
The Last Kaiju (DC Comics x Male Oc)

Power? Was power just another way of saying of abuse? The Justice System is merciful to those who takes lives and doesn’t get the correct sentence. So I’m taking death to those who committed guilty violence with my own hands. The Justice League can follow the law but I won’t, they took so many lives that I can never forgive them—no matter how happy I am, I’ll do Batman’s job better. I lost my mother and father to supernatural beings, I lost my friends, my family, and now I’m going to take back everything with the cost of my own soul.

Arngrim_Asura · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

The City of Atlantis

Location: 360 BC, Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Spain.

"WAHHHHH!" Amelia screamed falling straight out of the portal and immediately puked after arriving. She panted heavily "And here I thought I've finally gotten use to this, I guess, traveling between timelines takes a lot more of energy." Amelia took a seat on the ground her body trying to regained its energy. But as she looked forwards, in front of her was the vast and seemingly endless blue sea.

"I may or may not have underestimated this journey quite a bit." She got up and stretched her arms. Then she walked towards the blue sea. "Alright, let's test this." Amelia wanted to know wether the invisible barrier worked in the water. Dipped her hand down in the blue ocean and she couldn't feel the warm liquid on her hands.

"It worked! This make things easier! Amelia exclaimed happily. With the barrier covering her, she can probably even breathe underwater which means she can stay as long as she liked. Amelia dived down just she thought, she had no trouble breathing. She then took her journey to find the City of Atlantis.

The clear blue sea and the marine life and marine had the detective in Awe. She wanted to take her time and explore, but she knew she had to hurry.


6 Days Passed


Unlike Amelia had thought, searching for the City of Atlantis was more difficult than she thought. It was like finding the smallest needle in a haystack. She had spent 6 days looking for the city and found nothing yet. Amelia thought she was prepared for this journey, but the one thing she hadn't trained was her stamina. That's why, although Amelia could breathe underwater for 3-6 hours before going back to the surface and rest again.

It was night time and our detective was sitting down on the shore, a bonfire keeping her warm right next to her.

"Haaaa, well at least I managed to get something." She said looking at her watch to see a map crossed out.


Amelia continued her search for a few more days but she still couldn't locate anything. Amelia came to the conclusion that she wouldn't find anything by searching aimlessly. She decided to find clues in the nearby town.

She used her bracelets to make a brown robe covering her head and down. She was lucky enough to get into the town and luckily the population looked like it was on the verge of rebuilding.

She found a library just down the road from the block she was in. When she saw the library, it was truly a library but a stall that sells books. One of the books caught her eye.

The City of Atlantis.

Amelia wanted to but the book, but the world is so cruel because she didn't have money from this era only from her era. She tried to see if she could sell her earrings. But…

"Such a fabric, where did you get it?" The shopkeeper asked looking at the bandage that Yin gave her.

"Sorry it's not for sell, this is something very important to me and I made a promise to meet him again." She responded, her eyes glaring at the shopkeeper. The bandage had a dimmed glow to it, it truly caught the shopkeeper eyes.

The shopkeeper paid no mind as he stepped aside. Amelia walked past him and exit the city. She trailed back to the shore and began to read the book to gain information.

In the book, lies theories of where Atlantis could be situated, their culture, and even their language. Amelia begun to learn the language, it didn't even take her a whole day just to master. She managed to learn the language in only 10 hours. She decided to rest for today and set out tomorrow.


Morning came and Amelia found a cavern that was similar to the book and headed there immediately. But as she approached it, the silhouette of a massive creature could be seen.

The silhouette grew bigger and bigger to the point that it's shadow would block out the sunlight, even the sun itself. And the appearance of the big beast was none other than a shark.

The detective was in shock and swam away from the shark as fast as her body could go, but no matter how fast she was, the shark will catch up sooner than later.

It was the shark larger than the largest ship she had ever seen, and it's teeth were the size of an human adult. There was only one shark in existence that had this traits, the 'Megalodon'.

Amelia kept her head down while being chased by the most dangerous and terrifying sea creatures known to man. She swam back to the cavern again and hoped that she could reach it before the shark caught up to her.

She was only a few hundred meters away from the cavern, but life can end swiftly when the shark had caught up to her and swallowed her up. Now she was inside the Megalodon's mouth. It was very wet and stick.

"Haaa, well at least I tried." Amelia said she stood on the shark's tongue. "So this is the inside of the great Megalodon, huh. I've got to say, it's much grosser than what I saw in the movies." Amelia pulled out her M9 and pointed it at the weak parts of the shark's mouth. "I've always wanted to do this!" She then pulled the trigger, her bullets pierced the inside skin of the shark's mouth. The shark cried out in pain even then, Amelia kept shooting.

She soon ran out of bullets, but luckily she had her bracelets with her. She turned her bracelets into a laser pistol.

"This is so cool! REEEEEEEEEE!!!" She squealed.

After a few minutes of continuous shooting, the shark stopped moving from the outside. The shark's mouth was closed tight, so she cut open a path by transforming her bracelets into a machete.

Ame went into the cavern. After heading inside

she saw the symbols of Atlantis. As she headed

further inside the cavern, the symbols appeared

more frequently, soon she was blocked by a

giant door. Around the door was more symbols.

"Nishentop Adlantisag, kelobtem Gabrin

karoklimik bet gim demottem net

getunosentem bernotlimik bet kagib lewidyoh"

Ame read out the symbols and the door glowed.

The door then opened and It only took one look

for her to recognize the city she had been

looking for. It was a huge city surrounded by

Waterfalls. Unlike Ame had thought, The city

wasn't completely submerged underwater. In

fact it felt like she went through a door that led

to the surface.

"Wow, Atlantis, So it was really real" Ame was

still amazed by the beauty of the city.

"Now then, How am I supposed to get in, I

doubt that they'll just let a random person in'

Ame was closer than ever to her goal.

"Well... I could try that.." Ame went up to the front gate of the City and when she approached the gate she was stopped by the guards.

"Hello there." She greeted to them with a smile.

"You! Who are you!? And how do you know our

language?!" The guard demanded the name with their spears pointing at her.

"I am Amelia Watson!, an envoy of the human

race!. I wish to have an audience with your

king!" Ame shouted.


That'll be all for the recruitment of Gura the shark, I'm saving the rest for a backstory for a sad moment.