
Come of Age

My days went on with no particular changes. One day before my birthday. Truthfully, I couldn’t concentrate with the training those past three days without; the fast pump of adrenaline, the pink hue occupied my cheeks and the thump of my heart that I thought I have got a sickness. These feelings infuriated me. Not to mention, the sweet scent that came out from Michael; freshly baked cinnamon cake, so freaking delicious. Perhaps my nose became more sensitive that paralleled with my powers since it was increasing day by day. Nevertheless, I still did not know what was happening to my body. I was lost in my thought until the sweet scent filled up my nostrils. I inhaled it deeply while putting my head on the table. Trying not to get caught. Then, I looked up and saw Michael opening the fridge. I asked him,

“What’s for lunch?”

“Mac and cheese. I feel too lazy today”. He replied with his back facing me. I hummed and tapped my pointed nail on the table repeatedly, my hand cupped my mouth, and side-looked at him. ‘Hug, I want to hug him. He smells so good. I imagined myself going to the kitchen and back hugged him, getting carried away until he said.

“Tiara, what are you doing? Michael cleared his throat. I opened my eyes abruptly like there was a peal of thunder striking me, yet I didn’t want to let go.

“I don’t know, just feel like wanted to hug you”. I tightened my hold and buried my face in his back- so big and broad. For me, it was just a waste of time to act embarrassed when I felt this nice and comfy.

“You smell good, it’s that weird? My voice muffled in his clothes. He tensed and stopped whatever he was doing with the frying pan. I closed my eyes, wanted to savour this moment. Then, Michael faced me and gripped my arms gently.

“Sit there and wait for the food, alright? I frowned. He was annoying day by day. “Yeah, of course, you’ve never replied to my questions honestly anyway.

“Tiara, that’s not what I meant-

“I know. It’s okay. Sorry”. I wanted to get mad, but I knew I couldn’t. I was weak for him. I sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV.

I didn’t realize I had just taken a nap until I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Tiara let’s eat”. It was Michael. I unconsciously raised my hands; to my surprise, he grinned and swiftly hoisted me up and put me on the chair. Okay, now I was wide awake and blushing. “I can walk by myself”. I muttered.

“Yet you wanted me to carry you”. A small laugh came out of his mouth. I smiled. After that, I took a spoonful of Mac and Cheese. It tasted heavenly. A sudden contact that covered my whole hand on the table made me almost cough loudly but instead, I just cleared my throat.

“Hey, tomorrow, okay. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. And… it’s not weird. The scent you smell on me”. He gave me a reassuring smile. I didn’t say a word- still munching the mac and cheese. The hand that held mine was loose to let go; without a second thought, I took it back. I intertwined our hands and smiled at him. I knew it. Michael was blushing too, so I let go first. It was too much because my heart became giddy so suddenly.

I couldn’t sleep. The bed suddenly felt hard that I kept turning around and kicking the blanket a few times. Counting sheep to 100 did not help either. I grunted and covered myself with the blanket. ‘I wanted to sleep yet I feel restless. I said in my mind.

The clock struck 1200.

She opened her eyes when the overwhelming scent filled up her room, which did not go unnoticed by her. The room suddenly felt hot. She abruptly woke up in a sitting position. She held her shirt tightly, feeling the fast pumping of adrenaline with a loud thumping sound coming out. “What, what is this? Why my heart is beating so fast, urgh Michael, Mich- I have to go to him! Tiara scurried in her steps but fell when she slipped on the mattress cover. She grabbed her arms when her whole body felt weird- there was something surge in her body like a bolt of lightning, all in one go. She held herself more tightly with her head touching the floor. Not even a second passed, and Tiara then was facing the ceiling. Her ocean-blue eyes shone more brightly than ever, and she speed up her way to Michael’s room. When she was at the front door, Michael opened it too, with his swirling green eyes staring right back at her- sweating profusely.


“Michael, hold me”. She then pushed him and made Michael flee onto the mattress with her on top of him. “I can’t help it, I'm sorry but you're intoxicating.

‘How did she get so strong. I cannot even sit on my own. Michael thought. His spinning head could not make him focus on the surrounding.

Yeah, Tiara was also too much for him. The arousing smell made him want to tear her bits of clothes to shreds and screw her all over-tequila surfacing with cherry blossoms. Oh, he might melt in her arm. Nonetheless, he had to calm her down first. He slowly opened his arm and circled Tiara’s body, squeezing it tightly. She hugged him back, fisting his back shirt, almost tearing it. Michael suddenly chuckled at the feeling and said,

“We thought the same thing”. Out of nowhere, Tiara let out a hiccup. Another, and another. The room’s mood earlier died down with a concerned Michael looking at her. He sat up, Tiara on his lap and took a glass of water from the bedside table, indicating for her to drink it. Tiara took it and gulped it down, leaving nothing left. She broke a sweat but the feelings she felt before now changed to good and calming ones; yes, she knew what that meant.

“We’re mates”. Tiara took the courage to face him and continued. “That’s what you’re going to tell me today, right?

Michael took her hands and caressed the knuckles in a circle motion, giving Tiara a comfortable feeling.

Their breath, at last, slowed down- just a few tiny puffs echoed in the room.