
The Last Monarch's Wishes

"The one to stop the Great Cataclysm shall be you." This is a story about a defective, corrupted 'character'. Elgin was an anomaly to the world. He was an alchemist who lived in the town known as the Player's spawning point. Batches of humans would come through a spatial rift formed in front of the town's gates, calling themselves Players and bearing a mission to subjugate the last floor of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Origin that stood in the middle of the world. Elgin was not one of these Players, but he was special. The world he inhabited had a special trait that only he was aware of. Every time the Players fail to reach the apex of Yggdrasil, everything would be 'deleted', and then 'updated' into a newer copy of the world. A new group of Players would then descend upon their world once again, and Elgin was powerless to do anything except for watching and hoping that the current Players would finally be able to clear the fated mission. That day never came. No one succeeded, no matter how many versions of the world was created and destroyed. One day, while awaiting the next reset, he was pulled into a different dimension where he met an angel named Regis, who told him that he was the key to unlocking the world's secrets and breaking out of the cursed loop. The angel gave him powers, and liberated him from his status as a 'character' in exchange for a grim task. He possessed the body of a Player, and was given a similar mission with the others- to climb Yggdrasil. For him, another task was added on. To stop the Great Cataclysm with his powers. _______ What happens when a puny character is given freedom, enormous power, and a grand mission to complete? Watch the journey of the alchemist who began his rise to glory to inherit the most powerful being- the Monarch's legacy! Will he fail to destroy the endless game, or will he wield the power and rise to greatness? Read to find out!

ErbluhenZero · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Be Quiet

The opposing man panicked and turned his head left and right to survey his surroundings. There were some people in the area, but they were shop owners. They looked hesitant to approach the conflict, and turned their heads away when his eyes fell upon them.

"Don't turn your heads away!! Don't you see what this man is doing? It's assault! Assault, I tell you!" The man tried to gain their attention once again, but instead of taking in his words seriously, they went inside their residences to hide.

"Cowards!! You'll see what I do to you once I deal with this kid!! I won't let you all off!" He exclaimed even louder.

'..This guy is the type of person who will become the 'example' for Players.' Elgin internally thought.

In every generation, there just had to be one person who thought that they were above the original residents of this world. They would soon become the 'example', who proved a point for others not to mess with the residents unless they wanted to be punished.

"Stop shouting. You're causing a noise pollution. Your breath also stinks, so that's an extra air pollution charge." Elgin mocked the other, his mood now a bit sour with how the man was acting.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up, I can do whatever I want!" The man continued to struggle, but it was to no avail.

'What a manchild.'

The man gulped a mouthful of saliva as Elgin's annoyed glare fell upon him.

He didn't know why, but this little man's strength actually exceeded his own. Even worse, there was a strange aura he emitted that made him want to run away and piss in fear.

"Let go, you bastard!!"

"Who's the bastard here? I warned you to not get close to me." Elgin increased his strength even more. "And what did you do? Did you listen to my words like a good boy, or did you overestimate yourself and ignore my words? Surely you can at least know the answer to that simple question even if you couldn't tell right from wrong earlier."

This time, the strength was enough to make the man finally break down and scream out in pain, a few droplets of tears escaping the corners of his eyes as he thrashed around to escape from Elgin's grip.

"I said fucking let go! Don't mess around with me!!" The man tried to punch Elgin with his left arm, but that was obviously a bad move from his side.

If he had quickly realized his mistake and apologized for his behavior, Elgin would've let him go.

"You messed with me first. Do you think I would let you go easily? Just like that? I should take this chance and be the one who teaches you that your actions have consequences." Elgin was finally fed up. For his left knuckle, Elgin used the full extent of his strength.

'This is also a good chance to test my strength towards other Players, even though they should all still be Level 1 or 2.'

To his knowledge, experience points weren't obtained just from fighting and defeating monsters, but could also be sourced from rather random tasks.

To his surprise, the disparity of strength was a little too high than his expectations.

A cracking sound was made.

The sound of bones being crushed.

The man's eyes widened in shock. Elgin's did too, for a split second, before he reverted back to normal.

The pain was so great that it was outside his range of perception.

He didn't feel anything for the first few seconds. But then, his senses started registering the raw pain.

"A... AHHHHHH!!" The man's roared out in pain.

Profanities were spewed out like crazy. There was no filter inside his mouth. He cursed Elgin with every single bad word he knew, while grunting here and there.

Elgin released the man's hand and snapped his fingers to use some Water Magic.

He thought that if he covered his ears with a blob of water, surely the sound could be reduced.

'Seriously, how can someone's voice be this loud?'

"What happened, Ivan?!" Adel came running into the scene after a short while. Some other guys followed behind him.

They had been staying inside an inn while trying to get accustomed to this world. Suddenly, they heard a deafening scream that they recognized to be Ivan's voice.

"Adel! Adel, S-Save me!! You need to.. That demon.. You need to kill that little shit!!" The man shouted, his words in shambles as he wasn't able to think clearly.

A smile formed on Ivan's face after he saw Adel entering the scene. He thought that he had been saved. He looked at Elgin like he had already won against the other.

[..This man, he really doesn't have a brain, does he?] Cecily was disgusted.

Cecily thought that it was absurdly lucky for her that the anomaly she had to watch over turned out to be someone like Elgin. She came to appreciate the man even more. The rotten trash before them couldn't even be compared with a shred of Elgin's personality.

'Who knows. Maybe he sold his brain to a Muscle God.' Elgin casually replied.

[Even the Muscle God have standards!]

'The Muscle God exists?' Elgin raised a brow, weirded out by Cecily's reply.

[There has to be one.. Well, he's not necessarily the Muscle God, but there's a God of Strength. I'd say he is the perfect epitome of brawns before brains.]

Elgin tried to imagine what a Muscle God's appearance would look like. A body swollen up like a deformed balloon, filled with the strongest muscles everywhere. It made him cringe just a bit.

"Hey.. it's you again. Mind explaining what happened here?" Adel was baffled by the situation.

It was clear from his expression that he was wary against Elgin. The sentiment mostly came from the fact that Ivan was his teammate, whereas Elgin was someone who declared his departure right after their first meeting.

Now that he came back like this, Adel couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious.