
The Last Heir of the Vitiello Clan

In the wake of devastating personal losses, Luca Vitiello finds himself shattered and powerless. Dumped by his wife, expelled from his job, and mourning the death of his mother and lost younger sister, he dawned into a downward spiral of despair and rage. But just as all hope seems lost, a mysterious old man arrives at his doorstep, offering Luca an unexpected opportunity to regain control. Suddenly thrust into a world he never knew existed, Luca discovers a ruthless society where only the strong survive—a brutal battleground of life and blood. Fuelled by his desire for revenge and armed with a newfound purpose, Luca embraces the chance to turn the tables on those who have wronged him. As he delves deeper into this hidden realm, Luca uncovers shocking secrets that unravel the very fabric of his reality. With a well-crafted plan forming in his mind, he sets out on a mission to make his enemies pay, to see them on their knees, bleeding and begging for mercy. Who wouldn’t fear if the man holding the gun pointed at your forehead was Luca Vitiello, the prominent notorious mafia heir who once became a pitiful son-in-law?

Author_Leona · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Don Luca Vitiello

Days turned weeks, weeks turned months. Luca tried to find Lara, but she was nowhere to be found.

"D-Did you see my sister?"

"P-please tell me if you saw her!"

"She looks like this."

Holding a white placard, with his sister's picture all over the walls. Luca tries to approach each and every person that passes by, with a hopeful yet broken heart. He has been to every corner of the city, thinking Lara will approach him one day, and hug him tight.

It's been three months, and Luca slowly lost hope to be able to find his sister. Being alone in his dark room, he only finds company and warmth with the bottles of liquor and cigarettes with him. Tears have been drained.

"A body of a high school teen has been found near the river of St.Martin bridge, her identity is still a puzzle for the authorities. As the murders rose up in the city…"

The news has been stopped by the sound of the broken glass of wine's bottle.

Luca shut the television with it and quickly stands up to leave the house. His heart was thumping so fast, but he was praying that it can't be his sister…it can't be Lara.

He almost run to the police station with his bare feet, despite the pain from different sharp objects that pierced through his skin, he doesn't give a damn. What he wants right at that moment is to find out who that woman is.

"Sir you can't just barge in!"

"W-Who's she?"

"Who? Please calm down Sir." The officer asked back trying to soothe the hysterical Luca.

"The woman you found near St.Martin Bridge!" Luca exclaimed, tears slowly falling from his eyes.

"T-Tell me she's not Lara."

"Tell me!"

"Unfortunately we couldn't distinguish who the woman is. The face has been cut off ruthlessly by the murderer, leaving no trace of the woman's identity."

Luca was left with only one option. The only people who have a huge grudge against him are none other than Ashton and Carter.

With heavy footsteps, he went to his former company, standing before the tallest building in the city, he screamed.

"Give me back my sister!"

"Steven Carter! Amanda Ashton!"

"I won't leave unless you bring out Lara!"

Two guards went out of the building holding a gun.

"What do you think you're doing Mr.Scott?" Asked one of the guards, wearing an intimidating aura to startle him a bit.

But Luca only threw him a cold glance.

"Tell your boss that I'm here."

"He doesn't have any time for you. Better leave before we force you out of this place."

Luca step back and roamed his eyes around the corner, he walked toward the object he's been looking for and pick it up. Without saying a word, and before the guards could even stop him, he throw the stone as hard as he could to the glass window of the building that created a commotion inside.

The two guards quickly moves and run towards Luca, and started handcuffing him.

"Don't make a scene here, you wouldn't like what might happen to you if the Carters got to know you're here."

"Better tell him that I'm here or I won't leave. Tell them that I wanted my sister back, alive!"

A strong punch landed on Luca's face, and with a taste of blood on the side of his lips, he let out a small grin.

"You should leave." The guard warned again.

"I'll kill you all if you didn't bring out my sister!" Luca shot back instead and attempted to get out of the tight handcuff, but failed.

"We don't have her. Our boss wouldn't care about your sister, Mr.Scott. You're just wasting your time here."

"No! They are the only person who has the motive to take her away from me!"

"You're wrong Luca." Suddenly a familiar voice of a man came in, and when he tried to look at the face of that person, it was none other than Steven Carter.

"Lara is not in our possession. We have a lot of businesses to deal with and to even care about your sister."

"You liar!"

"You're drunk Luca, just leave." It was a voice of a woman this time, a voice of the woman he's been in love with since then, Amanda.

Luca's eyes darted at the hands of Steven that roamed around the woman's waist.

"You know that my sister is all I have right now, Amanda."

"So why would we take her?" Asked the woman back at Luca's raging eyes. But despite those façade, she can see a loving man who's broken deeply, and missing his sister.

"Go back inside the car, Amanda," Steven whispered to the woman, who quickly obliged.

"The police are on their way here, so if I were you I'll leave."

"But you're not me."

Luca ended up behind bars. His face was all over the newspapers and television, due to the commotion he made in front of Carter's company.

Weeks passed and his life in jail is the worst.

"Clean the toilet!" One of the men ordered.

Luca's clothes were full of dirt after cleaning the entire place.

"What!? You have a problem with that?"

Luca didn't say a word and proceeded to the dirty bathroom instead. He'd rather clean it than get in trouble again. For a week, he never had a good sleep because he has to be attentive to his surrounding. It's easier for Carter and Ashton to eliminate him with just one call, and not even tainting their own hands.

He's been very impulsive a week ago, and he's regretting what he did. He has to find his sister, and he wouldn't be able to do that if he's inside the jail.

"A bale for Mr.Scott."

Luca wasn't sure who baled him out, but he was thankful who that good samaritan is. Finally, he could find his sister again, he believes that the woman found near St.Martin bridge is not Lara.

Luca went back to his home and planned to never get the attention of the Carters again, so he could look for Lara.

Luca spends the entire day reading newspapers, hoping to find a job in it. So that he could save and use that resources to find his sister.

Upon scanning the pages, he saw his name on it. It was an article about Amanda Ashton and Steven Carter's marriage.

'Luca Scott is an irresponsible, broke, and abusive husband that resulted in their divorce. The commotion he created in front of the Carter Corporation, was due to the fact that he cannot accept his defeat, trying to create an issue where Carter and Ashton could be involved. He is the only person who has motives with regards to the death threats that Amanda Ashton and Steven Carter have been receiving in a week.'

Luca couldn't believe what he just read. It was misleading and definitely a pure hoax and lies of Carter, so he'll be the bad in the end still. He crumpled the paper on his hands and throw it away, frustratedly.

Luca doesn't know how long he has been staring at the crushed newspaper on the floor, he can't really believe how their power and connection could break the truth and vilify a person.

His thoughts have been interrupted by three heavy knocks.

"W-who's there?" Luca asked. He's not expecting a visitor today, and it's quite strange.

"I said who are you?"

Yet no one answered still, Luca forced himself to open the door. He knew he could defend himself in certain circumstances.

When Luca opened the door, a familiar old man wearing a black suit greeted him. Its tinted sunglasses was quite intimidating.

"W-Who are you?" Luca asked.

"Good day, Luca. I'm Vladimir, you may not remember me for what happened over these past few months, but trust me we've met. And I'm here to inform you that you're the last heir in line of the Vitiello clan in Russia, the biggest company is waiting for you to take over and of course, thirty billion euros in cash. Should I call you Don Luca Vitiello then?"