do we know who might be behind this?"

Tia shook her head. "Not yet. But we need to be more cautious. We can't afford any mistakes."

Q nodded, feeling the weight of their predicament. "Agreed. We need to tighten our operations and ensure we're one step ahead. Any word from Wen Chen?"

"He's working on securing additional resources and contacts. But we need to move fast."

Just then, Felicia entered, carrying a sealed envelope. "This just arrived for you, Q."

Q took the envelope, examining it carefully before opening it. Inside was a letter from the coalition, outlining their next mission. The task was more complex and dangerous than the previous ones: they were to infiltrate a high-profile event hosted by one of the city's most influential businessmen, a man deeply embedded in the corrupt system they were fighting against.

"The event is tomorrow night," Q read aloud. "It's a perfect opportunity to gather intelligence and possibly gain new allies. But it's risky."

Tia frowned. "Security will be tight. How do we get in?"

Felicia spoke up, her voice steady despite the tension. "I have a contact who works at the venue. She can help us gain access, but we need to be careful. Any misstep could be disastrous."

Q looked at his team, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation. "We don't have a choice. This is our chance to make a significant impact. We go in, gather the intel, and get out safely. Understood?"

They all nodded, determination etched in their expressions.

The following evening, Q, Tia, and Felicia dressed in their finest attire, blending in with the city's elite. They arrived at the grandiose mansion where the event was being held, its opulent façade a stark contrast to the struggles of the Inferior City.

Inside, the atmosphere was one of lavish excess. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a shimmering glow over the assembled guests. Q scanned the room, noting the presence of several key figures from the city's power structure.

Felicia's contact, a young woman named Lian, discreetly guided them through the crowd. "Stay close and act natural," she whispered. "The security detail is watching everyone."

Q nodded, his eyes sharp as he observed the interactions around him. He spotted their target, the businessman, engaged in conversation with several other influential figures. Moving closer, he listened intently, catching snippets of their discussion.

"We need to increase our control over the lower districts," the businessman was saying. "Too many loose ends. We can't afford any disruptions."

Q's mind raced, understanding the implications. They were planning to tighten their grip on the Inferior City, exacerbating the very conditions they were fighting against.

As the night wore on, Q and his team gathered more critical information. They learned of secret meetings, hidden alliances, and the extent of the corruption permeating the city's upper echelons. But they also discovered potential allies, individuals dissatisfied with the current regime and open to change.

Just as they were about to make their exit, an alarm sounded, and the room erupted into chaos. Security personnel swarmed, and the exits were sealed.

"They've found us out," Tia whispered urgently.

Q remained calm. "We stick to the plan. Felicia, Lian, find a way to open the side entrance. Tia and I will create a distraction."

With quick nods, they split up. Q and Tia moved to the center of the room, drawing attention by engaging in a loud argument about a fictitious business deal. The ruse worked, and the guards momentarily diverted their focus.

Felicia and Lian managed to unseal the side door, motioning for Q and Tia to follow. They slipped out into the night, hearts pounding but relieved to be out of immediate danger.

Back at their safe house, they debriefed, piecing together the night's findings. Q felt a renewed sense of urgency. The corruption was deeper and more pervasive than he had imagined, but they now had the intelligence needed to strike where it hurt the most.

"We need to act on this information quickly," Q said, his voice resolute. "The lives of many depend on our next moves."

Tia and Felicia nodded, their resolve matching his. They were in the heart of the storm now, but they had each other and a shared mission that gave them strength. The fight was far from over, but for the first time, they felt the tide beginning to turn in their favor.