
Unwilling to Give Up!

"I am loyal to young master, I would not possibly keep anything from you."

"Then why didn't you tell me that his parents died?"

Anthony's loud voice made David speechless.

After a while, he bowed. "Young master, the necklace alone can't explain everything…"

Anthony massaged the temples of his head in silence.

"Well, I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

David sighed and closed his mouth tightly.

Meanwhile at the apartment, Natalie decided to spend the day cleaning.

Although this apartment looks very new, it looks like it hasn't been inhabited for quite a while. And a lot of things look lacking.

The balcony looks empty, the kitchen lacks dining table equipment, even the living room only contains a sofa. Looks like he needs to clean up a bit.

Busy all morning, suddenly Natalie got a call from Nia. He invited himself to have lunch together.

After lunch, Nia immediately returned to her shop to return to work.

When she was walking around, the clothes shops in Pasar Atom caught Natalie's attention. Moreover, he found a party dress that looks beautiful in one of the shops.

When she thought of her school dance, she did need a ball gown to attend.

After entering the shop, he immediately said to the shopkeeper. "I want to try on this dress!"

The party dress is a pink one piece dress, it looks very fashionable and fresh.

"That shirt costs 2 million, can you afford it?" From behind suddenly came a cold voice.

Wearing sunglasses and carrying an LV handbag, Cindy looks like a lady from a rich family. Dating Kenny for a year has earned him a lot of luxury goods.

Natalie looked at him coldly. "You really think I can't afford it?"

"Hahaha, you think you're still the only daughter of the Andersen family? Maybe when you were little, your parents liked to spoil you. But now? They're dead, who can really help you?" Cindy grinned widely.

Natalie didn't want to wait on him and looked at the shopkeeper. "I want to try on that dress!"

"I saw the dress first!" Cindy reached out and grabbed Natalie's arm. Today he wasn't going to let Natalie go home shamelessly.

"This… only one shirt left!"

"Of course I know that there is only one shirt left, give it to me quickly." Cindy said, raising her voice.

The shopkeeper was a little confused.

Natalie turned and looked at Cindy. "I came first, the clothes are mine!"

"Don't listen to poor people like him, he only comes to try on his clothes and take pictures for the camera. How about this, I'll add 200 thousand for the shirt!"

Cindy starts attacking with money.

Natalie raised her eyebrows and said loudly. "I will add 500 thousand!"

"Then I will add 2 million!" Cindy pulled a wad of money out of her bag and arranged it at the cash register. "Can you beat me? Just try it if you can!"

Natalie was completely helpless. After leaving his house, he had almost run out of money. The dress itself she planned to take a look at first and buy it after borrowing money.

But when he saw Cindy, for some reason he didn't want to budge. Even now the price has doubled!

"Alright, the dress is yours! But to be honest, your broad shoulders don't suit this dress. But have you already bought it or will you swallow your own saliva?"

Natalie smiled, turned and walked out toward the door.

When Natalie was about to walk out, suddenly a leg appeared unexpectedly. This causes Natalie to fall out of control.

This happened so suddenly, Natalie was completely unprepared.

When he fell, he hit the mannequin and produced a domino effect. Some of the mannequins fell and hit the display window glass. In an instant, the glass splattered on the floor.

When he stood up, the clothes shop was already in a state of disarray.

Suddenly there was a stinging sensation coming from the palm of his right hand, apparently there was broken glass stuck in his hand.

"Already poor now trouble others, indeed bad intentions will bring bad results."

Cindy, who was standing by the cashier, laughed when she saw Natalie slumped over.

Natalie furrowed her brows and said. "You tripped me, it's all your fault!"

"Where is the proof? Don't accuse indiscriminately if there is no evidence. Oh well, I don't care about you anymore. Looks like you still have to deal with the authorities!"

Cindy smiled proudly and walked out. As he walked, he took out his cell phone and made a call. "Hey, hey, guess what good thing I just had…"

"Cindy, stop!"

Natalie was about to chase after him but the shopkeeper reacted just in time.

"Sorry but you can't go. You must compensate for the damaged items or I will call the police!"

Natalie was a little displeased. "Didn't you see that he purposely made me fall? He should also be responsible for this incident as well!"

"Miss, I don't know what you mean. All I saw was you falling and destroying almost the entire shop. I've seen people like you, blaming others and wanting to escape responsibility. Before I calculate all the losses, I want you to give me 10 million as bail or I'll call the police."

"I don't want to argue with you, quickly show me the CCTV of this shop." Natalie pointed at the camera above.

"I'm sorry but not just anyone can see the CCTV. Our store values ​​the privacy of our customers, so we don't give it away without good reason."

The shopkeeper snorted, he looked down at Natalie who seemed to want to run away.

While he was cleaning and calculating his losses, he had called two security guards to prevent Natalie from escaping.

Looking at the two security guards, Natalie realized that this situation was getting more complicated.

What should she do?

Let alone 10 million, he doesn't even have 1 million.

Ah! Natalie remembered that she had a credit card.

"Try my credit card!" Natalie took the credit card out of her purse.

When he entered high school, his mother gave him the card. The card was registered in the name of his parents' company, that should be enough to compensate for all of this.

The shopkeeper's face was slightly surprised. But in the end he took the card and swiped it at the machine.

"This card has been blocked, don't expect to trick me!"


It seemed that Natalie had really underestimated the greed of her aunt and uncle's family!

It was obvious that he owned 50% of Doxia's shares, how dare they block him!

When his heart started to tighten, his head started to spin. At a time like this, who should he turn to for help?

Suddenly, his cell phone rang and apparently it was Anthony who called him.

He answered without hesitation.

"Where are you? I've been waiting for you for 30 minutes, where are you wandering off to this time?" Anthony's angry voice could be heard clearly from the earpiece of the phone.

"I'm outside on business. If you don't mind, tonight eat without me."

Natalie thought that Anthony might be waiting for her to cook for her.

"Where are you? Why is your voice so small?"

"I…" Natalie's voice suddenly caught in her throat, this made her feel uncomfortable.

If he told her the problem, would he help her?