
Crying Demon

10th of April 2026 Demons waged war against humanity and the war ended 3rd of March 2028 when the last nation collapsed. For the next twenty years humanity's only hope were the people who had killed special kind of demon known as the Crying Demon, upon killing a Crying Demon, these people manifested weird abilities with one common trait and that was tears of blood, they were called the crying Saints. Now 40 years has gone by without a single crying Saint and that is because no one has seen Crying Demon for the last 50 years.

The last remaining humans have been forced to live in underground cities, where they have somehow managed to survive for the last 40 years. Seven times a week, team of 10 people are sent to the surface to scavenge food and medical supplies, this is something everyone has to do who live in the city, only people who are excused from taking such a risk are doctors and children aged 15 or less. Mark who has just turned 16 is having his first trip to the surface, the team had gathered below a manhole where they kept their meeting before surfacing. The leader of the group was a 23 years old man named Sasha, hes face had 4 long scar going from forehead to the chin, even though he was 23 years old, he looked like a man in his late 30's. Only two people were holding guns, Sasha was the first one and the other one was a man named Oliver, Oliver was in his early 50's and a man who has done more trips to the surface than anybody else in the whole city.

''Before we go outside, i want to remind everyone about the rules. 1. Do not go stray, if you do, you are on your own. 2. Do not take any unnecessary items which could slow you down, demons are fast and merciless, you do not want to end up in their bellies. 3. Do not have any hostile thoughts, hostile thoughts lure demons. 4. If i say run, you run, if i say stop, you stop. 5. Do not die. Does everyone understand, especially the new kid?'' Sasha said. Mark looked at him and nodded.

Sasha was the first one to enter the surface and was followed by Oliver, once the coast was clear they signed the rest of the group go up. The manhole surfaced to an alleyway which was partially covered in plants and grass, rusty trash bins had mushrooms and moss growing on them. The alleyway was blocked by a rusty old van with open trunk which the group entered one by one and exited from front seat door.

City around them resembled ruins of a long lost civilization, most of the buildings were crumbled and the roads were covered in rusty cars which some had trees growing trough. Sasha lead the group silently to an area with intact buildings ''Now spread and check each building for food, medical supplies, guns and bullets, anything that could be used. Meet here in one hour.'' Sasha gave the command and everyone split into the groups of two. Mark got Oliver as his partner, because this was Mark's first time in the fields. They entered 20 story high apartment building and started kicking doors in, the first room Mark entered was covered in thick layer of dust and dirt.

He went trough kitchen drawers and cabinets and found 2 cans of fruit salad that had expired in 2031, 1 can of pea soup that had expired in 2029 and a bottle of liquor which he wrapped around a table cloth and put inside his bag. Halfway trough the apartments Mark heard weird noise coming out of one of the apartments, it was like a sound of someone crying. He went to get Oliver and told him about a crying noise he heard, they went in front of the door where the crying was coming from.

''I don't hear anything'' Oliver said while holding his ear next to the door. ''Can't you hear that? I can clearly hear someone crying behind this door'' Mark insisted. Oliver told Mark to step back and kicked the door open while holding gun up, they entered the apartment slowly searching trough the rooms while aiming the gun. ''The sound comes from the kitchen'' Mark told Oliver.

Oliver quickly went against the wall and peeked behind the wall to the kitchen while aiming his gun. Mark waited at the door when he noticed Oliver waving at him and saying ''There was nothing here.''. When Mark got into the kitchen, he immediately fell on ground. In the kitchen corner he saw a pair of tall red legs going all the way up to the kitchen roof and when he looked at roof he saw the torso and arms and the head of a demon, it was so large that it had to bend over to fit inside that small room. ''B-B-Behind you, that demons head is right above you!'' Mark yelled at Oliver. Oliver turned his head up to see the roof ''What are you talking about, what demon?''. Mark stared at Oliver who's face was right in front of a vicious looking demon ''What are you doing! Shoot it, shoot the roof!'' he yelled at Oliver. Oliver pointed his gun at the roof and was about to shoot when suddenly the demon ate his head, the gun flew between Mark's legs and Oliver's headless body fell on it's knees and to it's back squirting blood to the kitchen wall.

Mark was in a shock, he couldn't take his eyes out of the lifeless body of Oliver which was right in front of him. When he turned his eyes back to the demon, he saw the demon staring at him with a creepy grin on it's face and blood dripping out of its mouth to the ground. Mark grabbed the gun and started yelling while shooting at the demon until magazine was empty.

Demon's lifeless body dropped on top of Mark and he pushed the demon aside, grabbed the gun and bag and went to the meeting spot. Others were already waiting there and when they saw Mark crying, the first question from Sasha was ''Are you okay? There is blood dripping from your eyes''.