
The Last Kaiju (DC Comics x Male Oc)

Power? Was power just another way of saying of abuse? The Justice System is merciful to those who takes lives and doesn’t get the correct sentence. So I’m taking death to those who committed guilty violence with my own hands. The Justice League can follow the law but I won’t, they took so many lives that I can never forgive them—no matter how happy I am, I’ll do Batman’s job better. I lost my mother and father to supernatural beings, I lost my friends, my family, and now I’m going to take back everything with the cost of my own soul.

Arngrim_Asura · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Orphan and Adopted life

It's been 7 years since Abysria left her child in the care of an Orphanage called Lyral, it was located three blocks east from Lexcorp. Yang—or now referred to Yin due to the letter left by Vadi. A lot has happened in the 5 years, meeting his new family, learning how to walk and talk, was able to perform unique detective skills.

Now Yin sat at the table near the window, he always look at the sky, his chin the palm of his right hand. "Yin! Mind if we sit here?" He heard a feminine voice asked softly. He quickly turned around looking 2 girls standing right there.

The first one is Ina. Ina is a young girl with a slender build that has blue eyes, slightly pointed ears, and long, purple hair that runs down to her knees. Her main clothing was similar to the rest of the orphans long white dress for the girls. She's the bookworm of the friend group.

Amelia, was the third person who knew what Yin like and where he would be all the time, she was also a detective like Sherlock homes. She had shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes. She wore the same outfit as the other girls.

He smiled brightly, his innocent smile made him the best they're was in the orphanage. "Sure, we're friends." He said, Amelia rushing to his side with food in her hand.

The others sat down, he patted her head gently. He felt like a big brother to the 2, but even he too felt a little feeling called love.

"So Yin, do you think we'll be able to stay together?" Ina asked, he could hear the sadness in her tone. He sighed deeply. He was raised with all five of them and yet if he left then he would be feeling the same loneliness since before.

He then stood up, "Of course! Till now and forever. I'm happy that we could be happy together." He stood up and held out his hand face down. "Then let's make a promise. We'll stay together no matter what; especially when we graduate from high school." Amelia giggles as she put her hand on top of it Yin's. Then Ina who smiled warmly.

"You guys…! It's a promise!" He said proudly . They all laughter together until they heard their names being called on the loud speaker.

AMELIA,INA, AND YIN! Please report to the adoption center.

Their eyes widen in shock, it seemed their dream finally awaited them. Little did they know, they're life was about to change…


"WHAT!? You're separating us!?" Yin slammed his hands down on the desk in front of him. The higher up however didn't faze a bit from his outburst.

"We only want the best for you all. Especially you Amelia, your detective skills needs to be refined and be able an excellent detective."

A low snarled could be heard from Yin, he didn't want to be separated from them but he was too weak do anything right now. "It's alright Yin, I know we promised to stay together but maybe this could our chance to see the world.." Ina suggested, she never wanted to leave but this is the only way to secure a brighter future.

They all nodded in agreement, he couldn't help but to agree. "Alright fine…" he took off one of the bandages wrapped around his neck and ripped it in half. Giving one to the two.

"Since we're going our separate ways, let's meet up once we're finished." He said calmly he noticed that his adopted family was the Jin-Seol. A family that were talented in Martial arts, robotics engineering, chemistry, and even charming women.

Amelia was being adopted by the Watson family, they're the descendants of Sherlock Homes assistant, John H. Watson. He could see them being related to each other.

"Where's Ina's parents?" Amelia asked the higher ups.

"They asked me to drop her off since the work they had kept them busy." He stood up, a small grin couldn't be seen but it seems that the Higher up knew something that they didn't.

Yin hugged the both of the girls, his arms fully wrapped around them, their heart beat increasing rapidly. "Until we meet again friends.." he wanted to cry so bad but somehow he couldn't.

"Goodbye Yin." Their eyes watering up, the sniffles heard in his ears. He let go of them and walked his adopted family, he looked up at his adopted mother who patted his head. "Listen Kiddo, we understand that leaving your friends behind is depressing, so look on the bright the side. Once they enter a school I'll make sure to transfer you there." He heard her mother said which made him smile slightly.


They made it to his new home, it was like a mansion. It was barely even called a house! It was bigger than a normal mansion which was less expensive compared to this.

"Make yourself at home." The father told him gently, he took his coat off and heard a footsteps running towards them. "Daddy! You're home!" A 6 year old little girl wearing all black, her short bob cut black hair. She had beautiful fair skin which made the boy blush. She ran into her father arms giggling.

"How's my little girl doing?" He asked, he seemed to be attached to his daughter. "Oh that's right, Amy, I want you to meet your older brother." She looked to see Yin who waved as he was being introduced.

"Hello big brother! I'm Amy Jin-Seol! It's a pleasure to meet my big brother." She slightly bowed to him as he too did the same and spoke in a friendly tone. "The pleasure is all mine."

The mother giggles, she wasn't even surprised that they were getting to know each other. She grabbed him by the arm and hugged him tightly. He noticed how muscular his mother which scared him just but feeling the harden steel abs.

"Dad help me!" He screamed into his mother's abs. He had a hard time breathing. The father yanked him away from the mother allowing his son to breathe, "Leonian, you almost killed him. You have to be carful with him, you're too strong for him."

"Well it's not my fault that he was too cute to be a boy, Derek." She replied back with a grin, it wasn't normal, her face was filled with lust.

"Run kids." He held Leonian back while the kids ran as far as their little legs can carry them. Yep, this was the life Yin wanted but he wanted Ina and Amelia to be with him now more than ever.

He looked at Amy smiling widely, he responded back with his only cheeky smile as they ran into the back room to hide from Leonian.


Back at the Lyral Orphanage, the Higher up looked at his desk and opened a book. It showed Yin crying with his parents in his arms. His eyes glowing Egyptian blue color, his teeth sharped and stained with blood with blue blood flowing down his face. Most of his body were covered in scales and blood.

"It seemed the future truly holds the key to the countless dimensions. How long are you going to be dormant Hybrid of Destruction?" He transformed into his true form. A female? She has an androgynous and futuristic appearance and is dominated by a color palette of white and holographic shimmering rainbow-color effect. They appear to float through the air, and their face tends to wear a neutral expression.

She has long silver hair with a holographic sheen that changes color as the light hits it. The hair floats and moves of its own voilition, and four strands end in triangular buckles. They have deep red eyes with holographic color and narrow pupils, and have small fangs. They have a triangular halo above their head in holographic rainbow-like colors.

They wear a white jumpsuit covered with a holographic cloak lined with holographic color. Her's left arm is mechanical and colored white and gold, and the upper arm in particular appears to be hollow and covered in a fine metalwork of lotus flowers and flowing water, almost resembling a tattoo; the black "bone" is visible underneath. They wear a gold ring on the index finger of their mechanical arm. They possess a long katana with triangular motifs

She picked up the book and hugged it tightly, "Oh yes! I can't wait for his eyes shows no life, he could finally become my pet after millennia of years." She twitched pleasure, her breath hot and was filled with lust. "Sorry Amelia but your future won't go so well, I'll make sure that you and Ina can't have him in the future..~"


Dear readers, I'm thinking about skipping the 9 years so that way you can understand the lore about how he becomes the very opposite of Batman and kill heroes. Which means the Justice League will be out for him. If you have any ideas let me know in the comments and stay safe.

I’mCreation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Arngrim_Asuracreators' thoughts