
Will You Be My Lover?

Anthony's eyes were beautiful and deep as if there were thousands of stars. When people look at it carefully, you will sink without realizing it.

Natalie took his warm hand and spun around with him.

She felt dizzy at the bottom of her heart. But she didn't know if it was because she was too happy or really dizzy.

"Anthony, how did you know I was in the hospital?" Natalie suddenly remembered and asked.

Anthony looked at her with disdain. "Why are you suddenly asking?!"

"I was just wondering. Did you send someone to follow me?"

He looked down at the necklace he was wearing, slightly hooked his lips and smiled evilly. "I'm actually a fortune teller. For example, I can tell what you're thinking!"

"Then what am I thinking right now?"

"You're thinking about me! And one hard part of my body!"

"Bastard, bullshit..."

Anthony suddenly stopped, which made Natalie fall straight into his strong arms.

His heart was beating fast.

Lying in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat, she felt that the whole world was silent.

Anthony lowered his head, lifted her chin gently with his slender fingertips, and said arrogantly. "Babe, you dance really well. You're only allowed to dance with me in the future, okay?"

Only the scent of flowers remained on the tip of her nose, and the beautiful sound of the piano resounded.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

She suddenly wanted to tell him. Anthony, I'm pregnant with our child.

However, the piano sound suddenly stopped.

David approached them. "Young master, there is a call from the Madam!"

Anthony turned and looked. "Okay, wait a minute!"

Natalie let go and watched Anthony leave.

About ten minutes later, Anthony's slender figure reappeared.

"I'm going to France and will probably be back in a few days!"

Natalie took back what she was about to say. Now is definitely not the best time.

"Okay, when are you leaving?"


He reached out his hand to touch her head and brushed her long soft hair into a mess. Only then did he hook his lips and smile in satisfaction. "Are you going to run away again?"

"No! I don't want it!"

"That's good then, as long as I'm not around... You must complete your task of making me underwear properly. Otherwise, it will depend on how I will deal with you!"

Natalie shrugged. "Oscar, send your father out!"

As soon as Oscar heard Natalie's voice, he rushed out and shook his head and tail enthusiastically.

Anthony's then said. "Good, take good care of your mother at home. Don't let a wild man seduce her!"

"Young Master, the car is ready!"

David stood respectfully behind him.


Anthony answered, took a few steps, but suddenly stopped. He then turned around, hugged Natalie tightly, lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

He lowered his head again, loosened his tie, hooked his lips and looked at Natalie. "Tie a lucky tie!"

Natalie snorted, her dexterous fingertips flipped quickly, and she fixed the tie for him.

"This…" David coughed softly.

Anthony looked at Natalie's carelessly knotted knot and reached out his hand to tug on her little ear. "We've only been apart for a few days. Have you forgotten how to fix a tie?"

Natalie kept her head down and remained silent.

Anthony stretched out his fingers and lifted her chin. She found that her little face was already wet with tears, and her tears were hanging on her long eyelashes.

"What is it?"

Anthony looked nervously at Natalie. This girl's tears kept falling.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Natalie shook her head, quickly wiped the corners of her eyes with her little hand, bit her lower lip and smiled reluctantly. "Don't worry about me, it's easy to cry when I see my loved ones leave."

Anthony curled his lips and smiled, carefully wiping her tears. "Your tears are worth more than diamonds! It's okay, it means you really want me! David, today's trip is all cancelled. I'm not going anywhere!"

Natalie raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

Just now, she felt the day turning cloudy, and in the blink of an eye, it was bright again.

"Yes, young master... But, madam..."

"No problem. Tell her I'm tired and want to rest for two days..."

"Yes, young master!"

David sighed. Such a stubborn young master had no idea what kind of horror the Stevano family mistress had.

Outside the hall, Joana stood quietly. After a long wait, nothing came out. She was a little worried.

When David came out, he rushed over. "The plane will take off in half an hour, where's the President!"

David's face was deep, and he sighed. "Young master is not leaving, the trip is cancelled!"

"Are you kidding? With her mother's character, if one dared to go against her words, it would turn the world upside down!" Joana was furious.

Although Anthony had a hot temper, he was a very filial son. In all her memories, Anthony never went against his mother's words.

"This is the young master's decision, it has nothing to do with you. Quickly leave!"

Joana's face is hideous. "This must all be Natalie's doing. Since she came, everything has been a mess. You said they were contract lovers. How long will it take for the contract to expire?"

David hesitated for a long time. "There's no need to think too much about this. I think the young master has fallen in love with Miss Natalie. They will become a real couple sooner or later."

Joana had been struck by lightning, and she froze in place for a long time. Finally, she sneered. "Those are just mortal thoughts! Why don't you stop it?"

"I can't stop it!"

"Can't stop it? As long as you explain about Nadia, Natalie will definitely go away on her own!"

David looked rather ugly and silent.

Nadia, how long had it been since she had heard that name… of course, this would be another matter.

Throughout this day, Anthony did not go to the company, he continued to accompany Natalie.

In the morning, they went shopping together and bought Oscar a new kennel and dog food. Natalie also bought a bunch of flowers and plants.

In the afternoon, they bathe Oscar together.

Natalie was preparing Oscar's toiletries next to her. When he saw this, Oscar shouted. When he turned his head, the dog had already fled.

Anthony then rushed after him, carrying flip-flops.

"Did you just hit Oscar with this?"

"Of course, why is that?" Anthony's face is natural.

"Hey, that's definitely domestic violence! We just want to bathe the dog, not scold him! If it's a child, you might end up in jail!"

"..." Anthony could only be silent.

The two of them spent almost an hour holding Oscar together. This dog may not like bathing, he keeps trying to run away.

Instead of resorting to violence, Natalie pointed to the water hose and slowly washed Oscar. Her actions were gentle and careful.

After taking a shower, Oscar stood up straight and shook his body violently. Drops of water on both of them.

Under the sun, Anthony pressed against Natalie, who was soaking wet with his long hot eyes. "Natalie, will you be my lover?"

Natalie didn't react for a moment and tried to wink at the water droplets on her eyelashes. "What do you mean?"

"You and I… Do you want to spend your life together with me?" His low voice repeated it again very carefully.